Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2697: See also Jilong [seeking fruit]

At the same time, Ling Tian's clone and Shen Chenyu and others have teleported to a hundred thousand miles away using teleportation talisman seals.

After stepping out of the formation, Shen Chenyu and Ouyang Xun couldn't help but laughed out loud.

"Xun Qin, you really laughed at me. It is estimated that Lei Qianyu will not be killed by those immortals, and will be **** off by you!"

"Yeah, playing a routine with you, this Lei Qianyu is a hundred, and he is not an opponent."

Ling Tian's clone shrugged, "I can't help it, who makes him stupid enough."

"Shen Chenyu!? You know!?"

At this time, Shen Biyuan looked at the three of them in a daze, with a look of doubt on his face.

"Xun Qin, what exactly are you?"

"Moreover, how do I feel that you now are a little different from before?"

Shen Biyuan had been with Ling Tian for a few months, and with a woman's instinct, she could still feel the difference between Ling Tian now.

"Hehe, what's the difference?"

Ling Tian's whole body shuddered, and the technique of moving the universe directly teleported the body back.

This also allowed Ling Tian's temperament to return to its former, generally undifferentiated appearance.

"Well, what's the matter with you?"

At this time, Shen Biyuan was completely blinded.

"Hehe, Miss Shen doesn't have to wonder, Xun Qin is an ascended martial artist. Before ascending, she knew us. This time, I also met in Lei Ze. Moreover, Xun Qin came to the Ascended Alliance this time to find us. ."

Shen Chenyu also explained to the side.

The reason is naturally very sufficient.

"Okay, then... the Thunder Element Supreme Treasure that was previously in Lei Ze is really not on you?"

Shen Biyuan frowned and asked.

"Miss, you still don't see this. How can I have the ability to fight for the treasure with Young Master Lei!? I don't have it in my hands."

Ling Tian spread his hands together, "Let's go, it's not the time to talk about this, Miss Shen, you have injuries on your body, we should **** you and return to the Feisheng Alliance to recover."

"All right, all right."

Shen Biyuan nodded, summoning a cloud boat, carrying everyone, and heading towards the fairyland of Tianzhu.

In Yunzhou, Ling Tian asked Shen Chenyu and Ouyang Xun to wait patiently, and then he went directly to the room, arranged the formation, released the clone, and then went directly into Taoyuan.

"Damn, Ling Tian, ​​wait!"

Unexpectedly, when Ling Tian had just entered Taoyuan, he was stopped by Qing Xiao.

"what's happenin?"

Ling Tian frowned. He was now thinking about entering the seven-layer gold building to see what treasure was inside. Ouyang Xun outside was still waiting for the wild Tongtian Pill.

"I went to retreat with Liuyao just now, how come you saw that you caught such a huge dragon with clear water?"

Qing Xu was surprised.

"Green water dragon? What is it?"

Ling Tian frowned. He didn't react for a while, but then he patted his forehead suddenly, "I remember! Is that the Dragon Clan?"

"Just now, the one I caught from Lei Ze!?"

"Yes, I thought you forgot!" Qing Xu nodded.

"How could I forget, that was the first time you and I met!"

Ling Tian pulled Qing Xu, and the two teleported directly into the mountains.

In Taoyuan, there are mountains and waters.

Moreover, the water here is still drawn from the pool under the peach trees, which also contains a lot of water from the Styx, making the water system here especially precious. Even after so many years of improvement by Tao Yaoyao, the water in Taoyuan The water system has far surpassed the quality of the fairy world, thanks to the purified water quality of countless immortal medicine Lingcao.

Therefore, in the deep mountains, these water systems have condensed into large and small lakes, even the big dragons can hold them.

Before, the huge monster beast that Ling Tian found on Lei Ze's seabed was thrown into the big lake by Qing Xu.

The two fell from the void. At this moment, the huge monster beast had sunk to the bottom of the lake and was still sleeping.

Speaking of Jilong, Ling Tian also suddenly wanted it.

When he was in the lower realm, Ling Tian had indeed seen a dragon.

At that time, Lao Hou told him, except that the dragon was suppressed by Qing Xu's predecessor, Zhen Yao Tower, leaving only the soul body.

And that dragon, called the dark dragon, was said to have been a member of the dragon clan, but later descended from the dragon grid, joined the dark fairy kingdom, and became one of the five great guardians of the dark demon clan, Xiu For the best.

In the subsequent battle between the Dark Demon Race and the Human Race, he was defeated by Emperor Yuxu Wu with supernatural powers and suppressed to the next heaven, the human world where Ling Tian was located.

However, after that, the soul of the dragon was killed by Ling Tian, ​​and the remaining souls escaped. So far, Ling Tian has not found the trace of the dragon.

I don't know if there is any way to fly to the fairy world.

However, what is going on here now?

"Qing Xu, this is a dragon with clear water? Why can't I feel any dragon breath in my body?"

Looking at the huge underwater monster body, Ling Tian asked with a frown.

According to Ling Tian's knowledge after he ascended to the Immortal Realm, the Dragon Dragon is noble, above the fifth rank, second only to the current Dragon Clan Wudi, Ao Qingchen.

At the end of his cultivation, he could completely impact the realm of Emperor Wu.

"You don't know, this dragon has a noble life style, but the blood is extremely rare, even more rare than Ao Qingchen's."

"Back then, as far as I know, there were no more than five surviving dragons."

"The most powerful is the dark dragon, and after that, it's the clear water dragon."

"Bishui Jilong is the daughter of the Dark Jilong. Back then, the reason why the Dark Jilong rebelled against Ao Qingchen was also because Ao Qingchen forcibly married Bishui Jilong in order to raise his dragon's life style to a higher level."

"The green water dragon swears to death, and finally Ao Qingchen pulls away his blood and smashes into the gap in the heaven! Unexpectedly, this blue water dragon fell into the shard of Lei Ze in the void. "

"This is a bit too coincidental!"

Qing Xu Tanshou Road.

"Damn, it's really bad, I didn't expect that Ao Qingchen, there is such a story, this guy is a scumbag!"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, but his heart was secretly excited.

With that said, wouldn't he make a lot of money! ?

The life style of the clear water dragon is strong, and the future growth can definitely be compared with Emperor Wu.

If you can take good care of it, in the future, it will be a great help!

"It's horrible, Ao Qingchen at that time was just the dragon's immortal venerable!"

Qing Xu spread his hands.

"Then what should I do now, she has been in a coma for so long now, should she be okay?"

Ling Tian frowned.

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