Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2567: challenge

Within Buguiyuan, the powerhouses of all races divided and occupied one area, confronted with aura, and between their eyes, there was a faint faint air flow.

The powerhouses of the great groups, Jimo, Dujiao, Li Futu Jun extraordinary, Zhang Zhengxuan, and others are facing each other this time, and the general momentum rises outside the body, and their own majestic coercion is born from the void and swayed down.

But the next moment, that Jimo suddenly sneered.

"It's really rare, Li Futu, you wait for us to come here to do not return to the Yuan, are you just preparing these people!? Little Tianfeng City powerhouse, don't you want to get revenge on me in Jimo!?"

"There are only three big Wei nine sons here, but it's not enough for me to kill!"

The Jimo voice fell, and the huge Demon Clan's body also turned into a humanoid state in black armor.

"Yes, moreover, let me come to the Flame Devouring Tiger Clan, is it possible, are you planning to unite with me to fight the Dark Demon Clan together!?"

The one-horned fairy king of the Yan-Swallowing Tiger clan also turned into a human form and descended.

"What about the sorrow of Wei's first son!? Let him come out and die!"

"Haha, that is, among the human races, Situ Jiuxiao can take a look!"

Other powerful dark demons also clamored.

"Hmph, since I have the courage to let you come more, I have the confidence to avenge the human race!"

"One-horned, don’t you know what you have done!? Half a month ago, my human race and the dark demons were fighting near Skywind City. It was you who attacked the Yanyan Tiger clan and let me Skywind City warriors. Nearly a thousand people were killed and injured, and we have to settle this account!"

Faced with the two major ethnic groups, Li Futu said coldly.

"Haha, it's ridiculous, you human race, you also need us to sneak attack!? Even if it's you, it's not my single-handed opponent, don't make me laugh!"

The one-man sneered.

"I said, you two weak, don't talk nonsense, how do you want to fight!?"

"If it starts now, then I will urge my dark demon clan to kill all of you guys!"

That Jimo was impatient.

"Brother Li, the demon race is here prepared, we can't compete in this battle!"

Jun Bufan said behind Li Futu.

"Damn it, I didn't expect this guy to be so shameless, then you say, what can we do!?"

Li Futu frowned, and he was not sure.

"In the challenge mode, first look at the opponent's depth, and it can also consume their combat power!"

Jun Bufan smiled.

"Challenge!? What rules!?’

"That's the case for me." Jun Bufan stepped forward, "Everyone, this war of no return to Yuan is an unprecedented event after the establishment of the Tianfeng Battlefield. I have a proposal for Jun Bufan. Before the war, it is better. Let us first let the warriors of their respective races come up to challenge and see who is the real strongest arrogant of the Tianfeng battlefield, how about!?"

Jun Bufan's strategy is to slow down. Otherwise, now in the regional form of the human race, it will inevitably be besieged by the dark demons and monsters before and after the battle, and after the challenge, there is still time to adjust the formation.

Jun Bufan had many tricks, and he was also famous in Dawei.

Li Futu also had to adopt it.


However, that Jimo frowned, and then coldly said: "It's ridiculous, what qualifications do you human race have, to challenge the proud son of the dark demons like me, the weak human race that died with three punches and two kicks!?"

And the one horn of the Yan-Swallowing Tiger Clan, before he could say anything, Jun Bufan smiled and said, "Why, is the Jimo Demon King, who is ranked in the top ten of the Dark Demon Clan Demon Kings list, afraid of not being challenged!?"

"You say I dare not!?"

Then Jimo was immediately enraged, and immediately said, "Okay, then I promise you, today, according to your arrangements, anyway, in the end it is to die!"

"Challenge, my monster clan has no objection!"

The one-horned tiger clan also nodded, but: "Challenges can't be without prizes. What about the winners and losers in each round!?"

At this moment, among the dark demons, a thin demon standing behind Jimo's eyes flashed, and he stood up and said: "The one-horned fairy asked well. Since it is a challenge on the stage, it is natural to have his destiny. It’s not as easy to say that if a person loses his life, a treasure on his body will naturally belong to the victor."

