Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2648: Do you want to see a trick?

At the same time, the body of Wushu was bathed in the light of endless dark demon evil, the figure of the ancient demon **** possessed the body, and the dark magic light on the body was extremely blazing.

In an instant, the two existences above the void collided so many times. Everyone could see that Ling Tian in the battle armor of the **** race was extremely brave, but his body did not know how many attacks he had endured, shaking again and again, even if he was wearing Put on the armor of the **** race, but this attack really comes from the existence of the demon lord.

Finally, with an extreme bright light blooming, the two of them separated, and everyone saw a tearing sound in the void, the light on the Protoss battle armor was in the giant shock, and the visor on Ling Tian's head was under the visor. , There is cyan blood flowing down.

Although there is a protoss battle armor body, everyone can't see how Ling Tian is injured, but Ling Tian can feel that the force of the giant that poured into his body is tearing his body of the dragon.

The body of Beaulieu is still weak.

Facing this is like possessing an inexhaustible power of witch deterrence, the Protoss Battle Armor cannot be immune to all powers.

"Hehe, I'm not dead yet!?"

"Then do it again!"

Upon seeing this, Wu Xi sneered. On his body, the ultimate dark demon light seemed to break through the sky. Behind him, the shadow of the demon **** spread his wings and fanned, and his body rushed towards Ling Tian like a stream of light.

Ling Tian still didn't shrink back. He stared at the light and stepped on the sky. The dragon blood seemed to burn. All the power was gathered on the meteor sword in his hand. Seeing the light coming, he stepped and did not defend. , Blasted a sword straight.

"Bah..." A terrible tearing sound came out.

"Boom." At the same time, it was accompanied by a violent impact.

The two of them separated instantly, and everyone saw that Ling Tian's sword light was torn apart, and even the hand of Qinglong was shattered with scars, and blood surged.

Even so, it was still not directly destroyed. His hand was made by Qinglong, even if it was Wushu, he would never want to destroy it.

However, it seemed that Wushu was not much better under Ling Tian's powerful sword.

Wu Shu coughed, only to feel that there was liquid in his throat, but he swallowed it back. The bones between his chest and abdomen were broken, and his internal organs were trembling. This fatal sword caused him some injuries.

"Ling Tian..."

The human races in the distance all looked at the two figures above the sky with frowning frowning.

They could already feel that Ling Tian really seemed to have reached the limit.

Even if there is such a tyrannical battle armor body, but if you continue to fight, it is very likely that Ling Tian will be shaken to death in the battle armor alive.

"This guy, what are you waiting for? At this time, he directly used his hole cards to kill Wushu!"

Di Jiuge shook his head.

"It's very good. You can fight with me for so long without dying, and still hurt me. You human race is indeed the strongest existence I have ever seen before."

"However, the stronger you are, the more you will die!"

"Ling Tian, ​​you should, regret running into me!"


Suddenly, A Wu Ju spit out a word without any extra words.

The sound fell, the axe light was vertical and horizontal, between the heaven and the earth, above the sky, countless axe lights descended around his body, clamoring loudly, magnificent.

"Sorcerer God Origin, give me the power to destroy the sky, cut!"

Another shout fell, and the rising light of the huge axe pierced through the air in an instant, breaking through the air and leaving God.

The battle axe of the heavens is like a river of heaven. This axe of thousands, every axe light, is like a weapon of a fairy, tearing the void, slashing people's souls, and truly contains a ray of ancient demon god's supernatural power!

Above Ling Tian’s body, a devastating sword light appeared. With his body as the center, thousands of sword lights erupted at the same time. Each sword light was Ling Tian’s sword intent, totaling 100,000. , And approached the demon-like battle axe that fell on the sky that day.


Sword Intent and Axe's shadow exploded and destroyed frantically, and a terrifying sight appeared between the two of them.

The sword intent is not extinguished, the shadow of the axe is not extinguished, Ling Tian carrying the supreme sword intent, beheaded to the witch and frightened, like a god.

Wu Li saw Ling Tian move forward step by step, his body slowly floating up, the battle axe in his hand clenched tightly, and he walked towards Ling Tian.

At this moment, between the two, it seemed that it was no longer a fight, but a confrontation between will and combat power.

But every step of the way out, the destructive power of the birth is enough to wipe out the strong below Xianzun, and the two of them seem to have turned into an absolute forbidden place.

The sword intent and the ax shadow crazily entangled and collided, without any swordsmanship or magical powers, only the simplest confrontation.

Wushu's body bloomed with endless magic light, as if his whole person was integrated into the shadow of the ancient demon body, and entered a state of communicating with the demon race. Under this state, Ling Tian felt the pressure, and he had an illusion. At this time, he was not facing a demon, but a demon **** from ancient times.

"With the hand of the demon god, kill the human race." Wu Shu uttered a voice, his voice fell, and the magic light of the heavens merged into his body.

Thousands of demon shadows dissipated, and they all merged into the body of shamanism, but the demon intent lingering between the heavens and the earth was several times stronger than before, as if a qualitative change had occurred.

The hundred thousand sword intent surrounding Ling Tian's body was actually suppressed.

Wushu borrowed the might of the ancient demon gods, which was especially terrifying.

Now Wushu, like an ancient demon god.

He continued to step forward, the Demon God's Axe directly smashed one hundred thousand sword intents, and slashed on Ling Tian's shoulders, as if to break his body and cut off his spiritual will!

"Ling Tian!"

Qin Mingyue exclaimed.

She also saw it at this time, this is Wu Shu's strongest combat power, Ling Tian is currently unable to resist it!

"Damn it, shouldn't I still have to do it!?"

Di Jiuge cursed secretly. As a descendant of Emperor Yuxu Wu, she naturally still had means in her hands.

It really doesn't work, she really wants to make a move.

And at this time on the battlefield, Wu Shu began to grinned, "How about it, Ling Tian, ​​have you seen it, this is my Wu Shu's real combat power, I am the devil!"

"What did you fight with me!?"

"Under the power of my devil, you have the armor of the protoss, and I can smash you in the armor!"

"Cough, cough, cough, right!?" Ling Tian carried the fascinating battle axe on his shoulders, and blood began to gush out from the gaps in the armor.

At this moment, the body of the Beaulieu within the Lingtian Battle Armor was indeed collapsing, and could not resist the power of witchcraft.

"Why, don't you still succumb now that your death is approaching!?"

Wu Shu sneered.

"Want to make me surrender!? You are still far away!"

Ling Tian shook his head and looked at Wu Xi, "Want to see a trick!?"


Wu Shu frowned and didn't know what Ling Tian was talking about!

But the next moment, Wu Ju's expression changed abruptly.

Because, in the blink of an eye, the surrounding Tianfeng Mountain Range disappeared directly.

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