Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2586: The Demon Army Strikes

Outside the Tianfeng battlefield, Dawei border guards the wind city.

Here is the only entrance to Dawei from the Tianfeng Mountains.

It was originally a military center, so this city is extremely majestic, with many formations.

At this time, on the wall on the side of the city facing the Tianfeng Mountain Range, a woman in a moon white dress was lightly independent. At this time, the endless light of the moon condensed on her body, making her body back with wings and head hanging. Bright moon.

There was no one around, standing by her side.

However, under the city wall, there are several top immortal kings, with countless figures in the city, where they are guarding them. They leaned up and looked at the figure on the city wall, shrouded in endless divine light, and their eyes were full of admiration. .

Six months ago, the warriors in Shoufeng City couldn't imagine that the first strong man of the human race, the top of the king's record, the Mingyue Immortal King, would come to Shoufeng City.

Although they couldn't see the fairy face of the Emperor Mingyue, just seeing the light of the moon was enough to make them fascinated.

Almost pilgrimage.

However, at this moment, Qin Mingyue's eyes seemed to penetrate countless spaces and fell into the wind city that day.

When Ling Tian's name appeared on the Tianfeng battle list, Qin Mingyue's tears dripped down.

After coming out of the chaotic battlefield, she had always grasped the news of Ling Tian, ​​but Ling Tian first rose in Chu State, swept Zhao State, and made a blockbuster in the Great Jin Dynasty. Finally, it was finally coming to Da Wei.

She waited for this day, it was too long, too long.

"I knew that you would never be absent from the first list that Qin Mingyue made."

"Come on, let me see how far you have grown!"

There are five ways to fan the light and shadow of the fairy king behind Qin Mingyue!

At this time, Qin Mingyue was still a fifth-order immortal king.

Taoyuan, the Four Elephant Pagoda.

After Ling Tian returned to the Four Elephant Pagoda, he released the storage ring from the hands of Jimo Demon King and a group of dark demon elites.

After being screened by the phantom sting bee, the ordinary treasures of heaven and wealth and the immortal stones were all included in the treasure house.

Today, Ling Tian is very concerned about filling the treasure house. After all, this treasure house will be his fairy dynasty's treasury in the future. Although he has not harvested much, he has accumulated a little bit of water.

However, from the Jimo ring, Ling Tian still found some treasures that Ling Tian could see.

For example, some magic materials that can be used to refine weapons, and long swords used to repair clones, couldn't be better.

In the battle of No Return to Yuan, the long knife used by the clone was broken by the magic spear that day. Although it was not damaged, it still needs to be repaired.

As for Li Futu's broken sword, Ling Tian had already planned in his heart. There was still some of the Dragon Emperor Gold that was drawn out of the Dajin Sacred Original Stone, which was enough to repair the broken sword.

After success, it is enough to make this golden sword at the top of the country.

In the end, Ling Tian held an old black sign in his hand, but his face was gloomy.

On this, a black inverted pagoda is depicted.

No stranger, it was the Dark Tower token that Ling Tian had seen before.

Never thought that Ling Tian saw the second piece in this Jimo ring.

"Hehe, Dark Tower, you are really lingering!"

The dark tower is opposed to the heavy building. To this day, Ling Tian has not yet known the internal structure of the dark tower, but to be able to rebuild the same name, the dark tower must be unfathomable. Moreover, the discovery in the hands of the demon can also prove that this The dark tower must be related to the dark demons! "

Ok! ?

Suddenly, Ling Tian's heart moved slightly, as if feeling something.

A moonlight seemed to travel through the void and land in the room.


Ling Tian got up, looked at the moonlight coming down, clenched his fists.

He knew that Qin Mingyue was waiting for him again.

"Wait, soon!"

Ling Tian murmured.

The top of the Tianfeng Battlefield, he must be included in the bag no matter what, and all the dark demons here will be wiped out.

He wouldn't let that armor of the Protoss go by!

In short, when he meets Qin Mingyue again, he should come to Dawei with invincible capital!

Seven days later.

Outside Tianfeng City, there were bursts of low horns.

This is a warning, a warning of an enemy attack.

After a short while, from within Tianfeng City, tens of thousands of figures flew towards the city wall, but looking at the black wave surging between the mountains in the distance, their expressions were frightened.

That wave is like a tsunami, sweeping across the sky, full of dark demon warriors!

There are as many as fifty thousand!

Since entering the Tianfeng battlefield, they have never seen so many dark demons.

This is not an ordinary Dark Demon Clan army, but the Dark Demon Clan's Tianjiao, the worst cultivation base is among the high-ranking immortal monarchs.

Its combat power is already comparable to the fairy king!

Not only that, at the head of this wave, there are two huge demon shadows, with a height of 10,000 feet, walking toward the sky wind city with steps like a mountain.

Two demon shadows that are ten thousand feet tall, this also means that this time they have come to Tianfeng City, they are two demon kings comparable to Jimo!

Moreover, fifty thousand Dark Demon Clan warriors, such a number, is far from the previous Battle of Non-Guyen Clan can be compared.

One can imagine how strong the Dark Demon Race's heart to kill Lingtian here is.

Not only that, during these seven days, the fighting spirit in Tianfeng City was not as high as ever, because knowing that the Dark Demon Race will inevitably retaliate, so in these seven days, thousands of warriors have fled Tianfeng City.

However, few of the warriors who had witnessed Ling Tian beheading Jimo in the non-returning abyss had left. They felt that Ling Tian had the strength to protect Tianfeng City.

However, I never thought that the Dark Demon Clan killed Ling Tian's heart, so strong, it sent so many powerful people.

"How can this be good? Immortal Ling Tian is no matter how strong, but how can he resist the two demon kings!? There are still fifty thousand strong demon clan!?"

"Now we want to go, it's too late!"

For a moment, watching the Dark Demon army press down on the realm, the human warriors on the walls of Tianfeng City were full of frowns.

Knowing this long ago, they also fled early.

Soon, an army of dark demons descended hundreds of miles away from Tianfeng City and surrounded Tianfeng City. The sky was full of black demons storms, rising to the sky like a wall of storms. No one would ever want to escape from the sky. Windy city.

And the warriors who had already escaped from Tianfeng City before, looked at the city surrounded by the storm, all sneered and grateful.

Look, this is the ending of Ling Tian!

They have never been far away, waiting, waiting for Tianfeng City to be destroyed by the Dark Demon Race, to prove how wise they chose to leave Tianfeng City.

"Where is Terran Lingtian!?"

Before the demon army, under those two horrible shadows, there was a demon king flapping his huge black wings, shouting like thunder, resounding through Tianfeng City.

However, no one responded in Tianfeng City.

Above the city wall, the human warriors looked at each other, but they had never seen Ling Tian appear.

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