Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2580: What's under the abyss

All, dead! ?

At this time, the martial artists of the two races of shemales and monsters floating outside of Buguiyuan were all shocked.

However, in the process of induction, the breath of the Jimo Demon King had indeed completely disappeared.

It was so terrible, the Demon King, who had such a high status in the Dark Demon Race, actually died in Ling Tian's hands.

Although it can't be said to be a one-sided killing, it has also been suppressed.

In other words, this tyrannical Ling Tian from Chu country has completely surpassed Jimo and Li Futu!

After a brief period of panic where the Terran race was, countless Terran warriors couldn't help but instantly flushed, with endless joy in their eyes. They looked at the monster warriors around them, feeling a bit of pity in pride.

This time, the human race has Ling Tianhengkong shot, using the sky-reaching means to crush Jimo, and one person killed all the dark demon warriors. Such a record is enough to make him the most dazzling existence. Terran will also be so famous.

The Great Formation of Not Returning Yuan came to an end.

It was when the warriors of all races were cautiously retreating away from each other, the news about this place had spread from the Tianfeng battlefield to the entire human race through various hidden channels, and the picture and shadow jade slips that fully recorded the fighting process here. It has already crossed the endless space through the highest channel and appeared in the hands of high-level warriors of various races.

The result of today's World War I is bound to cause a lot of turmoil among the senior leaders of the various immortal kingdoms of the human race.

And within Non-Return Yuan, Ling Tian fell from the sky, and collected the storage ring of the general Jimo Demon King, and all the points of the Dark Demon Race were included in the jade card. After this battle, the Lingtian jade card had points. Soaring to as much as one million.

Although he still couldn't see the ranking of the so-called Tianfeng battle list, but with more than one million points, he should be able to rank in a relatively high ranking.

Falling in front of Yin Rou and Li Futu, Ling Tian's eyes flickered slightly, "How about?"

"It's okay, I can't die."

Li Futu stood up with difficulty before Yin Rourou’s support, and touched his chest, the wound that was about to heal, "The Demon’s spear should carry the poison of the Dark Demon Race, but now it has disappeared. Also, although my physical body is not weak, my recovery speed cannot be so fast. It shouldn't be the problem of pill, how did you do it?"

"Haha." Ling Tian shook his head, smiled without saying a word, but secretly pulled out the sword intent in Li Futu's body.

"Well, I know, it's a secret."

Li Futu smiled and stretched out his hand to Ling Tian, ​​"Da Wei Xuantian authentic Li Futu, pay homage to Chu Lingtian, you saved me and Yin Rourou, this kindness, I will never forget Li Futu."

"Haha, it doesn't matter, it's all humans, and you are indeed worth my rescue."

Ling Tian waved his hand, not paying attention.

"I know that you and I Xuantian Zhengzong and these unpleasant entanglements, but I, Li Futu, will never interfere with you and my sect."

Li Futu said.

Before, Ling Tian injured Li Haoran, one of the nine sons of the Great Wei, and also undermined the majesty of Xuantian’s authentic sect. Therefore, although the name of Ling Tian was widely circulated in the Great Wei, Xuantian’s authentic sect had always been thinking about it. Trouble finding Ling Tian.

Ling Tian didn't comment, he didn't pay attention to the nine sons of Wei. The words of Xuantian Zhengzong, that is, the top top immortal kings in the sect, are worthy of Ling Tianzheng's eyes.

"Also, Yin Rourou seems to like you. Although you and I Li Futu have a life-saving grace, I swear in my heart that in this life, I swear to marry Yin Rourou as my wife. I will compete fairly with you. I owe you the life-saving grace. , I will pay you back."

Li Futu said suddenly.

"Oh, what are you talking about! Where do I like Ling Tian."

Yin Rourou's face blushed immediately, holding Li Futu's arm, wishing to find a place to sew in.

"Rourou, I am a straight person, I always say whatever I want to say, don't mind."

Li Futu scratched his head with one hand.

"Hehe, okay, remember what you said, and treat Rourou well, let me look at your hand."

Ling Tian checked Li Futu's cracked arm, and his face suddenly sank, "Don't be more serious than I thought, you actually took a shot of the Jimo demon, even me, there is nothing I can do, maybe, You can only have one hand."

Ling Tian couldn't help sighing in his heart. Although Li Futu took the Jimo Heavenly Demon Spear and was still alive, his arm was completely shattered by that spear, and his body shattered directly. Even Ling Tian's sword shadow could not be repaired. In other words, if Li Futu had not found another way to regenerate his arm, he might have to keep one arm.

For this, Ling Tian still felt the same way. It should be that the left and right sides of Ling Tian were also broken, but fortunately, because of the nine changes of the true dragon, Ling Tian used the blood of the blue dragon to reshape his left hand, so there was no effect. .

But Li Futu couldn't do it, and it was impossible for Ling Tian to pass the true dragon nine changes to Li Futu.

"Haha, it doesn't matter, it's just one arm, I can still fight for the human race!"

Li Futu smiled.

"After all, I still have to find a way to repair it." Yin Rourou looked at Ling Tian, ​​"Now, where are we going!? Back to Tianfeng City!?"

"Of course I have to go back to Tianfeng City. Zhang Zhengxuan and Jun Bufan, these two dogs, fled, betrayed me and betrayed the human race! I want to reason with them!" Li Futu said angrily.

"Well, go back to Tianfeng City, but you go first, and I will follow soon."

Ling Tian smiled.

"Okay, then you hurry up."

Yin Rourou nodded and took Li Futu to fly out of Nonguiyuan.

But Ling Tian turned around, looked at the razed Buguiyuan, sneered, and between raising his hands, the phantom sting bee that had already spread out opened the big formation and enveloped the place.

Then, Ling Tian hovered in the center of No Return Yuan, holding the sleeping white fox in his arms, and said coldly: "After watching for so long, don't you want to come out to breathe!?"

"Is it possible that I have to invite you out!?"

The voice was indifferent, but it was full of evil spirits.

Ling Tian had just killed tens of thousands of the elite of the Dark Demon Race, covering himself with blood, just like a **** of death.

However, Ling Tian's voice fell, and the entire Ruins of No Return Yuan was silent.

"Hmph, it seems that you still have some doubts about my strength!"

Seeing this, Ling Tian let out a cold snort, the body emerged, and immediately stretched out the hand of Qinglong and pressed it down there.

How tyrannical is his Qinglong hand! ? Even Ling Tian can fight against the powerhouse of the Immortal Venerable level with this hand.

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