Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2582: Points first

When Ling Tian's voice fell, the old man shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Master Xianjun, don't ridicule me. I have been practicing for thousands of years. I have witnessed countless Tianjiao in the immortal world. For myself, I have also looked for countless ways. , This time is enough toss. There is no way to continue my life."

"Not necessarily."

Ling Tian shook his head, but he didn't want to say more. He just raised his hand, a huge force, and directly absorbed the old man into Taoyuan.

"In the future, you will cultivate under this tree!"

"Want to come, here, you will not die."

Ling Tian stood under the peach tree.

"This, this, this..."

But the old senator looked at the huge peach tree in front of him, but his whole person seemed stupid.

After this for a long time, he didn't say a word.

"Why, do you know what tree this is!?"

Ling Tian frowned.

"I'm... I certainly don't know!"

"Master Xianjun, who are you!?"

The old man hesitated to speak and stopped, but the next moment, he thought of something and suddenly asked.

"Me!? Terran, Ling Tian!"

Ling Tiandao.

"Could it be that you knew me before!?"

"No, I have never heard of the name of Human Race Ling Tian, ​​but Lord Xianjun suddenly reminded me of a powerful human from Human Race thousands of years ago."

"Hi, but who is that person, I can't remember the name, it's really strange!"

The old man rubbed his head.

"Hehe, don't need to think too much, just practice peace of mind here."

Ling Tian pursed his lips.

This old man obviously had the identity before he was reincarnated, but except for a few people, their memories have been erased. Even now, Ling Tian himself does not know who the previous life was, and what it was called. first name.

This is really strange.

"Senior Liuyao, how is Yaoyao!?’

Ling Tian turned around and looked at Liu Yao who was basking in the sun in front of the wooden house.

"Fortunately, when you fall asleep, you don't need to worry, it shouldn't be a bad thing. If there is a situation, I will call you." Liu Yao said.

"That's good."

Ling Tian turned around and wanted to leave Taoyuan, but suddenly turned around and glanced at the Gutian under the peach tree, "Where did Xiaobai go!?"

That Xiaobai was the little white cat that Ling Tian had grasped at once. Tao Yaoyao has been keeping it as a pet for a long time. He often fights with Xiaoqing, but now, it has disappeared.

"Xiaobai went out after Yaoyao fell asleep, saying that she was looking for opportunities. Yaoyao told me before, I didn't care."

"All right, I see." Ling Tian frowned slightly. Although he was puzzled, he didn't continue to ask, so he left Taoyuan.

"Hey, my friend, you are new here, and you will mix with me in the future!"

This is, a group of black vines, condensed into a human shape from the feet of Lao Shen.

"You, you are Qingming Guiteng!?"

"Then, that is the spirit of the divine tool!?"

"This big day in the sky, could it be the legendary Jinmian Shenhuo!?"

At this time, the old man seemed to have seen something extraordinary, and the whole person was completely stupid.

Tianfeng City.

Jun Bufan and Zhang Zhengxuan brought thousands of people back to the city because they fought for the command of Skywind City.

But in the end, Zhang Zhengxuan lost to Jun Bufan, so he could only give command to Jun Bufan, and then left Tianfeng City on his own without where he was going.

Today, there are still more than 5,000 Terran warriors in Tianfeng City. Although the non-return to Yuan battle has damaged the elite of Tianfeng City by nearly 70%, Jun Bufan doesn't care.

He is still alive, so in the future, he will definitely be valued by the ethnic group!

Standing on the central square of the Wind City that day, standing with his hand held down, looking at the thousands of warriors in front of him, his heart was excited.

He had wanted to replace that Li Futu countless times, but he did not expect that today, he finally realized it.

"Everyone, in the battle of No Guiyuan, although we were defeated, Li Futu also died. After the Jimo Demon King, but my Jun Bufan is still there, in the future, I will continue to lead everyone to fight against the Dark Demon Race and the Monster Race, with me Now, your points will still skyrocket!"

Jun Bufan pointed to the stone stele standing behind him in the center of the square.

That recorded above is exactly the ranking of Tianfeng Battlefield's points.

However, the next moment, all the martial artists below looked at the stele, but they suddenly opened their mouths, as if they had seen something extraordinary.

The same is true for the four disciples in Chonglou, looking like they have seen a ghost.

"Big, big brother, you, look at that ranking, there seems to be a change!"

"too frightening!"

Jun Bufan frowned, how could he be interrupted like this when he was speaking at this time! ?

"Fun, the ranking above the battle list is changing all the time!"

However, when Jun Bufan turned around and looked at the top of the battle list, a name rushed from the bottom of the stele to the top of the stele, bringing bright golden light, like a comet soaring into the sky, his pupils still shrank. .

His face changed drastically!

The names on the top of the Tianfeng battle list are indeed changing every moment. Tianjiao's rushing to the list is even more common. For Tianjiao such as Jun Bufan, once out of the city, the points will skyrocket, and then enter the Tianfeng battlefield. Tianjiao can even soar thousands of times overnight and enter the top 100. This is not unusual.

Once, there was even the No. 1 Xuantian Demon Valley of the Great Wei’s nine sons. The points skyrocketed from zero to more than half a million overnight, surpassing all the Tianjiao at the time, and firmly occupying the top of the Tianfeng battle list. .

until today.

But now, these feats seem to have been copied!

A golden name, from under the stele, rushed straight to the top of the stele, surpassing Jun Bufan, Zhang Zhengxuan, Zuo Xiao, Luo Cheng and other Tianjiao all the way, and went straight to the number one Yin Moshou!

When Na Jun Bufan saw the name clearly, his whole body was shocked.

This person seems to know him!

Chu State, Ling Tian!

This name unexpectedly surpassed almost everyone at a terrifying speed!

how can that be! ?

"No, the points behind this name haven't stopped yet, he actually has to surpass Yin Moshou!"

Du Feng exclaimed.

Today, Yin Mochou has more than 800,000 points, surpassing the second big Yan Luo by as much as 200,000. Almost no one can shake his top position.

But at this time, this Chu Kingdom Lingtian's gold powder has reached more than 700,000, ranking second, and the skyrocketing of points shows no sign of stopping.

"No, it's impossible!"

Jun Bufan has no way to believe everything he sees in front of him.

Because, in the name of Ling Tian of the Chu Kingdom, after three breaths, Ning Ran has surpassed one million points in one fell swoop, surpassing the Yin Mo sorrow who ranked first!

This Ling Tian just came to the Tianfeng battlefield, how long it took him to get so many points.

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