Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2696: I have a showdown! 【Big

"You bullshit!"

Lei Qianyu's face changed drastically, and he suddenly knew what this guy was making.

"I'm not talking nonsense, just now I am so close, I can see what the treasure is!"

At this moment, Ling Tian's clone suddenly looked around, had enough breath, and shouted, "That treasure is one of the eighteen-pole immortal sources, the source of the thunder attribute!"

"I'm right!?"

Sure enough, just after Ling Tian's voice fell, everyone else took a breath.

Extremely fairy source! ?

And it's also the top source of the extreme!

That is comparable to the strength of the origin of the situation.


At this time, not only the Human Race, but the Demon Venerable Demon Race who had never gone away, hiding around Feilei Mountain, was shocked.

The power of the source, for the monster race, is the essence of resources, absorbing the power of the source can make their cultivation soar.

No matter how bad it is, that Extreme Xianyuan can also exchange endless resources and treasures, which is absolutely enough to make all the strong eyes enthusiastic!

"You, you, I want to kill you!"

Lei Qianyu was frightened and angry.

At this time, he also knew that this time he was completely calculated by this kid.

"Hmph, son, I knew you were going to kill me!"

"Well, since you are ruthless, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Ling Tian looked around, "Everyone, I am looking for Qin, I have a showdown!"

"I was originally hired by Lei Qianyu. He asked me to act to deceive everyone. Otherwise, I am a little second-order fairy king, how dare I ridicule and provoke Lord Lei in Lei Ze!?"

"My son, don't try to kill me and kill me. You are not clever. You were only in Lei Ze. You know that the effect of the magic pill will not last long. That's why you used a trick to frame me and say that things are mine. In fact, that thing is in your hand!"

"Now you, I'm afraid that you can't protect the origin of Extreme Lightning, right?"

Ling Tian looked at Lei Qianyu again.

At this time, Shen Chenyu and Ouyang Xun behind him were desperately holding back a smile.

Lei Qianyu wanted to play a routine with Ling Tian, ​​fearing that it was still too far away.

"You, you fart! Whoever acts with you, I don't have the origin of extreme light in my hands!"

Lei Qianyu roared with sobbing blood.

He has a thousand mouths, and he can't tell them now.

"Hehe, it seems that Young Master Lei has also admitted that the treasure is the power of the source, there is no way, we will not accompany you for the routine you play by yourself."


Ling Tian's clone shrugged, and then took Shen Chenyu and the others, and swept directly beyond Feilei Mountain.

"Stop, you don't want to leave!"

Lei Qianyu was furious and was about to set off.


However, his internal injuries were extremely serious, and Xian Yuan was slightly affected, and a mouthful of blood was sprayed out directly.

Moreover, before he left, there were several Human Immortal Venerables around him, quietly surrounding Lei Qianyu from all directions.

Although they still dare not act so blatantly, it is clear that once Lei Qianyu leaves, they will definitely follow.

At this time, the demon monarchs around Feilei Mountain who had never left were also waiting for the opportunity.

Obviously, they also felt that what Ling Tian said just now made sense.

This Lei Qianyu definitely got the treasure, but because of the sharp decrease in the battle power after the blessing of the magic pill, he could not protect the treasure, so this acted a scene.

It's just that the play looks a little clumsy.

"You, you all want to die!"

Lei Qianyu could also feel the faint killing intent around him.

Suddenly furious.

The Immortal Venerables of these human races had all treated him respectfully in the Ascension Alliance before.

Now, I still want to do it on myself! ?

What's even worse is that they were all deceived by a little unknown person.

"You idiots, don't you just believe that guy's words?"

"I don't have the original power in my hand, he took it away!"

"Hehe, son Lei, we were on the scene just now, and watched that the Fu Array Master was swallowed by your supernatural powers. How could he have time to go to the formation and take away the original power?"

"The formation around the source of power is your own arrangement, what you say is what you say! We are not as stupid as the son imagined!"

Among those human immortals, someone sneered.

There is no way, that extremely precious source of immortality is too precious, and today's Lei Qianyu, so sluggish, the treasure is simply within reach.

Even if they don't hesitate to be chased by Lei Zun, they don't want to give up the opportunity in front of them.

The big deal is that if you take the power of the source, you will leave the monster clan.

They are all Xianzun, find a place to hide, even if it is Sifangzun, there is nothing wrong.

"Presumptuous, presumptuous!"

