Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2653: Jiuding Yutian Formation

Hundreds of flying cities are suspended above the sky outside Luoyang.

The flying city in the middle is especially noble and luxurious, and above it, the lord of the Great Jin, the two immortal demon lord Xuantian stand upright.

On both sides, Emperor Jiu Ge Ji Jiu You, Qin Mingyue and others were floating there, while on the left and right, there were countless immortal kings, and everyone looked down at Luoyang City below.

Thousands of armies are all golden armors. At this moment, Luoyang City is about to change hands!

"I wait for the three hundred families in Luoyang City, four hundred thousand warriors, and welcome the Lord of the Han Dynasty!"

Before Luoyang City, the 400,000 warriors in the city had already knelt outside the city, waiting for the arrival of the Lingtian army.

This time, the Great Wei Dynasty was destroyed, and all the Great Wei clans were wiped out.

Luoyang, from then on, has been the capital of the Han Dynasty.


"The army is stationed outside the city, all the fairy kings, enter the city!"

Ling Tian nodded slightly, led the crowd, and flew down from the sky.

The Great Han Immortal Dynasty was first established. As the human race for thousands of years, the grand ceremony of Ling Tian's ascension to the throne, the largest immortal dynasty, will definitely be held.

Qin Mingyue and Cui Rouer prepared Ling Tian's ascension ceremony.

The edict issued to all the people of the immortal country, big and small, and after a month, all the lord of the immortal country, including the lord of Dajin and Dasong, arrived in Luoyang City in person.

They understand that if Ling Tian ascends the throne in their future, then the next one to be destroyed must be their immortal kingdom.

Not only that, but they are still worried.

Because today's big man, and Ling Tian, ​​are too strong, even the Sky Clan and the Dark Demon Clan are not Ling Tian's opponents, so it is easy to pinch them to death in Luoyang.

In this way, if Ling Tian wanted to annex their immortal kingdom, it would be just a matter of thought, and they would not have the ability to resist.

At this time, in the palace hall of Luoyang City, Ling Tian suddenly turned around and looked at the Dugu Hanshan: "Senior, Dayan was established by my ancestor of the Ling family and merged into my big man. Naturally, there is nothing to say. But the Dugu Immortal Kingdom was created by your single-handed efforts."

"How could I let you merge into the big man too!?"

However, Dugu Hanshan waved his hand, "Hey, listen to me, the reason why I established this Dugu fairy country is only to give revenge to my Dugu family. Now, this great Wei has been destroyed, and I have to revenge. , Satisfied."

"Dugu Immortal Kingdom is too difficult, and I am not suitable for being the lord of the Immortal Kingdom at all. Now that I am merged into the big man can make me feel relieved!?"

"However, don't worry, I know you are busy, so this border, I Duguhanshan, will still help you guard!"

"Well, then Ling Tian, ​​thank you senior!" Ling Tian sighed, and could only give up when he couldn't persuade this Dugu Hanshan mountain.

"Ling Tian, ​​the time is up!"

At this time, outside the hall, Qin Mingyue's voice sounded.


Ling Tian took a deep breath and came to the main hall.

The hall is a thousand feet tall, and all the envoys from the immortal kingdom and the powerful men are standing under the hall.

There are countless immortal kings, and the tyrannical breath rushes straight into the sky.

Above the palace, a golden dragon surrounded by thunder, hovering endlessly.

That is the totem of the great man, and it is also the manifestation of the luck of the great man.

Ling Tian wears a golden dragon robe, a dragon crown and dragon boots.

Dahan, this is the first immortal dynasty he established in the immortal world.

He was firm in his heart, and he would definitely want this Great Han Dynasty to reproduce the prosperity of the Great Qin Dynasty thousands of years ago.

If there is no imperial palace, then he will let this big man become an existence above the imperial palace!

Thinking of this, Ling Tian looked terrified and stepped out of the hall.

At this moment, the golden dragon circled the sky, and the seven stars fell to the holy light.

On the ceremony of enthronement, Ling Tian canonized Qin Mingyue as queen, and the other women as concubines.

Although Ling Tian didn't want this kind of mundane gift, he was scolded by the ancestor Ling Xiao and had to agree.

In the ceremony, Dayan, Duguxian Kingdom, Zhao Kingdom and Chu Kingdom all merged into the territory of the Han Dynasty.

Since then, Dahan has become the largest immortal dynasty of the human race for thousands of years, with a territory of tens of millions of miles, no immortal dynasty can match.

What made the other immortal kingdoms breathed a sigh of relief was that Ling Tian did not annex their country.

After the ceremony, Ling Tian was anxious for all the Lords of the Immortal Kingdom to discuss matters in the hall.

After all, although Dahan has been established now, and his combat power has reached an unprecedented level, the challenges he has to face have never been encountered before.

"Your Majesty, now the big man has been established, but we have destroyed two million of the dark demon army elite in the Tianfeng Mountain Range, and also killed the sorcerer. This will definitely make the dark demon tribe angry, and they will retaliate!"

Dugu Hanshan Road.

"Well, this is natural. I have already figured out how to deal with it before."

Ling Tian nodded.

"Ling Tian Kingdom Lord, I don't know, what coping method do you have to deal with the ambitions of this Dark Demon Race, you must know that if the Dark Demon Race comes back this time, it will definitely not be an ordinary role."

"Of course, if the country lord needs it, I, Da Song, will do my best to help!"

The main way of the Great Song Dynasty.

"That's right, I won't hesitate when I get promoted!"

The Lord of Great Jin also got up.

"Hehe, I'm relieved with these two words."

"Resisting the Dark Demon Race is indeed what all of us have to do. Just relying on the strength of my big man is absolutely impossible."

"And my plan is to forge a formation!"

"I want to forge an unprecedented ancient formation on the human border to withstand the impact of the dark demons army."

"And this requires your cooperation."

Ling Tian smiled.

"What, big formation!? Do you need all the fairy kingdoms together!!?"

The lord of the immortal kingdoms frowned.

"Yes, but don’t worry, you guys. The big formation is just built on the border on the side of the Dark Demon Race. It will definitely not have any impact on your immortal kingdom. This big formation is inherited from ancient times and is called Jiuding. Yutian Formation!"

"The main formation method, I am here in Luoyang, and after that, there are eight formation eyes, which are suppressed by the treasure tripods that share the nine heavenly Tongtian Lingbao and above, which is the Jiuding imperial heaven formation."

"If this formation can be completed initially, it can protect the peace of our human race for decades."

"If the formation is great and all the Jiuding falls, then my human race can be as solid as gold soup. Even if the Dark Demon Race tens of thousands of troops come to attack, it will be enough to last for a year!"

"Jiuding Yutian!?" Ling Tian's figure fell, and the other masters of the fairy kingdom looked at each other, shocked in their hearts.

They have never heard of such a formation that can connect the borders of the immortal kingdom of all races together, what a huge project this is! ?

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