Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2687: Might of Devil's Pill

Although the Human Race was once a great clan in the fairy world that dominated one side, now, after experiencing the catastrophe ten thousand years ago, the Human Race has become a humble race group, and even its own Xianzhou has been lost.

Among the tribe, the highest cultivation level is only the realm of Immortal Venerable, and most of these Immortal Venerables, a year ago, were mostly hidden and did not dare to speak out for fear of being killed by the Dark Demon Race.

Today, the Ascension Alliance has brought most of the human warriors to the border between the heavens and the demon races. Since then, there is no threat from the dark demons, and the immortals have exhausted them, but the overall strength is also extremely weak. The clan comparison is inferior to that of the ancient big demon clan in the demon clan.

Therefore, that Dongfang Ye would look down upon Human Race in this way.

But today, he and Lei Qianyu fought fiercely for so many rounds, and all kinds of trump cards were almost exhausted, but they still couldn't win the opponent.

In the end, he also had to turn to the Yaozun of the Hachi clan for help.

Because, at this time, the light of the distant thunder cocoon is blooming, obviously it has reached the last moment of breaking out of the cocoon. If you don't take action at this time, the night is long and dreamy!

Moreover, in this battle, they have also seen the strength of this Lei Qianyu's talent, if it is not removed, then in the future, it will be the enemy of the monster race!

The Haze Clan Demon Venerable made a move, naturally, he didn't want to stay alive.

Seeing that Demon Sovereign stood guard, all the human martial artists present were also shocked.

Lei Qianyu and Dongfang Ye are the talents of the ethnic group, with excellent qualifications and unlimited growth potential. Each of them is an existence that the ethnic group attaches great importance to, and shoulders the future of the ethnic group. The senior members of the ethnic group are relieved to let them enter Lei Ze, because with their cultivation base, although there may be some gaps between each other, as long as they are more cautious, there is absolutely no possibility of death. It seems to be just a little cruel test. If they are injured, the entire ethnic group will not be able to bear it.

Ordinary geniuses exist in a large number of races, and no matter how much they die, they can't shake the foundation of the race. However, the true patriarchs of the ethnic group are those that can only emerge in millions or even tens of millions of years, so the ethnic group absolutely cannot tolerate the damage to them. If Lei Qianyu died here today, the loss of the human race would be too great.

At least, Lei Zun can't afford it!


Sure enough, the Demon Venerable of the Hazhi clan swallowed Lei Qianyu with supernatural powers, causing the latter to spew out a mouthful of blood, almost falling on the surface of the sea.

"Hahaha, Haechi Demon Venerable, you really value me Lei Qianyu!"

"Well, I'm Lei Qianyu, take it all at once!"

Just as everyone's thoughts were rolling, Lei Qianyu's frightened roar suddenly came from the void. Dealing with Dongfang Ye was already an extremely serious matter for him. At this moment, coupled with the attack by the demon venerable who was slightly weaker than that, the situation was immediately very critical. If Lei Qianyu had a treasure of protection, he would only be in the air. Under Xing's outrageous attack, he was already nine dead.

However, even if there is a treasure to resist this time, Lei Qianyu's face is still pale, and the will of the Immortal Venerable behind him has suddenly become thinner. Today's Lei Qianyu is indeed the end of the force.

The scale of victory has tilted.

The opposite Dongfang Ye sneered, the black clouds outside of the body thundered, murderous horizontally and horizontally, the bloodline phantom of the ten thousand feet high, suddenly violently shook, stepped through the void, and rushed towards Lei Qianyu, wherever he passed, there was thunder that was so manifest. , Making a loud roar, especially terrifying.

And the demon lord of the Hachi clan who had not succeeded in the attack also smiled grinningly, and sold it again with anger. The phantom of the great Hachi appeared, condensed into a battle axe, and slammed down at Lei Qianyu.

For a time, the two powerful monsters of the monster race, one after the other, shot at the same time, killing Lei Qianyu. Let the other human races exclaim again and again.

This monster race is so shameless.

Lei Qianyu's heart was also unavoidably flustered at this time. After all, this was the time to die, but this fear was suppressed by his life. Although this person is narrow-minded, he is not stupid, knowing that if there is chaos at this moment, he can only find his own way.

Now that he is attacked by the enemy, he can only find a way to repel one person first, even if he is injured, he will not hesitate to fight, otherwise he will be defeated by a joint fight!

If you lose, I'm afraid you will really die here.

Lei Qianyu gritted his teeth abruptly, and endless fierceness suddenly burst out of his eyes. Race Tianjiao like him is extremely difficult to kill, one is because the cultivation base is tyrannical, and the difference between them is not big, and the other is because they have so many life-saving methods in their hands.

As the son of Lei Zun, Lei is also the strongest family prince of the Human Ascension Alliance. How can there be no ultimate means! ?

Thinking of this, his hand flickered, and a black pill appeared in his hand. At the moment when this pill appeared, a cold and raging breath broke out and turned into a strange phantom, hovering above the person's head. Lei Qianyu raised his head with a hideous look. Although his eyes were filled with the pain of struggle, now he can only bite his teeth and swallow directly.

It was at the moment this pill entered the body that a violent aura burst out of his body, causing his aura that had already reached its peak to burst into the sky, breaking through the barrier of the fourth-order immortal king, and directly entering the fifth-order immortal king, and At the same time, the surrounding thunder light dries away at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even his sturdy body seems to have been drained of flesh and blood.

The whole person withered instantly.

But even if his body is shriveled, Lei Qianyu's body is still filled with a raging breath. This breath is particularly cold and exudes an endless aura of destruction, desperate to destroy the sky and the earth, making this Lei Qianyu at this moment, like an ancient demon god. !

"Hey, is this the legendary Lei family's unique pill for sacrificing thunder and attracting demons?"

"In the legend, this pill was obtained by the Lei family from the Dark Demon Clan, and there are only a dozen pills in total. At least I have never seen the Lei family use this pill."

Shen Chenyu frowned.

"This pill is full of evil spirits. Although it is fierce, it is not the right way."

Ling Tian also nodded.

At this moment, that Lei Qianyu screamed, and the figure suddenly retreated, turning into a series of afterimages, carrying the mighty thunder power with a punch, and furiously crashed down.

Go straight, the Dongfang Ye who killed!

Lei Qianyu knew that after the magic pill was swallowed, he could instantly commemorate half of his flesh and blood and the power of thunder, which was reversely transformed into monstrous combat power, causing his own cultivation to skyrocket in an instant, using his strongest magical powers. But this pill is too overbearing. All warriors can only swallow two at most in their lifetime. If they swallow a third one, they will be medicated on the spot, exploding their flesh. Today, the crisis is swallowing pill. This person has made a decision when he is enduring a great struggle, to repel the Eastern Wild as soon as possible, break through the dangerous situation, and then break out of the encirclement with all his strength, before he may escape for his life.

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