Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2585: Sorrow

"Chu Kingdom Lingtian! This guy who once killed Youyan and Youli killed me a million dark demons before. I didn't expect that he would dare to come to the Tianfeng battlefield!"

Immediately after You started, a demon king said coldly: "New hatred and old hatred, this time, we must let him die in the Tianfeng battlefield."

"You two, Shaoan and Wuzhao, I've seen Yujian just now. To be honest, Jimo was suppressed by this person throughout the entire journey. Although Ling Tian is mortal, he is indeed very strong, and I guess he still has reservations. Yes, in fact, it should be stronger."

"Hehe, what, Demon King Hunhun, are you scared!? Don’t forget, your brother Hunya also died in the hands of the human race! Don’t you want to avenge your brother!?" The one above the main position is the Demon King. His face was gloomy.

"Of course we have to take revenge, but don't forget, what is the purpose of our coming to Tianfeng Battlefield this time, it is for that unborn ancient treasure!"

"Actually, I got the news that that ancient treasure is very likely to belong to the Protoss of the ancient times. You can judge the value of it by yourself!"

The Hunhun Demon said lightly.

"An item of the ancient gods!?"

Hearing that, the other two demon kings were all startled, and never thought that this ridiculous ancient treasure was also related to the ancient gods.

"Since it is something of the Protoss, then we Dark Demon must have to hold it in our hands." The Nether Demon King above the main position suddenly calmed down.

Over the years, the dark demons have been searching for secrets about the ancient gods.

Even before many attempts to attack Dajin, it was also for the holy original stone, after all, in the holy original stone, it is very likely that the living ancient gods are hidden.

But all failed.

If the treasure that appeared in the Tianfeng battlefield this time was something of the Protoss, then bringing it back to the Dark Demon would definitely be rewarded.

"However, Jimo and my brother were killed, this incident must not be exposed, otherwise it will make others think it was our Dark Demon Race!" Hun Shou said.

"Then what do you suggest!?" You frowned.

"Now that Lingtian has returned to Skywind City, this city, our Dark Demon Race must be eradicated, to avenge the Dark Demon Race Tianjiao who is waiting for me to die, but, that is, you are the leader of our Dark Demon Race this time. , Without you, we cannot compete for the ancient treasure, after all, besides Ling Tian, ​​there is still no worries in that human race."

"So, I suggest that Demon King Darai, together with Demon King Kule, the leader of the Dark Demon Race, lead the Dark Demon Race army to conquer Skywind City!"

"What do you think!?" The Hunshou Demon King smiled.

"What!?" However, if you can't, then the Demon King said, the Demon King Darai who is opposite Hunshou suddenly stood up, you don't go! ? Is there any mistake, that is dead, but your brother! "

"Haha, what, is Darling scared!? Your ranking is third among the four of us, which is better than Jimo. Moreover, Devil Kule’s combat power is also good. It is difficult to have his help. No, you still can't get a mere Ling Tian?"

Hunhun Demon King smiled.


The Nadalai Demon King was furious, but he was speechless for a while and didn't know how to distinguish it.

"Okay. If that's the case, then follow what the Hunhun Demon King said. Come here, I will give you fifty thousand dark demon elites, together with Keller, I leveled the windy city that day!"

"I promise you, as long as you kill this Lingtian, you don't need to hand in all his treasures, they are all yours!"

"This is a military order!"

That is You Leng Road.

"Okay, I'll go!"

Da Lai's face also suddenly became cold.

Tianfeng battlefield, under Xiaozhu Peak.

In the dense forest, there is a gorge and secluded lake. Next to the water, there is a warrior who is covered in black robes sitting cross-legged.

He sits still, like a cold rock.

Even the surrounding mountains and rivers are only black and white in color, revealing an icy atmosphere of magic.

Suddenly, a little pink fluorescence descended from outside the dense forest, fell on the edge of the pool, and turned into a pretty woman in a pink dress.

"the host……"

"I said, there is nothing important, don't bother me."

The black robe still didn't move, and he spoke coldly.

"Ali here, there is something important."

The woman took out a jade medal from her arms, "Ali is incompetent and did not keep her master's first place."


Suddenly, the black robe moved slightly, and the entire space seemed to be frozen. The woman's face changed and she suddenly knelt on the cold rock.

"Master, please punish me."

"It's okay, it's just a difference. You stand up."

A huge force lifted the woman up, "I'm just curious, you are the bloodline of ancient gods and beasts, even that Li Futu, it is impossible for you to survive the three moves under your hand, who can surpass you!?"

"It's a human race named Ling Tian, ​​from the Kingdom of Chu. A Li has just investigated. This Ling Tian suddenly emerged from the human race before. He heard that he has a strong combat power and can suppress the top immortal king in Dajin. Therefore, he was able to surpass me in points because he suddenly appeared in Buguiyuan. With his own power, he killed the Jimo Demon King and more than 10,000 Dark Demon Warriors. In a very short time, he gained 100 Ten thousand points..."

"Oh, that's the case, Ling Tian...hehe, it should be the person whom Mingyue Immortal King once mentioned." Under the black robe, the person faintly laughed, but the entire pool in front of him was It was frozen instantly.

The surrounding space was closed in an instant.

"Master, I will go to Tianfeng City now and challenge him in the name of the master!"

The woman said in horror.

"No, you are not his opponent."

The black robe suddenly stood up, and under the black robe, only a pair of white, penetrating bare feet were exposed.

"I've waited for this person for a long time. I didn't think about it, but he appeared on the battlefield of wind on this day."

"Hehe, too, how could he miss the battle list set by the Mingyue Immortal King."

"Ali, you go to Tianfeng City and wait. If I expected it, the Dark Demon Race should take action first. If necessary, you can help him kill the Dark Demon Race. If this person can survive, Then I will come to Tianfeng City and meet him."

"Yes, Master!" The woman bowed, turned into a pink fluorescence and disappeared between the world.

After half a cup of tea, the water pool is thousands of miles around, everything is broken, rocks, vegetation, running water, and even space.

"Hey, the power of the domain is really profound. Even if I have cultivated for so long, I have only gained some understanding."

"However, the Celestial Clan practice is indeed extraordinary. No wonder the Mingyue Immortal King is so powerful."

"Ling Tian, ​​don't die. I want to see what the guy who can be missed by the Mingyue Immortal King looks like."

The long voice resounded in this broken, black and white world.

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