"Even if the loser does not die, he still needs to establish a blood contract and automatically hand over his most precious weapon or spirit treasure."

"I don't know this proposal, do you have any objections?"

The voice of the strong dark demon clan fell, and there was an inhalation sound from the four sides.

Even Jun Bufan's face changed suddenly.

His proposal just now was just a slow-down strategy, but obviously, among the demon kings of the Dark Demon Race, there were also tricksters.

Under his proposal, to challenge the dead, there will be nothing, and the losers must also hand over their most precious treasures. Then before the war, this dark demons may have an advantage!

Moreover, this challenge was proposed by Human Race Jun Bufan, and he could only agree to it.

"Okay, that's exactly what the Dark Demon Race Hunk Demon King said!"

After gritting his teeth, Jun Bufan retreated.

"Hehe, huh, I didn't bring you here for nothing!"

The Jimo Demon patted the thin demon on the shoulder and smiled.

"Hehe, it's a good show, but it's just beginning. Although these human race ants are weak, it is good to play before killing them, but you have to promise me Jimo, this beautiful woman in the human race..."

In the small scarlet eyes of the skinny devil, there were all the colors of licentiousness.

"Hehe, don't worry, you are naturally left to choose!"

The Jimo Devil laughed.

"I will take the blood oath first. After the challenge begins, only ten people are allowed to meet each other. During the challenge, no one else can intervene, regardless of victory or defeat!"

Jimo stepped forward, forcing a stream of blood, condensed on a talisman seal, suspended above the sky.

"Come on, Li Futu!"

"Just don't interfere!"

The Unicorn Immortal King and Li Futu glanced at each other, naturally not afraid, they forced the blood out one after another, forming a blood oath.

"Who will come first!"

The unicorn fairy said lightly.

Li Futu looked at Jun Bufan behind him, but the latter shook his head.

"Human race, don't get ahead!"

"Damn it!" Li Futu shook his head, but could only press his anger in his heart, letting Jun Bufan secretly mobilize the human community.

He attaches so much importance to Jun Bufan, on the one hand, there is also Yin Rourou's reason, because Xuantian Zhengzong now wants to draw Chonglou to join the Xuantian Zhengzong camp in order to suppress the Xuantian Devil Valley.

Fortunately, the Lord of the Chonglou did not object, and he might even marry Yin Rourou. Naturally, Li Futu was happy to see the result, so he was also willing to give Jun Bufan face.

"Haha, that's all, the human race is really a scheming rat, my dark demons challenge first!"

At this moment, from behind that Jimo, a figure of the demon flew out, floating among the major ethnic groups.

"Who will challenge me!"

The demon king looked at the demon clan, obviously, he wanted to challenge the demon clan.

At the very least, the monster race is more powerful than the current human race.

This demon king appeared, and his whole body was surging with devilish energy. The second-order demon king's cultivation base was higher than that of the ninth-order fairy king, and he was indeed a rare powerhouse.

The pupil of the unicorn fairy shrank.

Today's battle is not only important to the peak warriors of all races, even some of the warriors who have not been well-known before, also hope that they can gain fame in one fell swoop. Although there are no terrifying powerhouses present here, the warriors of all races all understand that at this moment, their every move must be under the attention of the senior leaders of all races, even in this non-returning abyss, the senior leaders of all races are absolutely absolutely There is a way to know the situation here, and no one doubts about this.

So naturally no one wants to miss this opportunity, even if they know the risk is great, but for the future, they will not hesitate to take their lives as a bet to let them go!

"Hey, it's said that the Dark Demon Clan is second only to the Celestial Clan in talent. My Sky Crocodile Clan is not convinced. Let me see what you guys of the Dark Demon are capable of!"

A sneer sounded, and after the one-horned tiger clan, an ugly, angry demon king rushed into the sky in an instant.

The crocodile is also of ancient blood, among the monster race, the race is not small, not under the Yan-Swallowing Tiger race.

"Hehe, the evil Bitu Demon King takes action, this battle, my Demon Race is stable!"

The single horn suddenly nodded, and his heart settled.

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