"Do you want to rebel?!"

"I said, I don't have the power of origin in my hands!"

Lei Qianyu couldn't dispute it, and he was almost roaring at this time.

"Hehe, son Lei, you don't need to say more, if you have it, we will find out when we catch you."

"Yes, but the prince can rest assured, as long as we have the power of the source, we won't hurt your life."

Those immortals slowly gathered around.

"Damn, you idiots!"

Lei Qianyu was going to be blown up.

"Do you really think that after this Lei Ze, I can't do anything to deal with you?"

Lei Qianyu suddenly took out a token from his arms, "This is my father's Lei Zun order!"

"As long as I crush this token, my father will immediately descend on this Flying Thunder Mountain!"

"Fools!? You guys, do you still want to do something to me?"

Seeing that Lei Zun token, the surrounding Immortal Venerables were obviously taken aback.

Obviously, they were particularly afraid of the token in Lei Qianyu's hands.

However, after a short period of silence, Xianzun sneered, "Lei Zunling can indeed summon Lord Lei Zun, but as far as I know, this summoning technique will take a while."

"So, it's enough for me to wait and capture you!"

"Everyone, don't hesitate, do it now and capture this Lei Qianyu. After finding the source of power, we will leave!"


All the immortals are obviously determined to take the power of the source.

The figures flickered one after another, coming towards that Lei Qianyu.

"Damn bastard!"

Lei Qianyu had no choice but to directly crush Lei Zun's order. In any case, he could only do so.


Lei Zun's order was shattered, and a formation appeared from the sky above the sky. Within it, Lei Zun's sharp aura swallowed, and a figure slowly teleported out.

But at this time, those immortals had already arrived in front of Lei Qianyu.

At this time, Lei Qianyu had no power to fight back, just like an ordinary fairy king.

Seeing that those immortal venerable hands stretched out, they were about to suppress Lei Qianyu.

But at this time, within Feilei Mountain, there was a sudden roar, and a powerful shock wave surged from the depths of Feilei Mountain.

That force of impact is too terrifying.

As if space exploded.

"No, that Lei Ze exploded!"

The immortals were slightly startled, and they were also taken aback by the movement of Lei Ze's explosion.

The shock wave swept across in an instant, Lei Qianyu also took the opportunity to offer a simple defensive seal to protect himself.


The storm swept past, and a group of immortals slowed down, and once again grasped at that Lei Qianyu.

But at this time, a cold snort suddenly rang from the sky.

"Want to move my son? Are you looking for death!"

Hearing this voice, the expressions of the immortals suddenly changed.

How could the dark road Lei Zun come down so quickly!

"No, let's go!"

At that time, Lei Zun had already arrived, and these immortals naturally did not dare to attack Lei Qianyu anymore, and they used their escape methods to escape from Feilei Mountain.


And Lei Qianyu, who was under Fu Zhuan's protection, also looked overjoyed, looking at the Lei Zun who slowly descended from the sky.


Lei Zun was shrouded in the thunder halo, and couldn't see what it looked like.

However, his voice seemed to resound through the entire Fei Lei Mountain, "It looks like you have failed in Lei Ze?"

"Yes, the child is incompetent, something, lost."

Lei Qianyu's face sank and he knelt in the void.

"However, I suspect that the Fuzhen Master took my things. I must find him and get back the treasure!"

In the light of thunder, Lei Zun frowned slightly, "Fu Formation Master!? Did you only find this anomaly? How did I sense an extremely powerful aura around here!?"

"I'm afraid Lei Zezhong has an existence no weaker than me."

"What, it's not weaker than Dad's existence, how is this possible? Could it be that the power of the origin was really not stolen by the Fuzhen master?"

Lei Qianyu's expression changed, and now he was also in a daze.

"No, it's possible."

"It's okay, I will investigate at this time. As long as these guys are still in the monster clan, I don't want to leave!"

"Let's go, what's coming now is just my clone, go back to Tianzhu Wonderland first!"

Lei Zun rolled up that Lei Qianyu, stepped into the formation, and disappeared on top of Fei Lei Mountain.

After that, the surrounding human and monster powers also faded away.

After all, there is nothing of value here.

Finally, in the cave under Feilei Mountain, a figure with silver hair and Tsing Yi walked out slowly.

He looked at the teleportation formation that was gradually dissipating in the sky.

The corners of his mouth raised, and he couldn't help sneering, "Lei Zun?"

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