Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2553: Little Sheep

However, despite the appearance, this person's magical powers are not weak. When the folding fan falls in his hand, there are several multicolored sword lights, which are instantly condensed from the fan surface, like a ribbon in the sky, and the spiritual light shines in the dance, seemingly soft and dazzling. , In fact, there is a hidden edge.

Howled to the monster warrior.

Supernatural powers suddenly emerged, the demon king's complexion changed, especially when he sensed that the opponent was not weak in his supernatural powers, and it made him furious. It was too late to kill the killer. At the same time, the figure retreated violently. Cover up a barrier in front of you,

Protect yourself.

The multicolored storm sword slashed down, immediately revealing extremely powerful lethality, and the shield that the demon fairy king arranged trembled more than one wailing, and the aura on it was rapidly reduced at a clear and perceptible speed. This can not help but make the demon king. Even more furious.

However, the white-clothed human was obviously extremely dissatisfied with the failure of his supernatural powers to achieve meritorious work. At this moment, he curled his lips, "Hey, you guy, there are some ways, look at my spirit treasure!" This person paused for a while, his expression turned slightly twisted.

But at this moment, no one had the mind to pay attention to his complexion, just because the white-clothed young man's hand flashed with aura, a precious mirror-like spirit treasure had already been sacrificed, and in a flash, he went straight to the monster clan to fight.

The precious mirror is pure white like jade, with countless textures densely arranged on it, and the spiritual light shimmers slightly. Although it is not dazzling, the slight fluctuations in the breath escaping from it can't help but make the complexion pale.

The Monster Clan Immortal King gave a strange cry, but he was not actually resisting it. Compared with the Human Clan, the Monster Clan was inferior in that it could not mobilize the Tongtian Lingbao very well. With a strange cry, he turned and escaped wildly, speechless. There are a thousand lines of tears in my heart.

Was it easy to think about him? In order to hunt down this celebrity fairy king, I spent most of the day grinding it bit by bit, begging in my heart not to show up, so that he can get a lot of money. Seeing that he could succeed, he suddenly killed a young human fairy king, and he shot such a tyrannical Lingbao!

Bullying! It's really bullying!

If relying on his own magical powers, this monster clan would think it could fight, but seeing this top-quality Tongtian Lingbao shot, he instantly softened. There is no way, Ling this is a high-level treasure that can only be equipped by the realm-powerful, holding such a sky-reaching spirit treasure, in the battle power under the 9th-order immortal king, it can simply walk sideways.

So now, the tear-eyed fairy king of the Demon Race is cursing, while fleeing frantically, or maybe his life will not be guaranteed.

Even the rescued Human Race Immortal King, watching the white-clothed folding fan take action, and the precious mirror, could not help but flash in his eyes, but was quickly suppressed by him, turning into a sense of gratitude and awe. Thanks again and again.

The Supreme Tongtian Lingbao shot, simply and directly scared away this demon fairy king. The white-clothed boy was obviously extremely happy, with a look of excitement on his face, waving his fist and saying: "This time you run fast, if you hit it again next time In my hands, you must become the score of this young...this uncle!" This sentence is full of momentum, but he lacks the gloomy, cruel, and quite funny thing in his mouth. mean. But he obviously didn't think so, his face was smug.

"Under Zhao Dao, I would like to thank my son for helping today, and I cannot be thankful enough!" The injured fairy king stepped forward and hurriedly gave a deep salute, but after his face of awe, he was slightly cold.

The young man in white obviously didn't notice this, he pretended to wave his hand indifferently, coughed lightly, and said, "It's okay, you know, the Wind Mountain Range is very dangerous today. Your strength is low. Don't stay here for a long time. Go to the stronghold on the border earlier."

"Yes, yes, I am really careless. I will return to the stronghold after today. I don't know if there will be a chance to see the son. Today I have a treasure right to repay, and I ask the son to accept it."

After the man said, the light flashed in his hand, and a jade box suddenly appeared in his hand and presented it to the white-clothed boy.

"Oh!? Treasures!? Don't don't, I'm just you, but it depends on your human affection, how can you want something from you!?"

The white-clothed boy waved his hand again and again, turned and left.

"The son must not! This is a treasure that has been obtained after all the hardships. The demon fairy king just chased me for this thing. The son has a life-saving grace to me. If he does not accept this treasure, I feel uneasy!"

"No matter how bad, the son will look at this treasure too!? Maybe, you can use it!"

Then Zhao Dao hurriedly stopped the young man in white.

"In that case, let me see!"

A curious look flashed in his eyes, and he took the box and opened his eyes. He looked down at the jade box with a red color and a round body, a fruit about the size of a child’s fist. There was a bit of joy on his face, "What is this? The fruit is so fragrant!"

The triumphant color in Zhao Dao's eyes flashed, his gaze swept across the white-clothed young man, and then he explained in a low voice: "I don't know what this fruit is, but it is definitely a god-quality medicinal material. It is descending deep in the mountains. Occasionally in the dense forest!"

"However, the girl now feels fatigued, her flesh and blood are sour, the immortal essence is running slowly, and her divine mind is obscured by the misty breath!? If this is the case, it means that this fruit is a rare treasure!"

The face of the white-clothed young man changed. At this moment, the light flashed in his body was about to violently retreat, but at this moment, the body protector's vitality flashed, and it disappeared. This person only retreated seven or eight feet. A soft **** drops directly into the void

"You...! I saved you, why did you harm me!" The white-clothed boy spoke, his face pale, and his panic was hard to hide. He did carry a lot of family treasures on his body, and if he irritated them casually, he could kill the person in front of him. But at this moment, he was attacked unpreparedly. It was the divine consciousness and the immortal being instantly suppressed, and the treasure was empty but could not be stimulated, so he was naturally panicked.

Zhao Dao laughed loudly and clapped his hands: "Second, it's really wonderful. I can't imagine that although I didn't kill the demon fairy king today, I got a fragrant little sheep instead. Not only can I get a big deal, I can also taste A wonderful Yanfu."

"Hey, don't blame me either. If you want to blame, blame yourself for being pure. Even if you dare to walk alone with such a disguise technique, you should not cheat!"

This person clapped his hands and laughed, his face suddenly ruddy, his breath was calm, there was no panic before, and his face was full of pride, "Little girl, from your means, the background is definitely not trivial, so don't dare to go down Just let you go to avoid endless troubles. But you can rest assured, before sending you on the road, I will let you ecstasy-dying to taste this bliss, and it won't be a waste of you to walk in this world."

"Tsk tusk, this look, this figure, is really intolerable. In order to avoid extraneous branches, let's change the place first, and then come and enjoy you."

After Zhao Daoyan squeezed a mark, the young man in white was imprisoned by Xian Yuan and Divine Mind. There was no resistance to it, and he passed out in a coma like this. The man chuckled, reaching out to take him away.

However, at this moment, Zhao Dao's expression suddenly changed, and then he screamed, his figure shot backwards, the heat on his face had long since dissipated, and it turned into a sense of fright and anger.

At the moment when this person retreated, a flash of spiritual light flashed in the void, and a terrifying blade of light shot out and rushed straight down.

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