Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2566: The mysterious atmosphere under the abyss of no return

Not far from the Demon and Dark Demon Race, from behind the Human Race, the powerhouses of other Demon Races, such as the Heavenly Crocodile Race and the Fanged Saint Bear Race, abound.

The human, demon, and dark demons all gathered together at this time.

Murderous intent is faint, shaking this world.

The tens of thousands of warriors, with the lowest cultivation base, are all in the realm of top immortal monarchs. They have not yet fought against each other. Just the explosion of this breath is enough to shatter the entire sky, and the vastness is surging endlessly.

However, at this moment, the major ethnic groups gathered, but they failed to break out. They were silent here, seeming to be waiting.

Among these ethnic groups, Ling Tian also saw the so-called terrifying arrogance of the so-called Demon Race and Dark Demon Race.

However, he didn't know both of them.

Among the Dark Demon Clan, the arrogant cultivation base that day was extremely high, and it had reached the late stage of the Tier 3 Demon King, what looked like, the Dark Demon Clan were similar, and Ling Tian hadn't distinguished it very clearly until now.

Among the monster races, the strongest is the younger generation of the Yan-Swallowing Tiger race, whose cultivation base has also reached the level of the third-order fairy king, which is similar to the human race's Li Futu.

From the perspective of breath, all three of them can match the top fairy king, but the guy from the Dark Demon Race is undoubtedly the most powerful.

Seeing this, Ling Tian couldn't help but sneer, these strong men, but so.

Immediately closed his eyes slightly, self-care.

But at this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, the light in his eyes flickered slightly, and he raised his head to look at the void.

The next moment, an astonishing aura suddenly burst out from the dark demon race, he turned into a cloud of black light, and whizzed straight to the place. The breath is strong, and the wanton dissemination has no trend of convergence, which is obviously intentional.

"The Dark Demon is invincible, and the King of Jimo will win!"

"Jimo is invincible!"

In the place where the Dark Demon Race gathered, tens of thousands of Dark Demon Race warriors suddenly uttered cheers and roars, and the sound billowed into the sky.

The black light escaped extremely fast, and appeared directly above the dark demon in a flash. After converging, it revealed a body of wings and turned into the existence of the dark demon. It was the strongest of the dark demon. It turned out that this guy was called Jimo.

But at this moment, from above the demonic tribe, the powerhouse of the Yan-Swallowing Tiger tribe also rose to the sky, exuding spiritual coercion not much worse than that of Jimo, and fell directly on the Tiger tribe, the tiger tribe’s The body manifests itself, the firstborn has a single horn, has two wings on its back, and is enveloped in fiery flames.

As if to burn the world.

The roar of a tiger shocked the world, and made all the powerhouses of the monster clan become more powerful!

"The one-horned tiger king is unparalleled in the world!"

"Unparalleled in the world!"

The Yaozu growled in a low voice, the sound was rolling, and the drums were endless!

The first of the two major ethnic groups appeared, and instantly detonated the peaceful situation of Non-Returning Yuan. The breath of the major ethnic groups burst out, the general trend rose, and each other competed and confronted each other, and they all wanted to overwhelm the heroes and take the lead.

The other Tianjiao of the Yao Race and the Dark Demon Race, who are in the forefront, are suspended between the heaven and the earth, allowing the aura of their respective races to rise steadily.

The warriors of all ethnic groups shouted in unison for the names of their strong men and turned into a wave of voices.

"Haha, monsters, dark demons, you are all coming to the gathering place of my human race, do you want to show me the color of Li Futu!? But my Li Futu is here, human race, there is no room for humiliation." Faint voice It sounded, in the place where the demon cloud and demon energy fiercely contended, there was a sudden explosion of righteousness.

The majestic, majestic, upright, thick, shocking, I feel awe.

Under the blessing of Xuantian's authentic Haoran mind, Li Futu was full of gold armor, bursting into the sky with the righteousness of gold, and shouted!

Human Race Li Futu, the second of the nine sons of Wei, at this time, finally began to rise!

"Xuantian Li Futu! The Human Race is insulting!"

"Xuantian Li Futu! The Human Race is insulting!"

For a time, after Li Futu, Jun Bufan and Zhang Zhengxuan also rose to the sky.

