Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2686: Blue Haechi

"Hehe, today, I just let you demons know that I am amazing at Lei Qianyu!"

Lei Qianyu also naturally refused to accept it.

In this way, the thunder geniuses of the two races of shemales did not waste a bit of tongue with each other, and directly began a cruel life-and-death fight!

The sky shattered, the sea collapsed, the wind and clouds roared, and the sky was dark.

The entire space is filled with infinite thunder and evil spirits, and a powerful and powerful aura permeates the surrounding area, forcing the martial artists of the two races around here to retreat. And so, the strength of many ethnic warriors is undoubtedly shown.

For the many powerhouses who radiate away, the first level is naturally the peak existence of the various races left, most of them are immortals. At this moment, their faces are dignified, their eyes are uncertain, and it is obvious that the thoughts in their hearts are rapidly tumbling.

They are also extremely strong among the human race and the monster race. In terms of status and combat power, they are only slightly inferior to Lei Qianyu and Dongfang Ye. They retreat just because they don't want to be involved in this battle, and the wave of destruction that escapes. Before they get close to them, they will be resisted by all means. What they want to see is that these two Tianjiao lose both, then they will have a chance to fight for this Thunder System Supreme Treasure.

However, the existence of this layer is very rare, even if it is counted as hidden in the small island below, there are only a few people.

And after five hundred miles away, it was the combat power between the first-order and second-order immortals, and there were a lot of people, there were dozens of them.

In the next thousand miles, there are more powerful people in the realm of the ordinary Immortal Venerable, and there are hundreds of them.

The distance of one thousand miles is extremely short for their existence.

In the vast area after a thousand miles, there are even more warriors suspended and hidden.

Almost half of the warriors who entered Lei Ze were attracted.

After all, they all felt that the treasure in this thunder cocoon was the ultimate treasure in this thunder.

However, these people only dared to look at it from a distance. Even if the battle power is half-step Immortal Venerable, if it is affected by supernatural power, it will be a death.

It's just that Ling Tian and others are on this level. Although they are far away, for Ling Tian's body style, entering the battlefield is just a matter of breathing.

And here, the entire battlefield can be seen more clearly.

The battle continues, and it is getting fiercer.

Both Lei Qianyu and Yaozu Dongfangye used their own cards to fight frantically. Every blow against each other will produce a mighty aftermath of terror that spills from the sky. Even if they are separated by countless distances, they can still sense the two Tianjiao fighting against each other. The degree of horror.

The vast phantom of the immortal is the top immortal will summoned by Lei Qianyu, converged with pure thunder thoughts, containing endless thunder destructive power, under a single blow, the thunder power erupts. Unstoppable.

And behind the other party, that Dongfangye, the body of the ancient great demon, which is ten thousand feet high, now looks very different from the bloodline sacrificed by the ordinary demon race. On top of the great demon’s head, there is a sticky and pitch-black mass. The thunder tumbling, vaguely transformed into a Dapeng phantom, this proves that the pure and noble blood in Dongfang Ye's body has indeed reached an extremely terrifying level.

Under the blessing of this kind of bloodline power, the magical power blasted down, and it was mixed with the power of Wanjun that can destroy the world and the earth, with the help of thunder and the power.

With the blessing of the power of will and the strength of the bloodline, the two races of Tianjiao, who are not far apart, are now even more dangerous and dangerous to fight.

The azure blue and pitch-black thunders swallowed and merged crazily with each other, making a trembling sound of "Zi La La", and there was a loud roar in the hands of each other, spreading across the sky.

From a distance, the two great arrogances are fighting, just like the immortal and the big demon fighting, making people look down, and they feel a tyrannical visual impact hitting their faces, making people stiff and pale.

This level of battle, even in the two races, is already at a very high level, and ordinary warriors may not be able to see it once in a lifetime!

In the surrounding areas, those immortals who originally wanted to take advantage of the fire flashed deep jealousy in their eyes. Obviously, the super powerful fighting power erupting from the peerless geniuses of the human and demon races really made them feel jealous, if they were not seriously injured. , They hardly have anything at all.

As for the descendants of Tianjiao from other ethnic groups, endless stormy waves are set off in their hearts. Originally thought that the real combat power between each other was almost the same, but it was only at this moment that the difference was not even a little bit. However, the changes in the complexions of the people at this moment can't prove anything. Perhaps this is just deliberately revealing to paralyze others, so that afterwards, they can use their strongest magical powers to win treasures.

As for those who watched the battle farther away, the shock and envy came out of their hearts, there was nothing else. They knew that they couldn't get that Thunder Element Supreme Treasure, and now they are just watching the excitement.

But among this group of people, there are people who are not among them.

That is Ling Tian.

Today's Ling Tian's complexion is still indifferent, his gaze looks at the battlefield, but he doesn't show the slightest fear. In a pair of dark eyes, there is only the deep tranquility. Such an attitude is only because his current cultivation base has completely disregarded fighting of this level.

"Ling Tian, ​​it seems that the battle between these two Tianjiao should be over, and both of them have almost sacrificed their hole cards, but now that we can see it clearly, it seems that there is no possibility of killing each other."

"In the end, I'm afraid I will lose both."

Shen Chenyu said.

"Hehe, not necessarily."

"Whoever wants to win, then it depends on whom, it is even more shameless!"

Ling Tian shook his head.

Sure enough, at this moment, his pupils suddenly contracted slightly, just because he was paying attention, another figure suddenly changed, the monster that was hiding in the center of the battlefield,

After Dongfang Ye blasted Lei Qianyu down into the sky, the monster suddenly disappeared in place.

Ling Tian's eyes flashed with suffocation, and sure enough, there were still some people, and couldn't help it!

I saw that the monster clan that disappeared suddenly split the space in an instant, then shot again, already rushed into the clouds, and went straight to Lei Qianyu to make a bold shot.

Such a change instantly went beyond the expectations of all the war-watching human races, and they secretly cursed the demon race as shameless, but now, no one dared to step forward to rescue.

Because the monster race that suddenly appeared, the horror aura, seemed to be no less than Dongfang Ye!

"Hi, it's the demon lord of the blue Hachi clan!"

"Shamelessly, the younger generations are fighting, all the demon masters among the eighteen great monsters have taken action!?"

"However, this demon sovereign's combat power is not trivial, and we are absolutely invincible."

In the core area, the human races who had made friends with Lei Qianyu were also shocked.

After all, this is just the shot, but it is not an ordinary strong person.

The Immortal Venerable Human Race, who originally wanted to take advantage of the fire, all retreated at this time.

They didn't expect that the demon lord of the Hazhi clan would also come to this Lei Ze, then this is a fart! ?

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