Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2595: The devil falls and wins the sky [seeking fruit]

"haha okay!"

However, when Ling Tian heard the sound, he had already taken the Scarlet Flame Realm and entered the Earth Fiend City.

The pure Jun sword in his hand is raised high, and a hundred thousand sword shadows are gathered on it.

But he did not cut this sword.

This made the man who was already condensing the devilish energy, ready to use his magical powers, vomiting blood in a hurry.

"What are you waiting for!? Come on!"

"I'm thinking, if I kill you with a certain amount of force, if I kill you with a single sword, will it be very boring!?"

Ling Tian frowned suddenly.

But when its voice fell, not only was he vomiting blood, all the other martial artists of the demon clan almost fell from the sky.

Yin Mochou also shook his head. When is the time, Ling Tian still has the strength of his tongue! ?

"Damn it! I, you, is a dark demon genius with the blood of the ancient demon. How can I let you be so humiliated and look at my magical powers to kill you!"

The four-armed demon shadow thumped his chest and furious, and the four swords moved towards Ling Tian, ​​slashing down!

Supernatural powers directly entered the Red Flame Realm.

The power of these fields still cannot affect the magical powers of the demon clan.

"You are still anxious!"

"Well, then Wan Jian will disappear!"

Ling Tian sneered, and the pure Jun sword in his hand shook, and a hundred thousand sword shadows broke free from the sword body, turning into a sword formation storm and rushing towards the demon shadow.

The Ten Thousand Sword Formation was originally terrifying, but after Ling Tian had now cultivated the Divine Sword Yu Lei Zhen tactic, he was reduced to the second-level sword magic power.

But it's enough to deal with this devil!

Wan Jian disappeared, directly shattering the four weapons of the Ghost Demon King.

The two sides retreated.

Ling Tian flew out of Earth Evil City and hovered in the Scarlet Flame Realm, "Fortunately, he didn't die, it's you, I'm not worried!"


On the other side of the city, faintly nodded, urging Wuranjie to step forward, and the **** sickle in his hand had been raised again.


The one above the evil city immediately yelled, his face flushed extremely.

He has really become a plaything!

"I am so angry, today, I want you all to die!"

"Ancient Demon Battle Body, Demon Change!"

At this moment, You was completely irritated, and he wanted to do his best to fight!

In an instant, the Ghost Demon King displayed his battle body and became the body of the ancient demon with a height of one hundred feet. However, unlike all the previous Dark Demon races, this time, the ghost battle body is like a ghost, with two heads, four arms, and feet. There are hundreds of feet!

That is, You let out a fierce roar of the demon god, and his figure flashed, teleporting, and directly broke into the colorless realm of Yin Moshou.


That is, the terrifying physical and magical powers of the Nether Demon King shocked Yin Moshou in the Achromatic Realm. After performing the War Body Demon Transformation, the Yiyou can even ignore the limitations of the Achromatic Realm!

"Hehe, now, you can go to death!"

However, that Jiyou made a grinning laugh, waving his arms, each displaying a magical power, engulfing Xiangyin Moshou.


With a muffled sound, Yin Moshou was swallowed by the magical powers of the Demon Race.

And the colorless realm even more directly collapsed!

In this scene, the warriors of the human race and the monster race were all startled, and never thought that the unbelievable Yin Moshou would be defeated in this way! ?

"the host!"

In the distance, the faintly sorrowful spirit pet also exclaimed.

She hadn't seen her master for a long time, so passive.

However, the next moment, a space tore apart outside the Earth Shao City, and then, that Yin Moshou walked out, clutching his chest.

At this time, he was a little embarrassed, blood-stained black robe.

"Master, how are you!?"

Ling Chong Caidie flew up.

"It's okay, it's secluded, it's not easy to deal with!"

Yin Mochou shook his head. Although he blocked this faint blow, the Xuanyue blood sickle in his hand was already shattered.

He paid the price of a top national equipment.

"Not dead!?"

On the city of Earthshadow, I saw you quietly, but my heart was unwilling.

With a full blow, he has not yet killed this little human race! ?

Immediately, Yu let out a roar again, and the demon shadow shook, walking in the void, and then killed again towards that Yin Mochou.

"Caidie, get away!"

Yin Mochou's face changed, not wanting this to be secluded, and even chasing after him.

"Hehe, Jiyou, shouldn't it be my turn!?"

However, not far in front of Yin Mochou, the void suddenly tore apart. Immediately, Ling Tian walked out of it, stretched out his arm, and slashed towards the space in front of him.


Ling Tian's speed was extremely fast, from appearing in front of Yin Moshou to severing this sword, all in an instant.

Everyone just saw a sword light cut down, and there was magic blood in the void, splashing down the sky.


Accompanied by a scream of demon clan, You was directly cut out of the void.

"How is it possible!? You can predict my position!?"

The one who was killed by Yijian was frightened and furious. He looked at the scar on his body that was shining with thunder light, and he couldn't believe that with his body after turning on the battle body, he was still injured by Yijian!

"Hehe, what, do you think you are fast!?"

Ling Tian shook his head, and a hundred thousand sword shadows turned into a cage, sealing the immediate seclusion.

Then, looking at Yin Mo sorrow behind him, "For the last time, the one who has this devil's heart will win."


Yinmo nodded his head in sorrow, and the figure appeared on the other side of the You Demon King.

The Colorless Realm is unfolding again, and in the realm, Yin Moshou is like a god.

"Colorless Realm, die!"

Yin Moshou was muttering words in his mouth, and the next moment, Wulijie directly transformed into a huge sickle, beheading Xiangna Jiyou.

And Ling Tian was not idle either, the blood of the beast dragon in his body boiled, and the beast dragon was directly turned on.

Under the blessing of the Nine Transformations of the True Dragon, Ling Tian held the national sword in his hand, like a god, slashing down.

The Tianjiao of all races who watched the battle from a distance was completely stunned at this time.

Because at this time the combat power displayed by the two of them is already enough to match those top fairy kings on the top level of the fairy king list!

It's horrible!

Do not!

That is faint and frightened, all arms dancing wildly.

However, after the two supernatural powers of the human race swallowed it, the secluded demonic aura disappeared instantly.

The impact razed the entire Earth Demon City to the ground.

Within a radius of three hundred miles, there are no more creatures.

The sky burst and couldn't heal for a long time.

However, when the smoke gradually dissipated, everyone discovered that the colorless world had disappeared.

And Ling Tian was floating in the originally standing position, playing with the Devil's Heart in his hands.

And ten feet away in front of him, Yin Mochou shook his head and sighed.

"I lost."

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