Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2579: Self-destruction and immortality [four more]

Ling Tian's clone face paled. This time he took a crazy shot. It consumed a lot of him, and he was also stabbed by the Heavenly Demon Spear. However, what made the Jimo Demon King desperate was that Ling Tian's body surged, that The expended cents and the injured body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is the power of Ling Tian's second clone. As long as it doesn't crush his existence, the clone will consume the energy to kill the opponent and restore its ability, which is invincible!

After a fight, it was obvious that the Jimo Demon King suffered a big loss.

With blood crying in his mouth, the demon image collapsed, and the Jimo Demon King who fell to the ground roared in a low voice, and he was very unwilling. Since he became the demon king, he has experienced countless fights, which is not the final victory, so he stepped into the younger generation of the dark demon race The top ten of the devil! ?

How did he think that one day he would be defeated by a human race!

"Hehe, are you still struggling? You just said that my human race is like an ant, don't you want to kill at will!?"

"Why, I don't have that confidence now!?"

Ling Tian's body was carrying the golden knife, and slowly descended, his eyes were full of contempt.

Although the talent of the Dark Demon Race is said to be second only to that of the Celestial Race, Ling Tian didn't take it seriously. The Dark Demon Race he killed was simply too many.

This Jimo is just one of the top ten descendants of the Dark Demon Race.

"Damn it, Human Race Ling Tian, ​​the dignity of my Dark Demon Race, you are not allowed to blaspheme!"

"I'm Jimo, and I won't lose to you!"

Jimo suddenly raised his head, his eyes fixed on Ling Tianfen's body, the demon suddenly grinned, his ferocious face was full of coldness.

In the next moment, he clenched the Heavenly Demon Spear in his hand, threw it out abruptly, and pierced it directly at Ling Tian.

Not only that, but at this moment, Jimo's tough flesh was actually shrivelling at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As if it was the magic spear that day, it sucked up his ancient magic bloodline in an instant.

And at the moment when the Sky Demon Spear was pierced, the light of that spear suddenly burst into a terrifying sky-splitting light.

Jimo's desperate blow has been performed!

It was very similar to Li Futu's desperate strike before, but Jimo's move was even more cruel and evil.

Without the blood of the ancient demon, even if Jimo is immortal, it is tantamount to renunciation of martial arts. It can be said that in order to defeat Ling Tian, ​​this Jimo did not hesitate to give everything.

Simply a lunatic!

"Huh, dying to struggle!"

However, Ling Tian had never put such supernatural powers in his eyes. He raised the long Chinese sword in his hand, God-given Miserable Extreme Slash, and with all the breath of the clone, he suddenly cut it down.


With a blast, the gun light and the knife light touched together.

However, this time Ling Tian’s avatar was hit by a shot from Jimo, and it was directly retreated. Under the tremendous power, Ling Tian’s avatar can only rely on constant retreat to resolve that shot. The strength.

Not only that, the arms of Ling Tian's clone began to crack. This Jimo gambled all shots, and it did explode far beyond the ordinary top-tier immortal king. If it weren't for Ling Tian's clone to be tough enough and terrifying recovery ability, I'm afraid it would be. I really can't take this shot.

But after Ling Tian stepped back ten thousand feet, he still stopped.

And that spear light gradually dissipated.

All the human warriors who saw this scene were shocked, and never thought that Ling Tian could survive under such tyrannical supernatural powers.


"Ling Tian, ​​I just tried everything, even if I go to hell, I will pull you up!"

Seeing that Ling Tian was not dead, Jimo was furious and couldn't accept the results, but the next moment, a decisive color suddenly burst out of his eyes, and the next moment his hands were imprinted, directly urging the magic spear to explode that day!


Ling Tian's clone was also in an instant, and he sensed the strangeness of the Heavenly Demon Spear in front of him, with terrifying energy exploding in it!

This Heavenly Magic Spear is the best national weapon inherited from the Jimo family, and it is also Jimo's destiny magic weapon. When it explodes, the power that erupts is absolutely earth-shattering!

"This guy is crazy, run!"

The warriors who saw this scene from a distance all changed their complexions and turned and flew out of the Buguiyuan.

Ling Tian avatar frowned, and the body immediately arranged a formation enchantment around it to resist the aftermath of the magic weapon's self-detonation.

But the next moment, the magic weapon had already exploded.


