Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2681: Exit the wind

"Well, in that case, I will take you there now."

Shen Congfeng and Qin Zun looked at each other, then the two rolled up five people and disappeared in the back mountain, shooting straight away at Tianzhu Mountain behind them.

However, after a dozen breaths, the five Ling Tian fell on the halfway of Tianzhu Mountain.

This is a platform. Although it has not yet reached the peak of Tianzhu Mountain, it is already a hundred thousand feet high from the Tianzhu City below.

On the platform, you can almost overlook the entire Tianzhu City.

At this time, Ling Tian's expression suddenly changed, and his divine mind had already sensed a few familiar auras.

After following the aura, he discovered that dozens of human talents stood on the platform!

These arrogances are all magnificent and beautiful, although they may be young and old, they are definitely the best in the Ascension Alliance, the realm of immortal kings.

At the very least, the combat power is at least comparable to the Immortal Venerable.

Among these immortal kings, Ling Tian saw the figure standing in the front, standing side by side.

One man, one woman, one cloak.

The male Fengshen Junyi, holding a weapon in his hand, is full of wind and thunder light, with extraordinary momentum, and his cultivation has reached the realm of the fourth-order fairy king, and he is definitely a super genius among the descendants of the human race.

The female is pretty and very pretty, and her whole body is also surrounded by a thunderstorm. The four fairy kings behind her light wings surge, and the long whip in her hand is even more fierce.

It's daunting.

Behind the two of them, there was a short-looking figure, shrouded in black robe, which seemed particularly mysterious.

And these three people were the Feng Jixing, Feng Qixi and Mo Yu that Ling Tian hadn't seen for a long time.

And it seems that he also sensed Ling Tian's gaze. Feng Qixi looked towards Ling Tian. Although he frowned and wondered at first, his eyes changed after a while, and he calmly stunned Feng Jixing and the next to him. Mo Yu behind him.

The three of them all looked at Ling Tian, ​​with surprises in their eyes.

However, the three of them have experienced countless winds and rains. Naturally, they know that Ling Tian must have made a big move in hiding his identity, so they also suppressed the excitement in his heart.

"Haha, search for Qin, I didn't expect that you really came to fight for the Shen family!"

At this time, on the platform, the light of thunder suddenly rose, and three figures slowly walked out of the thunder.

Hearing the voice of the Tao, Ling Tian's face sank, looking for his reputation, he saw Lei Qianyu with a sneer on his face, holding Ouyang Yuner's waist and looking at himself.

"I advise you, take your paws away!"

Ling Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, full of suffocation.

On the side, Shen Biyuan also frowned slightly, she had never seen Ling Tian so angry.

"Hehe, this kid has a good temper, but the second-order fairy king, is it because someone is behind him?"

Behind Lei Qianyu, the figure shrouded in the thunder suddenly sneered.

It was the Lei Zun of the Quartet!

It is also the strongest existence in the Sifang Zun.

"Hmph, Lei Kun, don't think that others don't know what you are doing. I advise you to keep a low profile. Now this Xun Qin is indeed a member of my Shen family, I will support him, so what!"

Shen Congfeng suddenly said, coldly.

This made Ling Tian's heart startled. Unexpectedly, Shen Congshen would give him a head start.

"Hmph, the grievances between juniors, it's useless for you to support you, the second-order fairy king is only, even if you know some talismanic methods, you may not be able to get out if you enter the illusion."

Lei Zun snorted coldly.

"Oh!? Really, then wait and see."

Shen Congfeng said boldly, looking confident.


And just as the platform fell silent, a sword rang, as if coming from above the nine heavens.

The sword light tore through the void, endless sword intent, surging out from it, setting off a terrifying gust of wind, sweeping the entire platform, making all Tianjiao's faces changed greatly.

"This old dog of Gongsun who doesn't care about it!"



The three Immortal Venerables almost yelled at the same time, and then used the powerful Immortal Venerable Domain to cover the family Tianjiao behind them so as not to be hurt by this sword light.

But even so, outside of the major domains, everyone can still see that endless sword light, hanging on the barrier, crackling, which is particularly shocking.

After that, only two figures manifested from the blade storm.

Those sword lights fell silent.

Within the realm, Ling Tian frowned slightly.

He is the master of kendo, with a hundred thousand sword shadows in his body, and the origin of his kendo has reached an extremely high level.

But at this time, I have to admit that the original artistic conception of the sword is not such a person.

Don't think about it, this last one must be the Grandson of Sword Sovereign, one of the Sifang Sovereigns.

"Hehe, everyone is so elegant, why are you still arguing on this Tianzhu Mountain?"

Gongsun also appeared, and he looked at the Qin Zun with a lewd smile, "Xiao Qin'er, I haven't seen you for a long time, you are getting better and better! Well maintained!"

"The old ghost of the Feng Family has been dead for so many years, don't you think about me?"

"Go! Gongsun Laogou, believe it or not, I'll have a down-and-out tune that will give you a headache for three days and three nights!?" Qin Zun said with shame.

The faces of the Feng Clan children behind Qin Zun were also full of shame and anger.

Qin Zun's husband was originally the patriarch of the Feng family, but he was killed by the big monster during his trip to the monster clan a hundred years ago, so Qin Zun remains a widow.

But in any case, Qin Zun is Feng's family, how can he let this Gongsun speak such foul language? !

"Hey, good, good, I'm afraid your downfall won't work yet?"

Gongsun's expression also changed, and he didn't say any more.

"Feng Yunyang, are you still obsessed with not realizing it? You are a disciple of the Feng family, why are you still doing things for the grandson family!? Come here!"

Qin Zun said coldly.

"Clan mother..."

That situation stood up.

Ling Tian's eyes shrunk slightly, but from the appearance, this situation is indeed more handsome than the wind.

However, with a silver visor on his face, it is impossible to see his true face.

Moreover, at this time, his body was transformed into a sword by wind and thunder, and he heard the original aura of kendo, which was not even worse than Ling Tian himself.

Behind it is a long sword with surging sharp edges. Although the long sword is inserted in the scabbard at this time, with Ling Tian's eyesight, he can naturally see that this sword is absolutely extraordinary, at least in Xianzun. The best in the device exists!

Not only that, behind this Feng Yunyang, he also carried a white guqin.

This kid is also a master of rhythm! ?

I don't know why, the more Ling Tian looked at the situation, the more awkward he felt. This feeling was very strange, and it seemed familiar, and it seemed to be resistance and disgust.

In short, Ling Tian was very uncomfortable.

"This is the last time I call seniors like this!"

"Since this juncture has been reached, I have no choice but to make it clear."

"Jianzun is my master, and treats me like a parent and child. I admit that I am not lucky enough to be a child of the Feng family. So today, I am in a good mood and voluntarily quit the Feng family and change my surname to Gongsun!"

"My grandfather Sun Yunyang, from now on, he has nothing to do with the Feng Family!"

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