Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2594: Take turns

"Ling Tian, ​​Yin Mo worry, you two are looking for death!"

That is, You yelled, and suddenly looked up to the sky with a roar, and a series of dark devilish energy, from the earth evil city, rushed up into the sky.

The shadow of a thousand feet is manifested between the heaven and the earth.

Unlike the previous Jimo, this is the ghost shadow, although it is only ten thousand feet, but this shadow has two heads, four arms, and different weapons on the arms. They are fierce and evil. The ancient fierce gods were extremely ferocious.

At this time, a terrifying demon clan's evil spirit also enveloped Earth Evil City within a hundred li.

This is a realm-like power supernatural power that is the same as the Yinmochou Wusi realm.

Even more powerful, because Yin Moshou's Colorless Realm is already retreating under the invasion of this devilish energy.

"Today, I want you two to die in front of Earth Shaman City!"

The Demon King with a demon shadow on his back, holding a long ghost sword in his hand, shook the sky with anger.

On the other side, the Hunhun Demon King also used the Heavenly Demon Shadow. Although he did not have the supernatural power of the domain power, he could come and go freely within the domain of the Hunhun Demon.

"Ling Tian, ​​those ordinary dark demon races, hand it over to others, you and my goal, only that is the ghost demon king, who can kill this demon king, who is the top of the Tianfeng battlefield, how about!?"

Outside the evil earth city, a quiet and cold voice sounded.

"Okay, that's what you said!"

"Do it!"

Ling Tian naturally had no objections, and the figure slammed towards Earth Shao City in a flash.

On the other side, Yin Moshou urged the Wulijie to directly invade Earth Sha City.

"If you want to move, you must pass my level first!"

Devil Hunter looked around, and finally decided to kill Ling Tian.

In his opinion, this Ling Tian is weaker.

"Ha ha……"

Looking at the Hunhun Demon King who was killing him, Ling Tian sneered.

This Hunshou is indeed much more powerful than the previous Jimo and Dalai. It is faintly worse than that, and it is only the power of the domain. Among the top Immortal King combat power, it can definitely be ranked in the upper middle position.

But in Ling Tian's eyes, it's the same if you don't fall into the devil.

The same weak.


Ling Tian snorted coldly, and stretched out his big hand directly.

In the Red Flame Realm, a big hand descended from the sky, like a Vulcan shot.

The power of the Prajna Palm in this Scarlet Flame Realm seems to have increased a lot.

For Ling Tian, ​​this was an unexpected joy.

After all, this field is just a copycat from him.

But anyway, this palm is enough!


The flames pushed forward with big hands, making Na Hunhun pale in shock.

Ling Tian's palm is so strong!

But the big palm is too fast, and the devil in his body can only roar again and again with supernatural powers to resist.


However, when the palm fell, everything was nothing.

Prajna palms are Buddhist magical powers that can blast and kill all evil creatures. For the Dark Demon Race, it is simply an extinction disaster.

With one palm smashed the hunter, Ling Tian's Prajna palm, the trend continued unabated, directly submerged in the realm of that instant.

At this time, Yin Moshou's Colorless Realm also directly invaded Disha City. He walked slowly in the void with his bare feet, but every breath seemed to be teleporting, jumping forever.

A huge scarlet sickle appeared in his hand, in the black and white colorless world, scarlet dazzling.

"Hmph, no one can stand in front of my Yin Moshou, dark demons, neither!"

"Colorless Realm, Scarlet Extinction Slash!"

With a cold cry, like a **** of death, that Yin Moshou suddenly waved the scarlet sickle in his hand, and a huge **** sword light was slashed towards the faintly ghostly shadow.

"Hahaha, well, what can you two go on together!?"

"Will it hurt me?"

However, in the face of Ling Tian and Yin Mochou's siege, that Jiyou smiled in anger, and the devil above his head roared again and again, and his four arms waved their swords towards the flame palms and scarlet sickles on the left and right sides. Beheaded and left.

Bang bang!

Two loud noises shook the Earth Shao City, once again blasting countless Dark Demon Warriors.

