Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2534: Tianfeng Battlefield

Zhao Dao just used the Tongtian Lingbao to block it for a moment, and broke the sword light, and couldn't help but shout: "Who is it!? Is it because he wants to **** the prey down there?" After he finished speaking, his eyes were dead. Death swept across the surrounding area, the light flashed in his hand, and he had already taken another hook-shaped Tongtian Lingbao and held it in his hand. Obviously, he was quite jealous.

Being able to get close to this without being noticed by him, this kind of situation naturally made this person secretly frightened.

It was the moment the person's voice fell, and not far away, a faint light flashed, and then a figure shrouded in Tsing Yi appeared. Although he did not speak, a cold gaze shot out from his gaze, aura.

This person is naturally Ling Tian clone.

Zhao Dao's complexion changed slightly, and his pupils shrank for a while. Although he was only an eighth-order immortal king, he was able to travel in the Tianfeng Mountain Range today, relying on his insidious experience and experience of killing people and selling goods for hundreds of years.

He also trained a pair of poisonous eyes. Using a secret method, he could detect the opponent’s cultivation in advance, and even the existence of the immortal realm. He could also discover that he was careful not to provoke a character that he could not afford. Living steadily to this day, his cultivation has reached the level of the eighth-order immortal king.

In this Tianfeng Mountain Range, he has been walking around for many years, relying on various insidious tricks, and he doesn't know how many powerful people of various races have been killed.

Never missed!

In the past few years, Zhao Dao has gained a lot, with a lot of treasures, and he has grown a lot, which has greatly increased his confidence.

But today, looking at the Qingpao martial artist, an extreme feeling and the police suddenly rose in his heart, making him unable to resist the roots of his cold hair! This person is dangerous and must not be easily provoked, and what makes him even more unbelievable is that he can't see through this person's cultivation base, or said, this person seems to be just the immortal monarch's cultivation base.

But how is this possible! ? It’s not that much of the immortal monarch realm that can have such a coercion. Even if the Fengshan Mountain has become a battlefield for the arrogance of all races today, the nine sons of the Great Wei are among them, but the nine sons of the Great Wei are all immortal kings now!

Zhao Dao came to the conclusion easily. If it were in the past, he would naturally retreat carefully, but today, he just caught a fragrant beauty that made him unable to give up, and that Yanfu also made this person hot and intolerable.

"Fight, such a chance, I don't know when I can meet it once, how can I just let people go like this."

"Although the visitor is tricky, but with my means and careful planning, it may not be impossible to kill him. Maybe it is a great opportunity."

Zhao Dao is definitely not an indecisive person. At this moment, he has made a decision in his heart. The cold expression on his face disappeared, showing a little smile, and he said, "Now Zhao Dao is polite, you are only trying to get There are some benefits, and since this is the case, I might as well discuss it."

"If Zai Xia and Your Excellency share this person's treasures equally, but she has to belong to Xia Xia, how about?"

"Please be friendly and think carefully about this matter. If you want to swallow the treasure, you will not let it go. If you can't, you will have a fight with your Excellency. Once she attracts her, you and I will both get into trouble."

After speaking, this person's tone revealed meaning.

The warrior in Tsing Yi did not speak when he heard the words, motionless, in Zhao Dao's eyes, it seemed to be thinking in his heart.

Zhao Dao was overjoyed when he saw this. As long as the person didn’t say a word, he would have the opportunity to make a secret move. He stepped forward without a trace at the moment, and said: "Your Excellency, please make a decision early. Spread out, I am afraid that other warriors will come soon."

However, just as he handed over, the venomous color in the eyes of this person flashed, and a small pocket sword shot out from the sleeve of the silent and breathless robe. Its speed was swift, and it pierced into the Tsing Yi martial artist's body in an instant.

This little sword was not actually urged by Xian Yuan, it was the ancient treasure he had previously exchanged from the Dark Demon Race. There was no aura fluctuation. At such a close distance, few people could escape. This trick is rarely used by Zhao Dao, but he has never missed any of his actions.

The ancient treasure is highly poisonous, even the Immortal King’s body guard, Immortal Yuan, can’t stop it, even if it has a monster-like tyrannical body, it can’t stop it, and it will instantly disperse when entering the body, spreading to the whole body along the meridians. At most three breaths, the Ninth-order Immortal King can be poisoned, and the top-level Immortal King will suffer a lot from this poison!

"Hahahaha! Your Excellency has now hit my Gubao Doom Flying Sword, and I am afraid that it will give me another chance. Today is really the day of good luck, it should be a great harvest."

Zhao Dao laughed wildly, suddenly relaxed in his heart, and fell to Gubao.

But the next moment, the man’s laughter stopped abruptly, only to hear a cold snort from under the Qingyi, and then the ancient treasure flying sword shot backwards faster, piercing directly into Zhao Dao’s chest, above it. Carrying the toxin, the blood instantly spreads with a degree of craziness. This person quickly turned to black with clear visibility, and then rotted, with black blood dripping from it.

"How could it be that you are okay!" Zhao Daokou screamed, and the heart of the immortal king instantly broke away from the body, and he was very clear about his poisonous needle. If he hesitated for a little bit, he was afraid that the heart of the immortal king would be poisoned.

The heart of the immortal king was out of the body, this person did not dare to stay for a while, glanced at Ling Tian, ​​and fled away frantically.

The heart of the immortal king is the most important thing, even if the body is destroyed, as long as the heart of the immortal king does not die, and some means are spent, there is a day of rebirth. If there is further help from the treasure, the cultivation level can even be unfettered.

Zhao Dao was shocked, regretful, and resentful. At this moment, he flees madly. In a flash, he wants to use the magical powers of escape. The speed is extremely fast. As long as a short time, he can escape dozens of miles away. You can also escape today's killing and robbery.

But at this moment, Ling Tian's eyes flickered slightly and the corner of his mouth revealed a sneer, suddenly raised his hand, thinking of the direction in which Zhao Dao Yuanshen was escaping, and shook it firmly.

Drinking low and falling, the entire area suddenly solidified, and the void became a prison. The use of magical powers in any space will wipe out everything in it.

It's just a Tier 8 Immortal King. If it wasn't for the clone this time, even if he used more Tongtian Lingbao, he would be killed instantly.

Ling Tian snorted coldly, his body manifested, and he took the remaining head of Zhao Dao in his hands, and used the soul search technique to find the information he wanted.

"Tianfeng Battlefield!?"

However, the next moment, Ling Tian frowned.

Sure enough, today's Tianfeng Mountain Range has changed drastically!

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