Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2682: Enter the illusion

The sound of wind and clouds resounded on the platform of Tianzhu Mountain.

This voice not only made Qin Zun and the other Feng family dumbfounded, even Ling Tian almost dropped his jaw when he saw this scene.

Under what circumstances, this is withdrawing from the Feng Family, too decisive, right?

Moreover, under Qin Zun's scolding, changing the door to the court, this is simply a draw towards Qin Zun's face.

Sure enough, after that Fengyun Yang finished speaking, Qin Zun's whole body trembled violently, obviously not lightly angry.

For the Feng family, this is simply a shame!

Soon, news of Feng Yunyang's change of door court will spread throughout Tianzhu City.

Do you want the face of the Feng Family?


Qin Zun screamed: "Feng Family, have you treated you badly!?"

"Hehe, the Feng family gave me flesh and blood to make me a talent. Naturally, I did not treat me badly. But people go to higher places and water flows to lower places. All the decisions my Gongsun Yunyang made today are for me in the future. If you can become stronger, Lord Qin, stop questioning me."

"Feng's family will not fall because of my departure, you still have the wind to follow along, haha."

Feng Yunyang sneered.

"Okay, don't regret it!"

Qin Zun took a deep breath and nodded heavily.

"This is worrying Venerable Qin!"

Gongsun Yunyang sneered, and then looked at the Feng Jixing and Feng Qixi brothers and sisters, "Moreover, I will take good care of the two children of the Feng family in the illusion!"

"Huh, when we are afraid of you!"

Feng Qixi naturally refused to accept it.

"Well, it's getting late. The Tianzhu illusion is already open. Let the four of us join forces to send these juniors into it, otherwise we will miss the time."

At this moment, Shen Congfeng said suddenly.

"Yes, let's quickly start the illusion, don't be deadlocked here because of a Feng family's rebellious son!"

Lei Zun also said.


Gongsun also yelled, but he also stepped forward.

In the end, the last Qin Zun of the Sifang Zun stood with the other three people expressionlessly. The Sifang Zun joined hands and sacrificed the supreme skill to penetrate the Tianzhu Mountain that opened up to the sky.



As Sifangzun poured the breath into Tianzhu Mountain, Tianzhu Mountain on the side of the platform really opened a gap.

It was like an ancient giant door, slowly opening.

A Sisiqin sound mixed with extremely pure and extremely celestial aura, from which it can be seen diffusely.

The voice of dead wood phoenix! ?

The moment they heard the sound of the piano, all the piano masters, including Ling Tian and Shen Biyuan, were all startled.

The sound of this piano is indeed extraordinary, and the dead wood phoenix yin, one of the six immortal pianos, is really in it.

"The Tianzhu illusion has been opened, soaring into the Alliance Tianjiao, quickly enter it!"

Shen Congfeng shouted.


Lei Qianyu took the lead, dragged Ouyang Yuner, and a group of Lei family children, and rushed in.

Gongsun Yunyang didn't want to be left behind, taking many warriors into the giant gate.

Of course, Feng Jixing and Feng Qixi want to find trouble with Fengyun Yang, and they are bound to keep up.

In the end, the Tianjiao of the four major families was the only one left in the Shen family.

That is, Ling Tian and the five of them.

"Master, rest assured, Bi Yuan won't let you down."

Shen Biyuan glanced at Qin Zun, and then followed Ling Tian into Tianzhu Mountain.

It wasn't until everyone's figure disappeared within the giant gate that Sifangzun regained his breath.

The giant gate closed suddenly, and the strangeness of Tianzhu Mountain could no longer be found on the platform.

"Hmph, wait, if anyone can win in the Tianzhu Mountain illusion this time, then I will be the first disciple of the Ascension Alliance, right?"

Lei Zun said coldly.

"Naturally, but it looks like you Lei Zun is very confident of Lei Qianyu!"

Gongsun also smiled with his hands behind his back.

"Huh, that's natural, Gongsun old dog, you are right with me everywhere, but what's the use? The family of the Gongsun family is all rubbish. Even if the situation is adopted, it will be my Lei family. Step on your feet!"

Lei Zun was domineering.

"It's ridiculous, I hate your pretense, wait, don't think that you are smart in this world!"

Gongsun also blew his beard and didn't say any more.

The Sifang Zun scattered, each sitting on the four sides of the platform, sitting cross-legged, they would wait until the end, until all the disciples returned from Tianzhu Mountain.

However, no one has ever seen it. At this time, on the top of Tianzhu Mountain's unknowingly tens of thousands of feet high, a figure stands in the strong wind.

There was only one back, like a slender willow leaf, and the long black cloak danced wildly in the wind, hunting.

"Hehe, it's time to come, it's finally here."

"Yes, better than I thought."

A shallow low groan was madly drifting away, and then the figure disappeared with the wind.


After passing through the giant gate, Ling Tian landed on the ground, and the sight in his eyes returned to clearness, but the next moment, Ling Tian's body was shocked.

Because, this time and the past when entering the fantasy realm, they were teleported separately. Regardless of the order before, all the Ascended Alliance Tianjiao who entered the fantasy realm almost all landed in one place.

With surprise, everyone looked at the platform under their feet, which was no different from the one above Tianzhu Mountain before.

But the surrounding scenery is completely different from before.

Here, it seems to be another fairyland.

Not only Ling Tian, ​​but almost all Tianjiao who came in, stared at everything around him dumbfounded.

"This, this is an illusion!? It's a bit too real!"

After a long time, Shen Biyuan exclaimed at Ling Tian's side.

The platform where everyone is now located is on a flattened small peak. Looking around, all you can see are green mountains and beautiful waters, a fairyland atmosphere.

It was fundamentally different from the halo and illusion world that everyone had imagined before.

Even Feng Qixi and others landed on the platform and stretched out their hands to grind the dust on the ground, their faces were even more shocked, "This is an illusion!?"

"How does it look like it's real?"

"Perhaps, the illusion here is too real!?" Feng Jixing said.

"Humph, but no matter what the illusion is here, I still want you to settle accounts!"

Feng Qixi's gaze suddenly became fierce, and it happened to fall on the platform, Gongsun Yunyang who was surrounded by a group of Gongsun disciples in the center.

"Betraying the Feng Family, giving me such a big insult to the Feng Family, the situation is rising, but you are really enough!"

"Feng Qixi! I have already said that I changed my surname to Gongsun. From now on, my name is Gongsun. As for you, you feel that I have insulted your Feng family. I don't care what you think."

"However, now, you are not qualified to do something with me, so it's best not to offend me."

"let's go!"

Gongsun Yunyang's indifferent voice sounded, and he took the Tianjiao from the Gongsun family and headed towards the direction of the piano sound.

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