Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2550: Go to Dawei

"There are living creatures in the sacred original stone, then, is this meant to be a disaster for the existence of the world!?"

The five house owner frowned.

"Hey, never thought, our luck is so bad."

The ancestor of the Bai family also shook his head.

There was a fierce thing in the holy original stone, and this sin is going to be borne by the Jin Dynasty.

"The evil thing in the holy original stone has not appeared in hundreds of years. It is a family of gods in ancient times. Now, perhaps we should go to the heavenly clan."

The gaze of the Great Jin Kingdom was a little flickering, but in the end his gaze was fixed on the indigo mountain, and his face was suddenly happy!

Because, at this time, the vision has converged and turned into the shape of a pill!

The ancient Dan was drawn out of the holy original stone!

At this moment, everyone looked at that Gu Dan and took a breath.

The holy original stone is full of treasures, as long as something comes out, it is bound to be extraordinary.

This ancient alchemy is definitely an extremely precious existence without even thinking about it.

The Lord of the Jin Dynasty couldn't wait to take that ancient Dan in his hand.

Although he still does not know what this ancient alchemy is based on his thousand years of experience as the Lord of the Kingdom, the Dajin alchemy is prevalent, and the Lord has been immersed in the alchemy for many years. It is the undisputed number one alchemy of the Dajin Man, he can feel the power of that terrifying immortal impact from this ancient alchemy.

This ancient pill is definitely related to cultivation, and, most likely, it is a real-breaking pill!

In any case, he will not give up this ancient Dan.

"Hehe, it seems that what the Lord wants is this ancient pill?"

Ling Tian took the imperial weapon back to Taoyuan and said with a smile.

"Yes, the Dragon Emperor Jin belongs to you, can it!?"

The Lord of the Jin Dynasty nodded.


Ling Tian also put away the dragon emperor gold directly.

There are three things out of the five sacred rough stones, one of which is the ancient clan, but the Dragon Emperor Gold and the ancient Dan are absolutely priceless treasures.

Everyone was very excited and enjoyable.

"Lord, since the holy original stone has been processed, then I will leave!"

"Now, I will leave Dajin directly. You don't need to worry about me."

After that, Ling Tian smiled faintly, his figure flashed, and he left the treasury.

The Lord of Great Jin looked at Ling Tian's back and held the ancient Dan in his hand tightly.

Although he knows that the current Dajin is not qualified to keep Ling Tian, ​​but as long as this ancient Dan can make him an immortal, then he can still seek the human race.

Dajin Xian Dynasty may still be the first Xian Dynasty of the Human Race!

"Ling Tian, ​​I am waiting for you!"

Dajin, Donghua Fairy Mountain.

Ling Tian brought more than 5,000 warriors from Emperor Dragon City, and Ye Gucheng and others into the Wushuang Immortal Sect.

In the end, in order to make the Great Jin Dynasty Lord feel better, Ling Tian took away these immortal kings.

However, these people will still stay in Dajin.

Today, Wushuang Xianzong and Lengye Mountain Villa are already one of the eight great immortals in Dajin.

Moreover, in the buried Longyin Ruins, except for Yun Fei, all the other top immortal kings of Xianzong have fallen, and no one can threaten Wushuang Xianzong and Lengye Villa anymore.

However, Ling Tian still decided to divide these five thousand people into two parts and settled in Wushuang Xianzong and Lengye Villa respectively to prevent any accidents.

After all, the next time, two days will leave.

He was worried about his brother.

At least, these powerhouses of Emperor Dragon City can guarantee that no one exists and can threaten these two sects.

"Ling Tian, ​​are you really ready, are you leaving now!?"

In front of the mountain gate of the Wushuang Fairy Trace, Ye Gucheng, Leng Xuanye and others were all standing behind Ling Tian.

"Well, the delay in Dajin has exceeded the original plan. I want to go to Dawei as soon as possible."

"I have a hunch that something will happen to Wei Wei."

Ling Tian nodded, but frowned.

These days, his heart is inexplicably panicked.

This feeling rarely occurs.

Looking down at the star trails, fortunately, the two light spots on it flickered normally.

"All right, then you take care, when you see Mingyue sister-in-law, say hello to us!"

Leng Xuanye also said.

"Yes, I will."

Ling Tian turned around and looked at the three disciples.

Zuo Xianzhi, Ye Xichan and Leng Linfeng stepped forward.


"Don't blame Master, I can teach you not much. The inheritance and things have been left to you, but this time I can't take you to Dawei."

"It's too dangerous there. This time, even me, I'm not sure to get out of my body."

Ling Tianyu has a long heart.

"Master, you know, Xianzhi is not afraid of death."

Zuo Xianzhi spoke suddenly.

Among all the people, she has been with Ling Tian for the longest time.

"No, Xianzhi, you are not afraid of death, then I don't allow you to have an accident. Moreover, Dajin needs you. These five thousand Emperor Dragon City powerhouses cannot be managed by anyone. Here, you are my incarnation."

"Take it hard, and hope that Master will be proud of you when he sees you again."

Ling Tian stretched out his hand to wipe away the teardrops on Zuo Xianzhi's face.

"Hey, this time, the master can't be by your side and protect you."

"Master, don't worry, the disciple won't let you down!" Zuo Xianzhi suddenly stepped back, then knelt down in front of Ling Tian, ​​worshiping and knocking three times.

"Master is like a father, Xianzhi, never forget the grace of Master's teaching!"

Ye Xichan and Leng Linfeng also knelt around Zuo Xianzhi, worshiping three times and nine knocks.

"Apprentice, don't forget the kindness of Master's teaching!"

"Hehe, okay, okay!" Ling Tianchang took a breath, his hands floating, and the three of them stood up.

Then, his gaze fell on everyone.

Yun Fei, Duo Duo, Rong Rong, Bai Mengyi who is eager to weep, and the three princesses who hold their shoulders and smile.

"Everyone, go now and leave, there is definitely time to see you again, cherish it!"

Then, Ling Tian soared into the sky, and under the blue sky, a huge beast appeared at Ling Tian's feet.

One person, one beast, and the sky raised a long roar, the sound shook thousands of miles.

Then, slowly disappeared before everyone's eyes.


It wasn't until Ling Tian disappeared into the sky that everyone in front of the Wushuang Xianzong Mountain Gate bowed and bowed.

In the buried Longyin Ruins, if there is no Ling Tian, ​​they will all die.

Dajin Qifeng is endless, and above the peaks, giant beasts that cover the sky and the sun fly by.

All the warriors who saw this behemoth fell into the clouds and looked up in the mountains and valleys with respectful expressions.

As early as after Ling Tian was promoted to the big sect in the capital of the Jin Dynasty, he pressured the various big sect fairy kings, and Ling Tian's name resounded through the big Jin.

No one knows.

In the following new issue of the King's Record, the name of Chu Lingtian also appeared.

However, because Ling Tian at this time was only the cultivation base of the immortal monarch, so in the record of the kings, the immortal monarch was ranked first, and he became the first immortal monarch of the human race today.

However, everyone knows that this person has the combat power of the top immortal king, and now, his reputation has spread in Dawei.

At this time, on Xiao Qing's back, Ling Tian sat cross-legged.

In front of him, there was a group of lights floating.

These light clusters were all just cleaned out by the magic sting bee in Taoyuan.

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