Jun Bufan wore a white mountain, holding a folding fan, his face was like a crown of jade, his eyes were like stars, and he still had the breath of a gentleman like a jade, gentle and steady. Even at the moment, the corners of his mouth still had a faint smile, gentle and simple.

Zhang Zhengxuan's appearance is no longer under the monarchy, he is holding the fairy sword in his hand, and the fairy king's light wings bloom behind him, as if there are thousands of sword lights floating!

Xuantian Zhengzong is the right way, and the one who cultivates is also the sword.

Compared with the previous Li Haoran, Zhang Zhengxuan was too tyrannical. The sky full of sword intent turned into golden light and shadow, and the sword intent was so strong that it was already at the level of the original sword intent.


Between the demon cloud and the demon aura, the human aura occupies a bit, and the three form a three-legged state, contending with each other, and they all want to overwhelm their opponents by one point.

Although it is fighting with momentum, it is extremely important. When the immortal kings of the same level fought, especially those of the same level of strength, if they had the upper hand, they would burst out with the strongest combat power. Otherwise, they would be restrained.

The Dark Demon Race Jimo, the Monster Race Unicorn Tiger King, and the Human Race Li Futu are all rare geniuses in this world. The most dazzling rising power among the billions of warriors of the ethnic group, so the confrontation among the three populations seems to be unpredictable. But it already contains personal energy and spirit, and there is a dynamic confrontation between talking and laughing, and they do their best to shoot, no one dares to relax a little.




The demon cloud is raging, the evil spirit is tumbling, and the righteous spirit is majestic. The three strong men use the fighting spirit of the ethnic group to fight. Although they did not officially fight, but the coercion of this aura struggle made the whole world silent, and countless lights gathered , Making these three powerhouses the most dazzling existence in the world.




However, because of the human community, in the middle, the dark demons and monsters' auras were suppressed, and all fell on the heads of the humans. Three spatial cracks suddenly appeared, all of which were ten thousand meters in size, stretched out, and strong suction erupted from them. , The river flows up against the current, the huge boulder is tumbling in the air, and thousands of years old trees are uprooted and swallowed in them, the momentum is terrifying.


Li Futu, Jun Bufan and others tried their best to resist, and the breath of the people was still there. However, this was just a few breaths after insisting on it, and it was slowly falling.

Although the human race has the most people, its true combat power is still incomparable with the monster race and the dark demons.

The Terran lost Xianzhou, and it was inferior in its heart. Today, many of the tens of thousands of people are timid in their hearts.


Above the mountain wall in the distance, Ling Tian shook his head. If the Human Race was defeated in this imposing confrontation, then in today's fight, the Human Race must be fish on the chopping board and let it be slaughtered.

Therefore, Ling Tian raised his hand and secretly blessed the human race with the supreme will, so that the war intent would skyrocket in an instant, breaking through the suppression of the two races in one fell swoop, standing proud and not returning to the abyss!


However, Li Futu, Jun Bufan and others thought it was their own credit. For a while, they laughed and laughed like dragons and tigers roaring, intertwining and rising, and then stopped at the same time and took a step back. Is intangible.

In a three-party game, no one can do anything about the other side. If the confrontation continues, it will not only be useless, but will also cause damage to oneself. These are all thoughtful, where would you do such a stupid thing, and then naturally stop, anyway, now the human race is above the aura of the battle, and has not lost.

Well, even if you win first.


And the tens of thousands of warriors below were very excited. Looking at the sky above, the three people standing in the clouds were all admired.

Human race can be such a tyrannical three people, then, what are you afraid of! ?

Seeing this, Ling Tian couldn't help sighing. This was clearly his credit.

But no matter what, let these three people be happy for a while, anyway, the final winner is still him.


However, at this moment, Ling Tian suddenly felt that there was a mysterious aura trembling in the water system at the feet of this human race.

This breath is extremely weak, if it weren't for Ling Tian's divine mind to be very sensitive, I'm afraid it would have gone wrong.

Immediately, Ling Tian's media jumped, and secretly said in his heart, is it possible that it is the legendary treasure, and it is really not returning to the abyss! ?

However, now that aura was hidden under the feet of the human race, Ling Tian couldn't go down and check, he could only lock the aura secretly, and wait for this fight to see what it was.

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