However, after the loud noise, everyone discovered that Ling Tian and Yin Moshou's two supernatural powers were smashed to pieces by the Demon King!

The supernatural powers of the two Terran's top arrogant talents, they couldn't help but be quiet!

"Hey, this is what the Ghost Demon King looks like, does it really have some ways!? It's okay!?"

On the human side, Zuo Xiao frowned.

I thought that this was the Ghost Demon King, who would be killed by Ling Tian's attack.

"This is the sixth place among the younger generations of the Dark Demon Race. He is already considered a true Dark Demon Race genius. The blood flowing in his body is the most expensive ancient demon bloodline of the Dark Demon Race!"

"The demon shadow with two heads and four arms is one of the ancient demon gods of the Dark Demon Race. According to rumors, on top of it, there are three heads and six arms, and even four heads and eight arms demon gods, which are even more terrifying!"

Li Futu said.

"It sounds scary."

Luo Cheng frowned.

"Haha, it doesn't matter, in front of my big brother Ling Tian, ​​any demon gods are all killed!"

Zuo Xiao was carrying the sledgehammer, naturally indifferent.

But in Earth Shaman City, both Ling Tian and Yin Mochou frowned.

It was unexpected that You could block her supernatural powers so easily.

"It seems that the power of the Yu's domain is really a bit weird. Even my Prajna palm enters into it, and its power is weakened."

Ling Tian muttered, but the next moment, his palm was pressed on the guqin behind his back.

With a clamor of swords, the brand-new pure Jun sword was drawn out by Ling Tian.

After coming out of the land of the clan that day, the Meteorite Sword has been upgraded again, and now, once it is born, it must be a weapon of the pseudo-immortal, which is a bit shocking.

As for the Pure Jun Sword, it had also been repaired by Ling Tian a long time ago. It is now inferior to the Meteorite Sword, but it is still a rare opponent under the weapon of the Immortal Venerable.

At least, not worse than the **** sickle in Yin Mochou's hand!

"Hahaha, now you know the gap between you and me!? In this evil city, I am the master and invincible, you can never move me!"

That is, faintly floating under the shadow of a thousand feet, grinning.

"In my colorless world, I am invincible!"

"Come on the demon, let me see how much combat power you, the ancient demon **** with four arms, can bless you!"

Vaguely sneered, the frosty breath on his body became thicker and thicker. On the sickle in his hand, a blood-colored flame was burning, and on the center of his eyebrows, the imprint of the power of origin bloomed with divine light.

Obviously this time, Yin Mochou is about to use real combat power!

"Ling Tian, ​​don't interfere this time!"

The voice fell, and the **** sickle in Yin Mochou's hand was suddenly cut down.


The void exploded in an instant, and under the blessing of Wuxuejie, his cut was unprecedentedly powerful.

Ling Tian also heard the sound and put down the pure Jun sword in his hand.

Since Yin Moshou wanted to try, he let it go.

However, in Ling Tian's view, this Yin Mo sorrow was still a bit worse.

Sure enough, the Ghost Demon King sneered, waving his four arms, and the swords shot out at the same time, and he was in a pity with the **** sickle.


Supernatural powers regret again.

However, this time, that You also used his full strength, and under the huge earthquake, Yin Moshou and his colorless world were directly shaken out of Disha City.


However, a huge rift tore the Earth Shao City apart.

After the **** passed, Earth Shao City had been torn into two halves.

The confrontation of top combat power is so terrible. ,


The Yin Mo sorrow who was shocked flew out instantly, leaving a little blood on his mouth.

He has never underestimated Jiyou, able to get the blessing of the ancient demon god's power, which is Jiyou, a bit tyrannical and outrageous.

"Ling Tian, ​​it's you!"

However, Na Yin Mochou suddenly spoke, but he didn't mean to shoot again.


Above this terrible city, the devilish energy in the body was churning endlessly, but it was frightened.

Although he will retreat with no sorrow, but he also suffered a lot of internal injuries.

But at this time, Yin Mochou retreated and came up to Ling Tian.

Why, when you are a target, take turns! ?

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