Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2565: Tianjiao Qizhi

"What!? You said that Ling Tian has an order for an ancient heavy building!?"

The six Jun Bufan walked through the dense forest, but suddenly, the whole team suddenly stopped.

Na Jun Bufan stared at Yin Rourou behind him for an instant, his eyes widened, as if he had heard something extraordinary.

"Uh, yes, it should be correct. I have seen the token with my own eyes. It is indeed refined from ancient materials, and the totem on it is also a seven-story building, which is very similar to the ancient building order my father said."

Yin Rourou was frightened by Jun Bufan.

He has never seen Brother Bufan who has always been gentle and jade, so fierce, even, a little...sassy.

But Jun Bufan also knew that he had lost his temper, so he quickly reduced the stern look on his face and glanced at the others: "The desolate ancient building is not a trivial order, that hides our ultimate secret of the building."

"Why is it on this person!?"

"Junior Sister, has that guy ever said about his life experience!? Did he mention the Chaos Battlefield!?" The woman suddenly asked.

"Yes, the Celestial Clan has always coveted our heavy building. I heard that a group of people from the chaotic battlefield came out of the chaotic battlefield more than ten years ago. However, those people were later heard that they were all taken away by the Heavenly Clan."

"Master also said at the time that perhaps the desolate ancient building order has already been in the hands of the Celestial Clan.:"

"Uh, he, he did say that he walked out of the chaotic battlefield, and that token was also obtained from the pavilion master in the chaotic battlefield." Yin Rourou scratched his head, but you were so nervous about doing it. What, isn't it good that the desolate ancient heavy building order didn't fall into the hands of the Celestial Clan?

"After we got out of this no return, we pulled Ling Tian into our building, and all these problems were solved. Anyway, they are all people from the building!" Yin Rourou spread her hands.

"Junior sister is right. This is good news. If you see Ling Tian again, everyone must stay behind him. Let's go. Let's continue on our way!"

Jun Bufan smiled faintly, turned around and led the team to continue flying.

But after turning around, the smile on his face suddenly turned into killing intent.

The desolate ancient building order, actually appeared.

I am afraid that the master has never said to Yin Rourou that the one who gets the order of the ancient heavy building shall be the master of the heavy building!

The great opportunity of this day is here in the abyss, how could he let it go! ?

Ling Tian! ?

Ha ha, whether you are Ling Tian from Chu Kingdom or not, you are bound to die!

Although Buguiyuan is huge, it is in the abyss after all. Moreover, although there are fierce beasts in ancient times, as the warriors of various ethnic groups increase, these fierce beasts are also hidden. . ,

There is no way, there are hundreds of thousands of Tianjiao martial artists gathered in the abyss of no return, and among them, there are those who are comparable to the top immortal kings. Even if the fierce beast is strong, it is impossible to wait here. Survive under the force, so they all hide their breath, waiting for these people to leave as soon as possible.

And Ling Tian followed the six-person team in the heavy building all the way to the gathering place of the human race.

With Ling Tian's combat power and divine power, he followed behind, even if it was Jun Bufan, he wouldn't even want to detect it.

But half a day later, under the leadership of Jun Bufan, the six members of Zhonglou traversed dense forests and finally arrived at the gathering place of Human Race Tianjiao Martial Artists.

Along the way, they have never seen any fights, and they seem to be very anxious.

However, Ling Tian, ​​who followed him, swept all the dark demons he encountered along the way, collecting a wave of points.

Compared to the Human Race, Ling Tian hated the Dark Demon Race even more.

After all, the demons are not all the treacherous generations. Among Ling Tian's friends and brothers, there are also demons.

In the future, he will inevitably break with the Celestial Race and face the Dark Demon Race, so Ling Tian will not kill the Demon Race under the circumstances of last resort.

However, just as Ling Tian was about to catch up with Jun Bufan and the others, and arrived at the gathering place of the human race, a series of terrifying auras rose to the sky, and it turned out to surround the gathering place of the human race from all directions!

All the major ethnic groups suddenly dispatched at this moment!

Is it possible that the war is about to begin! ?

Ling Tian frowned. From these breaths rising to the sky, he did feel a few tyrannical auras. The combat power seemed to be no worse than those of the top immortal kings of Dajin, as expected. In general, both the Yaozu and the Dark Mozu have come to the incredible Tianjiao.

At least, better than Jun Bufan.

I'm afraid it's the top ranking of the Demon Kings in the Dark Demon Race, and some of them have come down.

After thinking about it, Ling Tian concealed his breath, displayed the magical body technique, and appeared on a mountain wall near the place where the human race gathered during the teleportation. Even these top arrogances would definitely not be able to hide there. aware.

At this time, Ling Tian didn't intend to shoot immediately. He wanted to see how many catties of these so-called arrogances of the major ethnic groups were enough for him to fight alone.

The place where the human race gathers is well chosen. It is located in the abyss of no return, above a water system. This water system is like the Yangtze River, extending in all directions, and has a length of thousands of miles. At this time, there are tens of thousands of human races gathered here. , Among the major ethnic groups, the number is considered to be the largest.

The waves above the water system are surging endlessly, and the sound of rumbling water waves hitting the shore is like a roar of thunder, low and heavy.

At this time, within the gathering, tens of thousands of people stood there, and they each formed a battle formation.

In the center of the battle formation at this time, there were three figures floating at this time.

One of them was the Chonglou Jun Bufan that Ling Tian had just met.

And the other two, the clothes on their bodies are similar, and Ling Tian has also seen Li Haoran before. Obviously, they are the legendary Xuantian authentic.

Moreover, one of the three is headed and has the most aggressive aura. He is tall and dressed in golden armor. Although he is born in the right way, he looks more like a human warrior who is not angry and prestigious, with a man behind his back. The huge golden long sword is overwhelmingly overwhelming.

This person is the first disciple of Xuantian Zhengzong right now, Li Futu!

On the other side, it was the second disciple of Xuan Tian Zhengzong, Zhang Zhengxuan.

Around them, the lost human races stood around, most of them came from Skywind City. They arrayed according to the level of cultivation, and looked at the countless auras rising in all directions, their expressions tense.

Among these breaths, it was a black glow that soared to the sky, which was the strongest. After a while, these black winds whizzed around, manifesting the figures of dark demons. These powerful demons are burly and sturdy, with a cold complexion, and there is a strong demon qi toss out of the body, and they are interconnected with each other. , Condenses the demon energy, turns into the first-born double horns, there are tens of thousands of them, above its community, the aura manifests into a demon shadow, standing upright on the ground, the invisible domineering aura comes from this demon shadow overwhelmingly, domineering and overwhelming!

On the left side is the gathering place of the Yan-Swallowing Tiger Race of the Monster Race. Tens of thousands of Monster Race powerhouses roared, and the strong flame demon power rises into the sky, condensing the Chiyan Sky Tiger phantom, with a powerful and inspiring manner. Don't dare to underestimate it.

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