Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2652: Ling Xiaoer soaring

"How long will it take to meet the Lord's army!?"

Cui Tuer suddenly asked, she really couldn't wait.

"Madam Kai, coming soon, at full speed, it only takes half a day to meet!"

Outside the car, the fairy king said respectfully.

"Well, hurry up."

With the bare hands in Cui Rouer's sleeves clenched together, she suddenly felt that this half-day time was like years.


However, at this moment, Cui Rouer's ear suddenly remembered a voice.

"We'll see each other in half a day, why do I still have auditory hallucinations!?"

Cui Tuer shook his head, trying to throw out the familiar to unfamiliar voice.

"Hehe, you little fool, don't you want to hear my voice?"

However, Ling Tian's voice sounded again.

"Ling Tian!?"

At this moment, Cui Rouer's face finally changed greatly. She would hear this voice in her dreams every day and night.

"Well, here I am."

The formation of the car hummed softly, and a figure appeared beside Cui Rouer, with a big hand, directly enclosing Cui Rouer's plump and white body in his arms.

"Ling, Ling Tian!?"

Cui Rou'er felt the warmth in Ling Tian's arms and the broad chest, and the whole person was shocked there.

She was looking forward to this day, and had been looking forward to it for so many years, now that when Ling Tian really appeared in front of her, Cui Tuer could not believe what she saw.

"It should be called the husband."

Ling Tian stirred up Cui Rouer's white jade face.

Among all his women, Cui Rouer was the only one who left him an heir.

And Cui Rouer's appearance is also the most charming of all women.

Even if Ling Tian had seen so many stunning people in the ascending immortal realm, he was not as charming as Cui Rouer.

"Husband, I miss you so much."

With tears in Cui's eyes, she held Ling Tian back in her hands.

In those eyes, the color of charm was involuntarily revealed, but it made Ling Tian a little bit unable to control it.

Cui Tuer's body charms Tiancheng, and Ling Tian can't stand this kind of charm.

Ling Tian raised his hand, arranged a formation in the car, and then put his big hand into Cui Rouer's dress.

"Oh, why are you so anxious, but just met."

"Hey, it hurts, it hurts..."

For a time, inside the car, the pink tent is warm, not for outsiders.

But when the car greeted the army, Ling Tian took Cui Tuere and flew up to the city, the immortal kings who were escorting them looked at each other in astonishment.

They didn't even know when Ling Tian appeared in the car, this kind of body technique is simply amazing.

And Cui Tuer, who was taken by Ling Tian and flew to the city, was embarrassed under the gaze of Qin Mingyue's women.

"Hehe, let me just say it, Ling Tian will never come back early, otherwise, the charm of sister Bao'er would be a vain practice!"

Qin Mingyue looked at the unreturned red tide on Cui Rouer's face and smiled.

"Oh, Mingyue you will laugh at me! They are afraid of you, I am not afraid, see how I will deal with you later!"

Cui Tuer gave Qin Mingyue a glance.

"Hehe, you don't need to clean her up, let me come!"

Ling Tian stepped forward and dragged Qin Mingyue into his arms.

"And you guys, watch what you are doing, come here!"

Ling Tian looked at Zhao Min and Ji Jiuyou again.

"Well, this is not good."

Even Zhao Min was ashamed.

"I said yes, that's good. Today, I will let you guys meet frankly!"

Ling Tian laughed loudly, rolled up his long sleeves, and everyone disappeared above the city.

"Hmph, just became the lord of the immortal dynasty, so he was so unrestrained, greedy for money and lustful, and fainted!"

Above a city in the distance, Di Jiuge watched Ling Tian and a few women disappear, and couldn't help snorting coldly.

At the same time, Ling Nian and Ling Xiao'er, who had just stepped into the human border, stopped in the void and took a deep breath.

Today's Ling Nian, his cultivation base has reached the realm of the second-order fairy king, although it is not very high, but after all, Ling Nian's just ascended up, not many years, this speed is much faster than Qin Mingyue, and Ling Tian Compared to that, it's faster.

However, Ling Xiao'er at this time was only in the Golden Fairy realm. Among the human race, it was only a low-level existence.

However, if those people knew that Ling Xiao'er had just ascended just a short time ago, they would be surprised.

He had just ascended to the Golden Fairy realm, and God knew what Ling Xiaoer had experienced in the lower realm.

You know, when Ling Tian ascended, he was just an immortal!

However, at this time Ling Nian was wounded on his body, and blood was flowing down the large beam in his hand.

Half of his arm almost broke.

However, even so, Ling Nian's face was still firm, without the slightest pain.

"Auntie, we are finally in the realm of human race, safe!"

Ling Nian turned around, looked at the endless dark mountains behind, and sipped, "Grandma, this group of dark demons is really hard to deal with. My father and the army have been hit hard, and there are so many demon kings!"

"Auntie, my dad won a big victory in the Tianfeng Mountains and established a fairy dynasty. Now it should be waiting for us to go back."

"Well, but Nian'er, your injury..."

Behind him, Ling Xiaoer frowned.

"Hey, auntie, don't worry, my skin is rough and thick, and this injury is nothing."

Ling Nian shook his head.

"Fortunately, you are okay. I have soared into the realm of the dark demon. It is too dangerous. If you have three long and two short, not only can I and my brother and sister-in-law be unable to explain, even Meier, I am ashamed!"

Ling Xiaoer shook his head.

What I have experienced along the way is a life of nine deaths.

"Tsk, look, aunt, we are a family, what do you say about this!? And, this time I didn’t just save aunt you out, didn’t you also sweep an ancient relic by the way, this is a chance, If you ask me to do it again, I am willing too!"

Ling Nian smiled.

"You kid... nothing, let's go back quickly."

Ling Xiaoer shook his head.


Ling Nian nodded and shook his hand, and a purple dragon appeared at his feet.

"Hey, when I'm in this Terran territory, I can go with the imperial dragon unscrupulously. Aunt, let's go. If I want to come, my father and mother miss me!"


Ling Nian gave a long whistle, and the purple divine dragon sitting down shook the sky and turned into a purple streamer, shooting towards Luoyang.

However, Ling Nian didn't know that at this time Ling Tian was in the palace, sleeping together...


The former capital of Wei Dynasty.

Ling Tian had been here once before, and was shocked by the prosperity and hugeness of Luoyang.

Now, it is the second time Ling Tian has come to Luoyang.

The poem that soared through Luoyang and filled the city with golden armor seemed to still be echoing in Ling Tian's ears.

But now, he has fulfilled his previous promise, bringing an army of thousands of armors to Luoyang City!

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