Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2588: Invisible to colorless origin [seeking fruit]

This, how is this possible!

The human martial artist who had escaped from Tianfeng City looked at the wall of storm that had crumbled and the palm of the sky that had shattered, and they were all dumbfounded.

The battle they were waiting for did not happen.

But the Devil King Nadal was directly killed in this way.

The Dark Demon Race prepared a seven-day revenge action, and just like that, was it resolved by Ling Tian? ?

Under the palm of Ling Tian's Prajna god, the immortal king Dalai had no bones.

And above the sky, the Demon King Kule, who fought with the one-armed Li Futu, was even more shocked.

Originally, the combat power between him and Li Futu was between the first and second, but now, under the panic of the heart, the combat power has dropped sharply, and it is no longer Li Futu's opponent at all.

And Ling Tian didn't help, but waved his big hand to make the human warriors of Tianfeng City rush out and begin to slaughter those demon warriors who were imprisoned by the formation outside the city.

Although the demon's warrior's combat power is still there, it can't move after all. As long as you are careful, the human race will not suffer any damage.

Ling Tian was suspended in the sky, quietly waiting for the end of the war.

The battle between Li Futu and Demon King Kule was particularly fierce. However, after the previous battle that did not return to Yuan, although Li Futu lost an arm, the sword intent in his body became more refined. On, sublimation again.

Moreover, the golden sword in his hand was re-refined by Ling Tian, ​​and it was even sharper.

After half a cup of tea, Demon King Nakul was invincible.

Roaring startled, he shook Li Futu away and flew out.

"No need to chase!"

Ling Tian stopped Li Futu who wanted to catch up.

"Why!? This Kule is the leader of the Tianfeng battlefield, so I can't let it go!" Li Futu said anxiously.

"Hehe, don't worry, someone will help us stop him."

Sure enough, before Ling Tian's voice fell, Kulle, who was fleeing, banged and exploded into a cloud of blood.

Demon Keller, was killed by a single blow!

who is it! ?

Li Futu's pupils shrank, but he saw that a figure in a black robe appeared before Demon King Nacule.

The figure carried a huge sickle in his hand, like a **** of death.

There were four fairy king light wings slowly flapping behind them, and a frightening aura began to diffuse under the sky.

"Yes, it's Yin Mo sorrow!"

Li Futu exclaimed.

This figure is too familiar, the last dazzling existence above almost all the grand events of Dawei belongs to this figure.

Xuantian Demon Valley has no sorrow, the first of the nine sons of Wei!

At this moment, all the martial artists on the battlefield outside Tianfeng City also gathered their gazes on the figure, all in amazement.

Never thought, even the Yin Mo sorrow of Xuantian Demon Valley came to Tianfeng City! ?

But I just don't know whether this hidden worry came because of the Dark Demon Race or Ling Tian.

After all, Ling Tian grabbed Yin Moshou's top spot, and with Yin Moshou's style, it is absolutely impossible to get second.

"It is rumored that there are ten strange insects in the world, and the fifth one is called Mi Ling Cai Butterfly, which can transform into thousands of forms in the world, with fakes and real ones!"

"I never thought, I Ling Tian on this Tianfeng battlefield, I will be lucky enough to see this kind of strange insects in the world!"

"Yin Moshou, since it's here, don't you face it with your true body!?"

However, Ling Tian smiled faintly when looking at the dark shadow between the sky and the earth.

"What!? You mean, this figure is transformed by a strange insect, not a real sorrow!"

Li Futu and Yin Rourou were shocked when they heard this.

It's not that they don't believe it, but the coercion of this figure at this time is really scary enough.

But if this is not Yin Moshou's true body, then, the real Yin Moshou, how tyrannical is now! ?

Although he didn't believe it, the dark shadow didn't say a word.

After that, he was directly covered by a black mist, transformed into a woman in a pink dress.

The woman looked at Ling Tian coldly, "Since it is possible to tell the truth and you have never seen my master, then how did you discover it!?"

The woman had to be shocked, her magical technique was almost unmatched, and even among the great Wei, only Mingyue Immortal King had seen her true body at a glance.

However, how could Ling Tian possess as powerful eyesight as the Mingyue Immortal King! ?

This made the woman feel particularly depressed.

"Hehe, don't say it."

However, Ling Tian shook his head.

In fact, if he wanted to discover this kind of illusion technique with his current divine intent, it would not be impossible, but it would definitely not be so fast.

The reason why she saw through this woman's disguise disguise at a glance was due to the merits of the phantom sting bee.

Because it is also one of the ten most wonderful insects in the world, the magic sting bee was discovered the moment this woman appeared.

Therefore, this naturally cannot hide from Ling Tian's eyes.

However, if this is the case, Ling Tian was a little surprised. A sorrowful spiritual pet is so powerful, then what realm should his body grow to now! ?

"Do not say!?'

The woman frowned, the black sickle in her hand trembled slightly, she wanted to take a shot, and see how powerful Ling Tian was!

"Caidi, step back, I'll come!"

However, at this moment, in the void behind the woman, a cold voice suddenly resounded through the world.

"the host!"

The evil spirit on the woman's face disappeared suddenly, becoming extremely respectful.

However, all the warriors outside Tianfeng City found that after this voice, the temperature between the whole world and the earth seemed to drop suddenly.

A icy breath swept and spread, causing everyone to condense into a layer of frost.

No matter how they use the celestial energy to get rid of it, they can't erase this layer of frost.

"What's going on, it seems that this world has lost its color!"

Yin Rourou also suddenly exclaimed. Indeed, at this time her dress had turned white, and the golden sword armor and cloak in Li Futu's hand had also lost its color.

Just in an instant, the world seemed to have only two colors, black and white.

It's horrible, unheard of.

"This breath, is it the power of the realm possessed by the Immortal Venerable Realm!?"

Li Futu suddenly surprised.

Because, like this Demon Venerable, after the human warrior breaks the mirror fairy king, he will have the domain when he reaches the realm of the immortal sovereign.

The power of the domain was different from the sword domain Ling Tian had before. ,

The power of Xianzun's domain can cover thousands of miles.

This is the sword domain and cannot be reached.

"No, it's similar to the power of Xianzun's domain, but it's not.":

Ling Tian shook his head, the power of the domain of the Immortal Venerable can affect the space of thousands of miles.

But this faintly sorrowful magical power can only affect Baili.

Although it was stronger than the realm that Jimo had imitated with the formation method, it was still fake after all.

It's just that the magical powers that Yin Mosang displayed this time were nothing more than magical powers.

"The colorless origin is one of the first eighteen immortal sources, it is really rare!"

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be the technique of the Celestial Clan."

However, at this moment Ling Tian suddenly spoke.

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