Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2693: Great water god


"No, your breath, what's the matter!"

At this moment, the Shuiyouzi looked at Ling Tian in the formation below, his face suddenly changed.

Because, he could feel that Ling Tian at this time was really different from the one just now.

At the very least, in the color of the hair!

The current Ling Tian's breath became extremely deep and unfathomable!

However, Shuiyouzi was cautious and settled down in a flash.

Now, he is sitting on all the formations within Lei Ze, even if he encounters this real Ling Tian, ​​so what! ?

Not only that, this real Ling Tian manifested himself, so if he were to be killed, all his chances would belong to him.

Although it is adventurous, the harvest is bound to be amazing.

"Hehe, how can you play the formation!?"

"Ling Tian, ​​since your body has entered the old man's formation, then you should understand your current situation!"

"I'm a swimmer, and I'm not the wild and arrogant younger generations outside. I have entered the martial arts for nearly a thousand years, and you can't even think about taking advantage of me!"

Suspended above the formation, Shuiyouzi looked down at Ling Tian below, not compelled by Ling Tian's aura.

However, looking at the very confident Shuiyouzi, Ling Tian shook his head.

This guy has been in the immortal world for hundreds of years, and his Taoism is indeed profound, but it is a pity that he encountered him.

"Since you already know my identity, then I Ling Tian, ​​I will definitely not let you go today, do you think how to die?"

Ling Tian sneered, but the hundred thousand sword shadows had already followed his feet and spread into the formation of the entire ruins.

After knowing the mystery of this formation, Ling Tian couldn't help but smile.

Coincidentally, this formation is almost familiar to him.

Not to mention that Shuiyouzi spent hundreds of years researching the valley formation method, even if he spent thousands of years, he would never be able to get him!

Now Ling Tian only needs half a cup of tea, which is enough.

"Hahaha, Lingtian ah Lingtian, you don't have to bluff me, I know, you are always arrogant and never put anyone in your eyes, but you are such a mind, you are doomed to live long!"

"Today, you met me. This is also due to good luck. From today onwards, I Shuiyouzi will become especially powerful, and may even become a quasi-emperor and take charge of the human race!"

"Human race, only by letting a cautious and wise person like me take charge, will it rise and survive in this immortal world."

Ling Tian still shook his head, "It's ridiculous, is it possible that Human Race has to endure it!?"

"So humble, so under the fence, if the human race really falls into the hands of people like you, I am afraid that it will eventually be inevitable to escape the fate of extinction!"

"Hmph, you are just a junior, and you still don't understand how cruel this immortal world is!" Shuiyouzi sneered, "No matter, I don't have so much time to talk nonsense with you!"

"Although you don't know the depth, then I don't need a dog like you!"

Suiyouzi's face suddenly became cold, and array totems flashed on the array plate in his hand.

In an instant, the entire site shook wildly again.

The endless array energy gathered above Ling Tian's head and transformed into an ancient-looking water **** in armor, holding a huge sword in his hand, which was extremely high and terrifying.

"Haha, Ling Tian, ​​come and taste the ruling power of this ancient great formation!":

"It is said that your supernatural powers are strong, how about trying this formation?"

Following the water wanderer's order, the water **** formed by the ancient great formation, with a huge sword in his hand, was cut down suddenly.

Thousands of array energy, absorbed by the array from Lei Ze’s sea, mixed with endless water and thunder energy, makes this water **** even more powerful, and the sword's edge surges, as if to the entire sea Split in general.

Ling Tian under the sword's edge was even more locked.

It is absolutely impossible to avoid it.

Can only be hard to shake!

"Hahaha, not bad, the energy of this big array is more powerful than I thought!"

"Ling Tian, ​​don't worry, even if you have the combat power of a square respect, this time, you don't want to escape!"

Standing on the head of the Fashui God, Shuiyouzi looked down at Ling Tian, ​​who was about to be swallowed by the sword's edge, and couldn't help laughing.

In this ruins, he is an invincible existence.

"Hehe, it's really good, this formation can even burst out of such combat power!"

"But I let you down!"

Ling Tian let out a cold snort, and there was a sudden shock behind his back, and the dragon wings of the fairy king bloomed.

Xianzun opened his will, and the hand of the Azure Dragon stretched out, transformed into this heavenly dragon claw, and grabbed the giant sword.

However, what is different from the past is that this golden dragon pattern is wrapped around the hand of the Lingtian Azure Dragon.

That was suddenly transformed by Kwai Cailin.

Ling Tian also never thought that when he used the hand of the Azure Dragon, the sunflower scales could hide in his body.

Moreover, the hand of the Azure Dragon seems to have been blessed with some combat power by Kwai Cailin, and it is even more fierce than ever!


The hand of the Azure Dragon directly grabbed the giant sword of the water god, making it impossible for it to slash down.

The hand of the Azure Dragon is like the claws of the ancient dragon god, as firm as a rock.

"How can it be!"

Shuiyouzi's face was slightly shocked, he naturally hadn't thought that this water god's sword could kill Ling Tian.

However, it is not enough, so let Ling Tian take it easily! ?

What a supernatural power and physical body! ?

Even the energy of this ancient great formation can't help him! ?

"Haha, Shuiyouzi, your formation doesn't seem to be good enough, isn't your formation accomplished enough!"

Ling Tian also taunted below.

"Hmph, don't be proud, come again!"

The water wanderer madly urged the long sword in the hands of the water god.

The formation frantically absorbed the surrounding energy, causing the sea surface in this Lei Ze to form a huge vortex in an instant.

The endless energy tube rushed into the giant sword, and broke free of Ling Tian Qinglong's hand in one fell swoop.

"Hmph, Ling Tian, ​​you give up, don't you understand now, you are fighting against the whole Lei Ze!"

"How could you be my opponent!?"

The water god, the water wanderer's controller, once again raised the giant sword in his hand.

"Stop talking nonsense, come on!"

Ling Tian also retracted the palm of Qinglong's hand, and poured endless immortal essence and energy into his arm.

At this moment, the Qinglong blood in Ling Tian's hands was boiling frantically.

And the sunflower scales sucking the blood of Ling Tian Qinglong's blood surging with golden light all over, making the golden lines on Ling Tian's Qinglong hand brighter.

Obviously, neither side is prepared to have any reservations anymore!

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