Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2589: Colorless

Let everyone's eyes converge on the past.

However, people surprisingly discovered that although all objects in this faintly sorrowful realm had all turned into black and white, the long gown on Ling Tian's body was still cyan!

The power of this domain is actually ineffective to Ling Tian!

"Ling Tian, ​​you really didn't disappoint me."

"Able to be in my colorless world, unaffected, you are still the first!"

At this moment, the top of Ling Tian's head was empty, and suddenly there was a gap, tearing open.

Then, a pair of pale bare feet stretched out from it.

When the figure completely walked out of the crack, everyone including Ling Tian took a breath for it.

It's not because of the hideous and hideous looks, but because it's too coquettish!

That's right, it's a demon!

In the past, the hidden sorrow that people saw was shrouded in black robes. He was very mysterious, and no one knew what he was like.

Even the high level of Xuantian Demon Valley.

Yin Mochou learned from the Xuantian Demon Lord, and that one, but the king's record, was second only to the Mingyue Immortal King and the third strongest of the human race.

But now, this Yin Mo worry, in front of Ling Tian, ​​for the first time, revealed its true colors.

If it weren't for this person's Adam's apple, Ling Tian would have thought that this faintly sorrowful person was a woman.

Long black hair, jade-white cheeks, and red lips are even more coquettish than some peerless beauties.

At this time, Yin Moshou was still wearing a black gown, but there were also jet-black light wings floating behind him. There were still four lines, which proved that Yin Moshou at this time had reached the realm of Tier 4 Immortal King, far beyond Li Futu.

"Haha, thank you."

"I don't know, why are you here in Tianfeng City!?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows and asked with a faint smile.

"It's nothing, the first one, of course, is to destroy the Dark Demon Race."

The voice fell, Yin Moshou slowly raised his hand, and then fell again.

All the dark demons controlled by Ling Tian burst into pieces, and in an instant, they died!

Destroy tens of thousands of dark demons! ?

This scene horrified all the warriors except Ling Tian.

In this Yin Moshou's eyes, the dark demons are simply ants that can be killed. In this colorless world, Yin Moshou is almost the invincible master.

"These dark demons are controlled by you, I don't want points."

"The second reason for coming here is naturally to take back the top spot of my Tianfeng Battlefield!"

"All Wei's lists, the leader, must be me."

Yin Mochou looked at Ling Tian, ​​his pupils shrank slightly.

Within it, there was a fighting spirit, and it was secretly surging.

"Haha, by coincidence, I will definitely not fall behind others at the top of the wind battlefield this day."

Ling Tian shrugged.

"It seems that there is no other way, let the human races here, all leave, you and I fight the last one, who wins, who is the top of the Tianfeng Battlefield, how about!?"

Yin Mochou directly challenged, straight to the point.

The other warriors, after having put away the nearby points, slowly withdrew.

If the top younger generations of these two human races fight, then within a hundred miles of Tianfeng City, they will be affected and cannot survive.

However, Ling Tian above the sky shook his head.

Refused! ?

Not only were other human warriors surprised, but Yin Rou and Li Futu also couldn't believe that Ling Tian would refuse.

Although Yin Moshou really came, he was a bit tyrannical and outrageous. But Yi Lingtian's character should not admit to counseling, why refuse! ?

That Yin Moshou frowned too, and never thought that Ling Tian would be so timid.

This inevitably made him a little disappointed.

Immortal King Mingyue, how could he worry about this kind of human race! ?

"Now, it's not the time for you and me to fight."

"If you want to compete with me for the top spot, I have another way."

Ling Tian hugged his shoulders and said.

"you said."

Yin Mo gazed with sorrow, his heart turned a hundred times, and he didn't know what Ling Tian was going to plan.

"Today, in the Tianfeng battlefield, there are still four dark demon clan strongholds. Among them, there are more than one hundred thousand strong dark demon clan. As far as I know, the strongest demon clan Tianjiao, He is ranked sixth in the Dark Demon Race Demon Kings list, the Nether Demon King, with a strong combat power."

"Why don't you, you and I make a bet, now go to the four cities of the Dark Demon Race, kill the Dark Demon Race, earn points with your ability, whoever gets more points in the end, who is the top of the Tianfeng Battlefield, how about!?"

"After all, the ancient treasures in the Tianfeng battlefield today have not appeared, you and me, it is better not to civil war first."

Ling Tian's plan was naturally well thought out.

This Yin Moshou was indeed powerful, but Ling Tian was really unwilling to severely wound him on this Tianfeng battlefield.

After all, that, happy, will be the dark demons.

"Okay, that's what you said!"

"When leveling the four strongholds of the Dark Demon Race, I am waiting for you!"

That Yinmo nodded his head, and then, with a flash of light and shadow, disappeared between the heaven and the earth together with the woman behind him.

As he left, there was the colorless world that resembled the power of the realm.

"The colorless origin, that is the origin of one of the eighteen immortal origins. Unexpectedly, this Yin Moshou has received such a powerful origin power. After becoming the fairy king, this guy seems to have become stronger. I don’t know how he can resist the Mingyue Immortal King now."

Yin Rourou whispered.

"Hehe, it's still a trick."

Ling Tian shook his head. This Yin Mo worry is indeed not weak, but if you want to compare with Qin Mingyue, then it is still far from it.

"Then Ling Tian, ​​what are we going to do next!? Are we really going to level down the four strongholds of the Dark Demon Race!?"

Li Futu frowned.

Before this feat, he couldn't even think about it.

The dark demons are so powerful, they occupy four of the ten strongholds in the Tianfeng battlefield.

It is the undisputed overlord, but now, Ling Tian actually wants to destroy all the dark demons in this place! ?

"Naturally it is true."

Ling Tian turned around and looked at the tens of thousands of martial artists under the Wind City that day, "I will take you with you. If anyone is afraid, they can withdraw. I won't stop him."

However, Ling Tian's voice fell, and the warriors under Tianfeng City looked at each other, but no one left.

The battle of Tianfeng City this time has proved Ling Tian's power.

Although the plan to flatten the Dark Demon Race is a bit crazy, but now it is not just Ling Tian, ​​but also the first person of the nine great Wei Zi, who will participate.

Then, let them have more confidence in their hearts.

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