Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2581: Protoss armor

Sure enough, under this terrifying aura, under that no Guiyuan, there was a sudden sound of begging for mercy.

"Wait a minute, Lord Xianjun, the old body is just a spirit of vegetation hidden under the abyss of no return. There is really no harm in it, and it has never touched any human warrior!"

Sure enough, after this voice sounded, an old man emerged from the ground.

Ling Tian frowned and looked at the old man with surprise in his heart.

Because this old man looked like a human, and he was dressed in coarse linen, with a cane in his hand, but he didn't have any human aura. He was indeed a plant.

Herbs that can transform into survival! ?

This is indeed very rare.

Because it’s true that plants and trees have anims. Basically, plants with more than three thousand years of composition will be condensed into spiritual wisdom, but there is no one in all that can be cultivated, and these plants have spiritual quilts, which can be condensed into human form. The finished ones are even rarer, at least, they must be more than ten thousand years.

However, this kind of transformation of the grass and wood spirits is the good fortune of heaven and earth. Once they become human, they will at least have the combat power of the top fairy king.

Moreover, these elves are very spared their lives, because their good fortune is really hard to come by.

"What did you change!?"

Ling Tian frowned.

The old man frowned. Although Ling Tian asked the Fa to be too Meng Lang, but who made Ling Tian's combat power too terrifying, he had to change his body, incarnate into an old ginseng, and appeared in front of Ling Tian.

"The main body of the old body is a 10,000-year-old Jiuqu Immortal Ginseng, but now it is about to die."

The old Chanyou transformed into a human form and sighed.

"Master Xianjun, I really don’t have any intentions of harming the human race. It’s just that it’s not easy for me to wait for the spirituality of plants and trees to cultivate. I have been in this Tianfeng Mountain Range for thousands of years. Because of your major races fighting, I’m afraid of being discovered. That's why I hid in the Abyss of No Return, but I never thought that you would come here for a decisive battle. Although I had hidden my breath, I was still discovered by the adults."

"Now, my longevity is about to end. If adults want to accept my Jiuquxian Ginseng, then I have nothing to say."

The old man sighed as if he was letting Ling Tian slaughter him.

There is no way, this kind of grass and tree spirit itself is not strong, and now it is facing existence like Ling Tian.


Ling Tian stroked the soft fur of the little white fox, but only slightly nodded.

But this made the old man's heart more and more nervous, his life and death were completely between Ling Tian's thoughts.

"You just said that you have lived in this Tianfeng Mountain Range for thousands of years!?"

Ling Tian asked suddenly.

The old man frowned, "Yes, to be precise, it was 13,000 years, I was 10,000 years ago, and I started to have the wisdom, I almost witnessed the decline of the human race."

"Oh... Then there used to be soaring shining lights here before, have you seen it!?"

Ling Tian asked again.

But this time, the old man's expression changed and he hesitated.

"If you don't say it, you will die now. If you do, I can give you a great opportunity. It's a deal, how about it!?"

Ling Tian smiled.

But this smile made the old man's face a bitter, "I'm a dying vegetative spirit. I don't care about chance or something."

"To be honest, I know what that thing is."

"However, this secret can be said to be a catastrophe. If you know it, you will suffer disaster in the future. Would you still listen to it?"

The old man's face suddenly became cold.

"My sentence is true, if there is a false statement, it will not enter the cycle!"

The old man was afraid that Ling Tian would not believe him, so he added another sentence.

"Haha, I don't hide it from you, even if I don't meet you, I will be in a thousand catastrophes, so it's not bad for this one, just say it."

Ling Tian smiled.

"Well, in that case, then I will tell you!"

The old man thought for a while, and continued: "Actually, that thing did go out of this abyss before."

"In this Buguiyuan, ten thousand years ago, it used to be the ruins of a palace called the shrine. Legend has it that it used to be the place where the Protoss lived in the ancient times. But for ten thousand years, this place was just a ruin. , Nothing was found."

"But not long ago, the ruins of the Palace of Gods suddenly seemed to be aroused by some kind of aura, and it still operated quietly. Only half a year ago, something rushed out of the ruins of the Palace of Gods. The top of the race!"

"As for that thing, I took a long look, it should be a suit of armor!"

"Armor!?" Ling Tian raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and never thought that this legendary ancient treasure is not something like a fairy treasure, but a set of armor! ?

This was beyond Ling Tian's expectation.

"Yes, but adults, don't underestimate this armor. Although this thing has been buried in the ground for tens of thousands of years, it was still earth-shattering when it was born. You can see the tyranny of this armor!"

"However, the reason why I say this is a catastrophe is because this armor comes from the site of the Protoss in ancient times, so it is very likely that it is a thing of the Protoss!"

"And the Protoss, you may know something, that is the group that fell suddenly in ancient times, and its strength is even higher than that of the clan of the day."

"And this armor was born suddenly, and it may be because his former master has awakened!"

"If my guess is correct, it should be that some time ago, someone used an imperial weapon to cut open the holy original stone and released an ancient protoss, and this protoss is the master of that armor!"

"War Armor was born, so soon, the Protoss will definitely come to look for it!"

"So, of course, there is no need to tell the old man what the result will be at that time!"

The old man took a deep breath.

"Oh!? Is that the armor of the Protoss!?"

However, after listening to the old man, Ling Tian didn't look scared, instead he raised his brows and even wanted to laugh in his heart.

Because, counting the time, he might have seen the owner of this armor.

Unexpectedly, when this Protoss was born, he could still summon the armor he used before.

However, the Protoss at this time did not know where to go, and when it would come to fetch the armor, it was still unknown.

"Master Xianjun, I know that you are strong, but you are definitely not the opponent of the Protoss. Therefore, even if this armor is discovered, the old ginseng advises you not to get involved, otherwise, you will undoubtedly die!"

When the old man saw the dissatisfaction on Ling Tian's face, he immediately said anxiously.

"Haha, it doesn't matter."

"Yes, your news is of great value to me."

"I promise you a chance."

Ling Tian nodded with a smile.

"No need."

The old man shook his head indeed.

"Don't rush to refuse, don't you want to continue to practice for a thousand years, or live for thousands of years!?"

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