There was a loud noise that shook the world, and the ultimate magic weapon, the Demon Gun, exploded, and its power was unimaginable. From that point of self-detonation, a wave of dark demon qi self-detonation swept away into a circular ring, silently and instantly swept in all directions.

This scene is like a nuclear bomb explosion.

This magic weapon exploded to produce destructive power, which was comparable to the top fairy king blew himself up, covering hundreds of miles of space!

Complete destruction!

The mountain peaks were razed to the ground, and numerous gullies appeared on it, which were deep enough to be ten thousand feet deep, and the chaos spread in all directions, extending to the end of the line of sight, without knowing where it ended.


At the moment when the Heavenly Demon Spear exploded, the Jimo Demon King's complexion suddenly paled under the induction of Qi. The next moment, the Demon King's body shrivelled again, and blood spurted out of his mouth, and his breath was instantly wilted to the extreme. The natal magic weapon is closely related to the demon race itself. Once damaged, the body is bound to be implicated. Jimo Ben is dying, and now, it can't live long.



The endless energy explodes frantically, and the tide of destruction energy surging endlessly, making it into a dead zone within a radius of hundreds of miles. It is in this horrible energy tide that all warriors can't help but look at the raging storm. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and they couldn't even feel the breath of any strong man anymore.

Perhaps, Ling Tian and Jimo have both fallen into this self-destruction! ?

After all, this blew up, it was terrible.

"Hahahaha! Ling Tian, ​​I didn't expect it, no matter how powerful you are, you don't want to survive the explosion of my destiny magic weapon. I am dead in Jimo, and I have companions. When we reach the underworld, we will fight again! "

Although Jimo was about to die, he still roared frantically.

At this moment, outside the courtyard, all the martial artists of all races converged at the center of the spontaneous explosion, their expressions were dignified, but there were various thoughts in their hearts, hoping that Ling Tian would be safe.

For a full ten breaths of time, the horrific self-detonation energy tide finally dissipated, and the Wanli River that had never returned from the depths of the abyss was completely rerouted, splitting along the ravines on the ground into flowing in all directions, as for the peaks on both sides, it is like The snow and ice mountains under the sun were wiped out within a radius of thousands of miles. The ancient ruined formations on it have all disappeared, and since then, no one will return to the abyss!

"Hehe, isn't it!?"

"Underworld **** I do look like going to see, but I will not go down as a dead person."

"A mere magic weapon blew up and wanted to kill me, do you deserve it!?"

However, a sound of this matter suddenly rang from the center of the explosion of No Return Yuan, causing the Jimo Demon King's face to change drastically in an instant.

And all the warriors of the race are also unbelievable.

I never thought, even if this magic weapon explodes, it can't help Ling Tian! ?

At this time, the smoke and dust in the abyss dissipated, and everyone's eyes condensed. Only then did they discover that Ling Tian appeared in front of Yin Rou and Li Futu, and above the heads of the latter two, there was a giant cyan cauldron furnace surrounding it. .

Ling Tian below seemed to be safe and sound, floating there.

A look that has never been injured!

"This, how is this possible!?"

Everyone took a deep breath, unable to imagine how Ling Tian did it.

"It must be through the secret treasure!"

‘That’s right, or it’s a very superb talisman! "

Many people began to speculate, but didn't believe it, Ling Tian was able to bear the impact of the explosion on his own.

However, Li Futu's eyes were round and round.

He had just seen it very clearly, Ling Tian Immortal Stone sacrificed the cyan big cauldron to protect himself and Rourou, and then he stood outside the cauldron, and was shocked by the self-detonation, exploding most of his body.

However, even so, it was only half a cup of tea, Ling Tian's physical body had recovered terribly!

Such a powerful and mysterious body is simply terrifying!

"No, it's impossible, why are you still not dead!"


That Jimo roared weakly, he really couldn't accept this result.

"Hehe, why!?"

"Because we are the human race that has been standing in this immortal world for fifty thousand years and has never been destroyed!"

"We have created countless miracles. How can you, a savage and arrogant fellow, understand it!?"

"Now, you can die!!"

"You are not the first demon king to be killed by me, nor the last."

The long sword in Ling Tian's hand fell, directly slaying that Jimo within the abyss of no return.

At this point, all the dark demons who participated in the Battle of No Return to the Abyss have all died.

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