Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2551: Magic Sword Royal Thunder [four more]

These treasures originally belonged to the Celestial Venerable Emperor Dragon City.

One part is the treasures collected by the Celestial Immortal from the Celestial Clan, and the other part is the ancient emperor's palace in the buried Longyin Ruins.

But no matter which one it is, it is the top inheritance of the immortal world today.

Ling Tian stretched out his hand and photographed one of the light groups in his hand.

Crushing the formation restriction on it, it was discovered that it was an ancient jade slip with the mark of the Celestial Clan on it.

It is the technique of the Celestial Clan!

Ling Tian took a deep breath. The jade slips that could be so treasured by the Celestial Immortal Venerable, the ranks of the exercises in it, can be imagined.

Moreover, just as in the Yin Ruins before, Ling Tian’s Prajna palm was considered to be the Celestial Divine Power, the Celestial Clan not only tops the immortal realm in martial arts talents, even if it is the inheritance of the exercises.

Of all, the power and effect of the power and effect of the same rank of the cultivation technique, the Celestial Clan, is the strongest, there is no doubt.

Ling Tian was holding the jade slip, his spiritual thoughts penetrated into it, and a line of golden ancient characters and totems appeared in front of Ling Tian.

"Godsend Holy Light Slash!"

This technique turned out to be the stunt of the clan Immortal Venerable that day!

Although it was a sword technique, Ling Tian couldn't resist the tyranny of this heaven-given sword technique.

At least, it is also the existence of the Four Elephant Swordsmanship that crushes the Tianji.

Enough to cultivate to the realm of Xianzun.

It's just a pity, it's not the inheritance of swordsmanship.

But in any case, this heaven-given sword technique is absolutely rare among the heavenly clan. It is a pity not to practice. After thinking about it, Ling Tian called out the clone and gave the god-given sword technique to the clone. He went to hone the sword intent.

After all, his ontology has run out of time.

Another light ball was crushed, it was still a jade slip, and it was still the technique of the Celestial Clan.

However, what made Ling Tian happy this time was that he had searched for years of physical fitness, and now he has found it.

"Wandering in the body!"

It is also a secret book that can be cultivated to the realm of Xianzun, and it is also a secret book of body law.

The movement speed of Ling Tian's body has always been his shortcoming. Even without turning on the Nine Transformations of the True Dragon, his body speed is not as fast as Zhao Min and Luo Yan in the realm.

In the Burial Longyin Ruins, Zhou Hua Xianzun was even in the realm of Xianzun, using his body like a teleportation.

Being able to teleport under the power of such a dense space in the Immortal Realm, this is the unique body mode of the Immortal Venerable.

Now, this Celestial Clan’s magical body method can allow Ling Tian to reach a movement speed comparable to that of the Immortal Venerable!

If something can be achieved, then Ling Tian's combat power will inevitably be brought to the next level.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Ling Tian put away the jade slip, and two light groups were captured by him again, breaking the formation on it, Ling Tian frowned.

Because these are still two jade slips!

However, unlike the previous jade slips, this jade slip was obviously older, and Ling Tian had never seen the totem on it.

Immediately, Ling Tian's heart was shocked.

Because these two jade slips, it is extremely likely that they came from the palace of the ancient Emperor Wu!

So if the things recorded in it are exercises...

Thinking of this, Ling Tian couldn't wait any longer, his spiritual thoughts penetrated into the jade slip, and even he was startled.

Sure enough, it was a technique, and in the first jade slip, it was recorded an ancient magical power called Earthshaking.

This technique is mysterious and refined, but its momentum is magnificent, and its power is particularly powerful.

Far beyond Ling Tian's previous imagination of supernatural powers.

This technique has gone beyond the so-called palm and boxing techniques, and the big palm seal.

There are only three tricks, the first trick is to shake the sky.

Raise your hand to turn the clouds, and the sky will change.

It can be palm, sweep, and support the sky.

With one shot, it will overturn the sky!

The second trick is to cover the ground!

The palm can cover the ground, and the bottom is cracked.

It can be a punch, it can collapse, and it can shake the ground.

One shot, it shattered the earth.

The last resort is the fission of heaven and earth.

That is the ultimate essence of this magical power, and it needs to be cultivated to the state of supernatural transformation before it can be used.

As for the power of this magical power, there is no record in the jade slip.

Moreover, the jade slip also said that Emperor Wu once used it once when he was young, and then it was because of too much power, far beyond the space taboo, and never used it again.

But it is enough to see the terrible power of this last resort.

If this earth-shaking cultivation was achieved, it would be enough for Ling Tian to sweep the Tianjiao of his generation.

Ling Tian was secretly overjoyed, this time he went to the Longyin Ruins to bury him, and the rewards were huge!

Now, he is already cultivating the hand of the Azure Dragon. Although it is not considered as the Azure Dragon Transformation, he has the power of 20% of the Azure Dragon Transformation. Coupled with this earth-shaking technique blessing, the supernatural power that can be displayed by then is terrifying enough.

The last jade slip, the formation on it is extremely powerful.

Ling Tian used one hundred thousand sword shadows to crack it with all his strength, and it took a full seven days and nights before he cracked the formation barrier.

But as the spirit infiltrated it, Ling Tian took a breath and stood up directly from Xiaoqing's back.

What is recorded in this jade slip is still a technique, but it is a sword technique!

The true tactics of Excalibur Yulei!

Among the jade slips, there is an ancient sword and thunder technique!

You know, Ling Tian's four elephants have already reached the bottleneck.

Asking the sky a sword is not enough to establish the universe.

Perhaps the only thing that can be used is the Ten Thousand Sword Formation.

But Ling Tian was originally from the swordsmanship, and he was a bit embarrassed that he didn't have a handy swordsmanship.

But now, how could the emergence of this Divine Sword Yulei True Secret Art stop Ling Tian's excitement! ?

Divine Sense swept the Yu Lei Zhen Secret Art. Although it was only a glimpse of it, it still consumed Ling Tian's day and night. Moreover, it consumed most of Ling Tian's Divine Sense and his will was dizzy.

God knows how far the rank of this divine sword Yulei has reached.

In short, after reading this sword technique, Ling Tian sat cross-legged on his back, closing his eyes for a long time and couldn't calm down.

Because this sword is so brilliant that it has almost subverted all the inheritance of swordsmanship that Ling Tian had practiced before! ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

The Divine Sword Yu Lei Zhen tactics, almost not to use the hands to protect the sword, but to use the heart to protect the sword.

When the mind moves, the sword will come out of the hole, and kill the enemy thousands of miles, without breaking or returning!

The sword moves for nine days, and the thunder is coming. After the thunder, the mountains and rivers will not be there, and the world will change. It is the magical power of extinction!

This sword tactic made Ling Tian seem to have seen the prosperous martial arts in the ancient times, the proud sword of the sky, the heroic and heroic figure of the sword to kill the enemy thousands of miles.

From then on, he Ling Tian, ​​to reappear the glory of the ancient sword fairy!

At this moment, Ling Tian suddenly opened his eyes, and within the sea of ​​qi, a hundred thousand sword intent roared, and the original sword intent skyrocketed again!


Xiaoqing roared to the sky and went straight into the blue sky.

At this time, all the martial artists in Wushan City looked at the dim sky in amazement.

They found that a figure stood like a sword on the giant beast, straddling Wushan, crossing the Wujiang River, taking one step at a great distance, and wandering away.

When I went to Dawei, Ling Tian was going to stir him up and down!

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