Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2573: Buddha statue

However, although these fake Demon Venerable Domains were nothing in Ling Tian's eyes, they were scary enough for the warriors of all races in this non-returning abyss.

Suspended in the domain, the Jimo Demon sneered one after another.

"Hehe, I said, today, no matter who you are, you will die here in the abyss of no return!"

"Li Futu, I heard that your origin power is good, and although my dark demons cannot have the origin, they can indeed swallow the origin power and increase their talents. Today, your origin power belongs to me!"

"Hmph, if you want my original power, you have to see if you have the ability to take it away!"

"Xuantian authentic, Buddha Immortal Venerable, manifest!"

That Li Futu shook his arms and shouted, and the will of the immortal venerable behind him was manifested between the heaven and the earth, reaching a height of three thousand feet.

That Immortal Venerable Shadow, it was an ancient Sword Venerable with a golden sword on his back, surrounded by endless aura of righteous path, the will and the coercive force, it was extremely terrifying.

Even if Ling Tian saw this, he couldn't help frowning, and secretly said that the nine sons of Wei are indeed not as weak as he thought. As far as Li Futu is concerned, this person's martial arts talent is definitely in the Great Jin Dynasty, and no one can. And.

Moreover, the will of this Immortal Venerable is extremely terrifying, even if it is inferior to the ancient will of Qin Mingyue Ye Gucheng and the others, among the Immortal Venerable, it is still top-notch.

Under the blessing of the will of the Immortal Venerable, all the cultivation bases of the third-order immortal king dispersed, allowing Li Futu to ignore the pressure of the dark demon clan domain in an instant.

Li Futu took down the golden sword behind his back, smiled coldly, and said lightly: "I heard that the Jimo Demon King is in the Dark Demon Clan and is also a princely bloodline. There should be this ancient demon bloodline on his body. I don't want anything from Li Futu, and kill you. Now, using the blood of ancient demons to make wine and drink, isn't it beautiful!?"

Gu Mo Gushe's complexion changed slightly, his eyes flickered, and then he smirked. The other party dared to laugh at the ancient demon bloodline, which indeed touched his Ni scales.

"Li Futu, anger me, it will only make you die worse!"

"Hunk, you are responsible for cleaning up other people, this Li Futu, I will kill it myself!"

"Hey, good to say!" In the boundless darkness, the thin demon king also opened the demon transformation battle body, the aura is strong, only Jimo is a little worse.

"I'll take this Demon King!"

Jun Bufan danced the folding fan in his hand.

"Haha, you!? I'm afraid it's not enough!"

Zhang Zhengxuan was not convinced.

But the Unicorn Immortal King felt that he was being ignored, and was immediately furious. The blood of the Demon King opened up, swallowing the world, and the crimson demon phantom appeared between the heaven and the earth.

In short, at this moment, the breath of all the strong is no longer reserved, and it explodes, billowing demon aura, mighty righteousness and fierce demon aura, like the same black, white, one red, three two-out abyssal dragons, rising up into the sky, wantonly. .

The powerful breath rushed forward, and outside the battlefield, other warriors of various races retreated one after another. The battle of these powerful people, just the aftermath, was enough to kill them on the spot.

The whole Buguiyuan was silent at this moment, and the eyes of countless strong men were attracted to the past.

The Jimo Demon King, facing Li Futu and the Unicorn Demon King, laughed loudly, even when facing the top talents of the Human Race and the Demon Race, he still did not fear the slightest.

The magic sound roared, he who turned on the magic transformation body, the magic shadow behind him was magnificent, and it was full of feet.

The battle body of the Dark Demon Race is opened, and the flesh and bones are stronger than steel. Every move is mixed with unmatched strength, and it looks like a black iron, giving people a strong visual impact. It seems that this demon can smash the world with one punch.

But this time, it is far from over.


The demon shadow manifesting behind the Jimo Demon King suddenly roared in his mouth, and then there was endless rich demon energy in the void, all pure, dark and sticky, like a tide like a wave wrapped around his demon body, the leaping and jumping condensed into Outside the body of the demon, with double horns on the head, blood-red eyes, standing upright!

With the help of the power of the realm displayed by the formation method, it is still possible to bless the blood of the ancient demon of Jimo, making Jimo at this time so powerful that it can't be added.

"This kind of ancient demon battle body!"

"So strong, Jimo Demon King is well-deserved, indeed much more powerful than our nine sons of Wei!"

"This is the combat power of the Demon Lord!"

"Li Futu and the One Horned Flame Swallowing Demon King are too far apart from this class!"

"It's over, don't we all die at the hands of the Dark Demon Race!?"

Just when many human warriors murmured, Li Futu's face was calm. Obviously, Jimo's use of methods did not surprise him, and it can also reflect the confidence in this person's heart.

"Xuan Tian Haoran, gather the mighty righteousness, fearless origin, help me sweep the evil spirits, and return a bright universe in this world!"

Li Futu opened his mouth piously, the majestic aura in his body dissipated, and the vastness of the soup, like a huge ocean, appeared to be decayed and decayed.

Above the center of his forehead, there is the light of the original manifestation.

Under the blessing of the original power, the will of the three thousand zhang Xianzun behind him was illusory, and the coercion was even greater.

Holding a golden sword in his hand, Li Futu pointed directly at the Jimo Demon, "Come on, in this battle, either you will die or I will die!"

When the voice fell, the golden sword in Li Futu's hand was suddenly cut off.

It was as if the sword of ancient justice was cut down, the sword master behind that roared, tens of thousands of swords light, and wanted to tear the realm of Jimo.

And the one-horned Demon King of the Yan-Swallowing Tiger Clan also roared with his arms, a fiery red battle axe manifested in his hand, and it was cut down towards that Jimo.

The top Tianjiao of the two races of shemales and monsters, at this time, joined forces to directly kill the Jimo Demon King in the domain.

"Hehe, just your supernatural powers are also worthy to kill me!?"

The Jimo Devil and the Demon behind sneered.

With a big hand waving, suddenly from the heavens and the earth, there is endless demon energy of its own, as if being imprisoned, and a palm print is instantly condensed, cold and atmospheric, containing endless magical powers, mixed with terrifying dark demon power.


It seemed that heaven and earth collided, the sound of the explosion rang around the world, and the power of endless destruction exploded from the center of the hand, and exploded.

The horror of the three strong shots.


The entire space suddenly burst at the moment when the three powerhouses were fighting each other, and countless spatial fissures quickly spread to the surrounding sky.

Sounds and cyclones swept away, as if the devil's supernatural powers spread, and each path was mixed with a mighty force.

call out!

The warriors of all races near the battlefield changed their complexions at this moment. The violent aura from where they were fighting was instantly suppressed, which made the chest feel nauseous and pale. The warriors under the immortal king of the order showed the color of pain even more, and the corners of their mouths showed blood. Even the unlucky person who was hit by the storm and was hit hard in an instant, it made the warriors look disillusioned.

The strong people of all ethnic groups shouted in unison, and their bodies immediately condensed into a shield, guarding the warriors of their respective ethnic groups, looking dignified and looking at the two warring parties.

The top powerhouses of these three ethnic groups fight against each other, it is really terrifying.

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