Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2574: No match at all

"Haha, Jimo Demon, worthy of being the top ten junior demon king of my dark demon clan, it seems that I can't be lazy!"

Under the storm, Na Hun Gu, Jun Bufan and others were not affected much.

And the former sneered at this time, "Obviously let you taste the power of my demon lingbao!"

"Soul Devouring Blood Bead, give me these guys, suppress them all!"

In the sneer of the Demon King, from behind, a blood-red bead flew in the sky.

The rank of the Tongtian Lingbao, but it reveals the boundless aura of evil, above the blood beads, the blood mist is permeated, making the people such as Jun Bufan and others who are in the domain of the demon even more coercive.

Not only that, the Demon King Hun Gu also directly initiated the magic transformation and displayed his combat body.

Suddenly, he grabbed at Na Jun Bufan and Zhang Zhengxuan.

"Human child, come and try my dark demons' supernatural powers!?"

"Hmph, don't humiliate my human race!"

Before that Zhang Zhengxuan shot, Jun Bufan had already stepped forward.

Behind the back, there is the will of the Immortal Venerable, which manifests in an instant to bless the combat power.

call out!

In the void, there are thousands of righteous auras condensed out of it. This aura is not time-condensed with spiritual energy, it seems to be born from the world’s living beings. At this moment, it gathers under the power of the underworld and condenses behind Jun Bufan. A phantom immortal statue of nearly three thousand feet.

That phantom is different from Li Futu, but it is also extremely powerful.

He wore a crown on his head, wearing a green shirt, holding a folding fan, and his eyes were long and narrow.

This is suddenly Jun Bufan's will!

Seeing the will of the Immortal Venerable behind Jun Bufan manifested, Zhang Zhengxuan was shocked.

Because, as far as he knew before, Jun Bufan's Xianzun's will was not so tyrannical. Now, isn't it comparable to Li Futu! ?

Moreover, Jun Bufan’s exercises can also gather the righteousness of the world, this inheritance is very similar to the Xuantian authentic sect!

"Qingxinling, protect my body!"

Not only that, above the head of Jun Bufan, a blue bell was suspended, allowing Jun Bufan to ignore the coercion of the blood bead and restore all his combat power to his peak state.

It is also the Tongtian Lingbao, and it is the best level among the Tongtian Lingbao.

As the first disciple of Chonglou, Jun Bufan naturally has no shortage of superb spirit treasures.

The next moment, the folding fan in his hand was pressed down, trying to suppress the big hand of the Demon King Hunk.


The two supernatural powers were regretful, but the next moment, Jun Bufan gave a muffled groan and was shaken back.


The strength of the Devil King is out of his medical treatment.

"If I also have the only source of power, how can it be so!?"

Jun Bufan was ashamed and unwilling.

"Hehe, Jun Bufan, I said before, you still don't try to be brave!"

That Zhang Zhengxuan sneered, and greeted him with a fairy sword.

Suddenly, the powerful of all races began to besiege the Demon King Hunk.

"Hey, interesting and interesting, come on, come on together, this devil, play with you for a while!"

Demon King Hunk laughed, and didn't put these people in his eyes at all.

And most of the warriors' eyes still fell on that Jimo, Li Futu, and the Unicorn Demon King. After all, the victory or defeat of these three powerhouses determined the outcome of this battle against the Yuan.

However, looking at the supernatural powers of the three powerful men one after another regrettable, the faces of the Monster Race and Human Race warriors became more gloomy and disappointed.

Because, the Jimo Demon King ranked second, and he still had the absolute upper hand.

Even so, the Demon King and Li Futu of the Yan-Swallowing Tiger Clan seemed to have displayed a series of trump cards.


The first to be killed out of the battlefield was the Yan-Swallowing Demon King of the Demon Race. He was hit in the chest with a punch by Jimo Demon King’s horrible shadow. Even though the Demon Race’s body was fierce, he was almost blasted into blood with a punch. fog.

The one-horned Demon King of the Yan-Swallowing Tiger Clan fell under the battlefield, and his eyes were filled with pain and fear.

At this time, he completely understood how terrifying this, Jimo Demon King, was.

And even if there is a golden ancient bell floating above the head of the remaining human race Li Futu, it is a magic weapon that is stronger than the extraordinary Tongtian Lingbao, but under Jimo's dark demon supernatural powers, it still screams. Endless.

Such a sky-reaching Lingbao could not withstand the offensive of the Jimo Demon King, which shows the horror of this Demon King.

"Hehe, what, do you still want to struggle now, the will of the Immortal Venerable, the power of the source, and the blessing of the Tongtian Lingbao, you are still not my opponent of Jimo!"

The Jimo Devil is suspended above the sky, looking down at the downed Li Futu below.

"Give up, in this way, I might be able to show kindness and leave you a dead body!"

Li Futu's blood was stained with golden armor, and he was seriously injured, but he still had no intention of retreating, let alone a hint of fear.

He has a fearless origin, born for war.

"Haha, surrender!? I, Li Futu, is shattered and will not concede defeat to anyone, let alone you and other dark demons!?

"I have three swords, Zhanfan, Buddha and Guitian. I, Li Futu, was born in Xuantian Zhengzong, and I have comprehended the swordsmanship of the Buddha for 23 years. Today, I will let you see what is true. The human supernatural powers!" Li Futu's hand flashed with divine light, and the golden sword in his hand began to bloom with awe-inspiring righteousness.

At this moment, Li Futu's original sword intent was surging, and under the blessing of the sword intent, his own coercion soared again.

"Futu with a sword, Jin destroys the slaying demon!"

Yuluo, step forward, cut it down instantly!

The Buddha's sword is powerful. Although it is not as powerful as Xuantian's authentic first sword technique, it is the strongest magical power that can be used among Xuantian's authentic disciples today.

The sword fell like a stormy sea, stirring up wind and rain, and endless and mighty righteousness erupted from the sword body, condensed into tens of thousands of zhang sword light.

The Jimo Devil's complexion changed slightly, and then he sneered, and his eyes flashed with murderous intent, "Li Futu, do you really think that you can do nothing about me with your mere swordsmanship!?"

"Even the sword of the Buddha was used. It seems that you have no hole card means. If so, this Demon King will not play with you, so he will be dignified and defeated you, so that this immortal clan powerhouse can understand that I am a dark demon. It is the overlord of this world!"

"This demon weapon, help this demon, you and I join hands to kill this person!"

In the roaring, the demon shadow behind the farewell, tumbling and converging with the void, turned into a long spear, the size of a thousand meters, the blood color of the whole body, the voice of the ghost crying vaguely from it, the air of killing all over the sky instantly condenses After coming out, each one has a size of one hundred meters, and the color is pale and bloody, and it is unceasingly roaring with the whole space, and the momentum is amazing.


The hot color in his eyes flickered, and he immediately stretched out his hand and grasped the spear. The next moment, the aura in this person's body rose wildly at a clear and sensible speed, and the aura outside became more and more domineering.

"Li Futu, you can see clearly, this is the real power of this king, take a shot of this demon, and it depends on your Xuantian authentic swordsmanship, or the demon's destiny demon spear is better!"

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