Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2647: A fierce battle

"Haha, Ling Tian!"

"Today, I just want you to understand that everything you do is in vain!"

"Under my Wushu open battle body, even if you have the battle armor of the Protoss, you can't stop me!"

In the thick black fog, the witching voice sounded again.

However, the witching voice at this time was like an ancient demon god, buzzing and shaking, and the void roared.

Without waiting for Ling Tian's reaction, a big hand suddenly stretched out from the magic mist, blasting towards Ling Tian with a punch, and the speed was approaching the extreme.


Ling Tian greeted him with a punch, but with an explosion, a figure was hit into the sky from the smoke and dust.

"It's Ling Tian!"

Everyone exclaimed, never thinking that Ling Tian, ​​who possessed such a terrifying armor body, would be so invincible in front of Wushu after the battle body was turned on!

"Uh, cough!"

Ling Tian lost a punch to that Wuxie, and was directly shocked by a huge distance.

Falling on the mountain, Ling Tian quickly climbed up.

Shaking his sour fist, Ling Tian raised the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, the strength is a lot bigger!"

Indeed, the witch deterrence after opening the battle body has become more and more powerful.

The power of the punch just now was blocked by Ling Tian with the hand of Qinglong, but he was still punched by Wu Shu.

If it wasn't for the hand of the Azure Dragon and the battle armor of the Protoss to be strong enough, for fear of being a talent, Ling Tian would be severely injured by a punch.

Of course, this punch was not the strongest combat power of Wushu.

"I haven't been seriously injured by my punch, this Protoss armor is really good!"

The magic mist in the distance finally dissipated, and the witch deterrence after using the battle body also turned into an ancient demon clan the size of a hundred meters.

The image of Junyi human race is far from before.

Perhaps this is his original face.

It's just that, unlike other dark demons, the witchcraft after the battle body is displayed, the whole body is dark gold, and on the head, there are two golden yellow giant horns, full of noble aura.

At the very least, it was far more tyrannical than the Wu Yao who Ling Tian had killed before!

This is the real power of the Demon Lord of the Dark Demon Royal Family.

"Hehe, the battle between you and me, but it has just begun!"

"You can use the heavenly clan to bless your combat power, can't I do it!?"

Ling Tian sneered. In the sea of ​​anger, the figure of Xianzun's will suddenly stood up from the foundation.

The will of the top Immortal Venerable is surging to make up for rest, flooding Ling Tian's limbs and corpses.

With the blessing of this level of will, the immortal essence in Ling Tian's body surged, and his combat power surged in an instant.

"Let me see, how many catties and taels are you, the Demon Venerable after opening the battle body!"

"Excalibur Yulei, cut!"

Ling Tian rose to the sky, the cyan dragon wings on his back trembled suddenly, with an extremely powerful force, so that the star sword light held in Ling Tian's hand was chopped down like a mighty force!

"Hehe, this sword is also good!"

"When you destroy your human races, I will have both the Bingling Realm Sea Rod and this sword!"

However, Wu Shu looked at Ling Tian coming with a sword, but sneered.


There was a sudden shock in his hand, and a pitch-black battle axe manifested from his hand.

This battle axe is a real immortal sword. Although it may not be as good as the ice-ling world sea stick and Ling Tian's star sword, its power is definitely not weak at this stage.

"Black Demon Slash!"


The battle axe in Wu Xi's hand rounded a full moon, and then on the battle axe, a terrifying edge surged from the sky, sweeping across the mountains and slashing towards Ling Tian's sword art of imperial thunder.


It's completely head-on regret.

The sword and axe were fighting, and in the sound of the earth-shaking explosion, the sword light and the axe were all cracked.


Two muffled noises resounded through the heavens, but everyone was shocked to find that after this magical power, Ling Tian and that Wushu all retreated.

Tie! ?

This result is undoubtedly good for a group of strong human races.

Wu Mo opened the battle body, almost in the strongest state, as long as Ling Tian can parry, then there is a possibility of victory.

"No, the immortal venerable behind Ling Tian has become thinner, and he is still under the wind!"

However, Di Jiuge frowned.

Threw cold water on everyone.

"This guy, it's been so long, the will of the Immortal Venerable, still the top Immortal Venerable level, and the cultivation base has not broken through to the realm of the Immortal King. If this is the case, it is absolutely impossible to defeat Wushu!"

Emperor Jiuge shook his head repeatedly.

"Ling Tian's strength is beyond your imagination. This Wushu is not Ling Tian's opponent at all!"

However, Ji Jiuyou was unhappy.

"How many hole cards Ling Tian has, I don't know, but I'm just judging from the current combat power. What are you excited about!?"

Di Jiuge glared at Ji Jiuyou.


Ji Jiuyou was frightened, but was stopped by Qin Mingyue, "Nothing, don't be familiar with her."

At this time, Ling Tian, ​​who had been shaken back, also had a grim expression on his face.

After the Wushu opened the battle body, the combat power was amazing, and his own sword had already mobilized ten percent of the power of the Divine Sword Yu Lei True Art, but it still did not take advantage.

Instead, the will of his own fairy is shaking.

Nowadays, after years of warming and nurturing, the ancient Taichu in Lingtianhaihai has the fighting will to rival the quasi-emperor's level.

If all were released, Ling Tian's combat power could still skyrocket.

However, Ling Tian is not ready to use it now, after all, this kind of will is important!

If it is not a last resort, Ling Tian will definitely not perform in front of so many people.

"Come again!!"

Ling Tian Qingjian rushed up again.

Anyway, the battle armor of his Protoss will be fine in a short time.

Boom boom boom!

The two terrifying combat powers, just like that, on the top of the Tianfeng Mountain Range, they fought like crazy.

Although the secret of heaven is no longer in the space here, Ling Tian and Wu Shu fight each other with no scruples.

Under the terrifying magical powers and fighting, blood splashed down the sky, looking at the human warriors in the distance, one by one was dumbfounded.

It was too tragic.

Ling Tian and Wu Shu were almost entangled in a fight in the end, fists to the flesh, violent.

The Lord of the Great Jin and the others all sullen their faces, asking themselves if they participate in it, even if they have the cultivation base of the Immortal Venerable, they will blow up with a punch.

The combat power of Ling Tian and Wu Shu was far beyond the combat power of the ordinary Immortal Venerable.

"Kill kill kill!"

On the battlefield, Ling Tian was roaring, his body became extremely stalwart, and his sword pierced the void, pierced through the sky and the earth, and slammed into that Wushu.

On the battle axe in Wu Shu's hand, there are also the rules of the Great Avenue of Terror condensed into a huge and boundless dark axe, heading towards the coming Ling Tian.

The attacks of the two collided head-on, and the sky trembled for it. Everyone saw a strong light burst, and both of them bloomed with incomparable brilliance of magical powers.

The Protoss battle armor on Ling Tian showed a round of brilliance, resisting the power of the magical power, the sky shook, his hands blasted out frantically, thousands of sword lights pierced through the world, and once again blasted towards Wushu.

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