Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2721: The Power of the Unknown Origin

The same is true for Lei Qianyu on the other side. He has the treasure blessings of the entire Lei family. In addition, the original combat power is fierce. Ouyang Yuner's cultivation base is also extremely high. Now he is fighting with the eight guardians. It is difficult to solve the problem. Minute.

From the fastest before to the slowest team now, Feng Qixi and others couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

"Brother Xun Qin, now it looks like it depends on you!"

Feng Jixing took a deep breath and looked at the Ling Tianshui clone standing behind Shen Biyuan.

"Can he do it!?"

Shen Biyuan frowned.

"Miss, I don't like to listen to what you said. You guys respect me very much. Why don't you believe me! I am your Shen family!"

Ling Tian spread his hands.

"You are less poor, these guardians who are comparable to Tier 4 Immortal Venerable's combat power, one finger can kill you!"

Shen Biyuan gave Ling Tian a sideways look.

"Oh, isn't the lady caring about me!?"

Ling Tian's clone was thoughtful.

The Ling Tianmu clone in the green robe frowned, and said, "Looking for Young Master Qin, you still don't tease your younger sister, hurry up!"

"Okay, brother, listen to you!"

Ling Tian’s water system clone touched his nose, and stepped forward: "Everyone, listen to me, although my rune formation is a lot more tyrannical than before, let me block these eight guardians. reality."

"What I can help everyone is tactics!"

Ling Tian avatar outlined several battle formation positions on the ground with a talisman formation, "You have a good position, listen to my command and dispatch, I will use the talisman formation method to bless you!"

"As long as we don't make a mistake and destroy these guardians, it won't be a problem!"

"Haha, it's easy to talk!" Feng Jixing and the others hurriedly stood on top of the outlined stations, it seemed that they were familiar with the road.

Of course, they didn't know how many times they had cooperated with these methods of battle formation when they were in Chu State.

Shen Biyuan frowned, "This is, the method of battle formation!? Why do you still do this!?"

"The battle formation is also a formation, I naturally dabble in it!"

"Miss, there is your place here too, and it's very important!"

Ling Tian's clone made Shen Biyu directly go to the rear position, and on his hands, the aura of the talisman array suddenly rose.

"Come on, brothers and sisters, kill it, don't be afraid, I am here!"

As Ling Tian's identity fell, the rune array above his hands surged, and the guardian rune array was dropped on Feng Jixing's body, and the latter flashed out directly. Your long sword is pregnant with thunder, and a terrifying wind thunder sword Qi, sweep the eight immortals ahead!


"Intruder, die!"

The eight guardians were instantly sensed, and at the same time they shot, all kinds of magical powers, swept across, and the goal is Feng Jixing!

Eight Venerables shot at the same time, how terrifying the magical powers! ?

"Feng Jixing, my guardian talisman formation on you can only withstand two breaths, you have to retreat in an instant!"


Ling Tian's clone voice just fell, Feng Jixing followed the talisman formation halo, and after abruptly resisting two breaths, he was directly moved out of the magical power range by Ling Tian using the heavenly star formation.

And those supernatural powers disappeared in the space.

"The response is good. This is a demonstration. Feng Qixi, you have to perform your exercises and kill these guardians at the moment when Feng Jixing is attacked. We can't win with a single blow. We can only consume them a little bit, understand. Already!?"

Ling Tian's clone looked at Feng Qixi and the others again.

"Understood, let's get started!"

Wind Qixi nodded.

"Okay! Come again!"

The aura of the talisman on Ling Tian's hands surged again, and the Earth Jue Array fell on Feng Jixing's hand, and the latter stepped forward again to attract firepower.

"Just shoot now!"

At the moment when the eight guardians' magical powers were shot, Feng Qixi and others rushed up, and the magical powers fell on the guardians one after another. Although it is not painful or itchy, it is better than nothing!


Feng Jixing was moved back by the Star Array again, safe and sound.

Just like this, their team, just before the gate of the temple, the eight guardians, began to deal with each other.

Although the speed has been slower, the golden light on those guardians has also become dim, and it will not be long before they will be consumed.

"Damn it! This god-killed rune formation master"

In the distance, Lei Qianyu saw that Feng Jixing and others had not been directly beheaded by the eight guardians, and directly cursed.


However, when his voice fell, one of the arrogant of the Lei family was directly bombarded and killed by the guardian in front of them.

The guardian of this last temple gate is really terrifying, and now the Lei Family has only the last five people left!

The last level is filled with life!



And at this moment, on a branch in the distance, there was a sudden explosion of magical powers that shook the entire space.

Everyone looked in the direction where the magical powers raged, but they suddenly discovered that there are eight guardians who stood together and jointly displayed a sky full of golden feather magical powers. A huge range of magical powers enveloped and killed almost all of them. All areas before the temple gate!

Not only that, the power of this supernatural power is extremely fierce, absolutely surpassing Tier 4 Immortal Venerable, and Sifang Venerable, generally no different!

Almost in an instant, the remaining Tianjiao of the Gongsun family vomited blood one after another and retreated. The heavy ones were directly killed, and the light ones were also shaken down to the dead wood and lost all their combat power!

In the end, before the palace gate, only Gongsun Yunyang himself was left!

Looking at the golden feathers falling all over the sky, under Gongsun Yunyang's visor, the corners of his mouth curled up, and a cold smile was outlined.

The next moment, he directly took the Guqin in his hand, and his big hand suddenly grasped the fairy sword behind him, with a clatter, he pulled it out!


At this moment, the origin of the horrible sword formed a realm and swept away.

What is even more shocking is that in this realm, an extremely dazzling ancient pattern of gods appeared, covering Gongsun Yunyang's whole body.

Let Gongsun Yunyang see from a distance at this time, especially sacred and powerful!

"It's the traceless origin of one of the eighteen-pole immortal sources!"

Lei Qianyu watched the sacred mark and whispered.

In his dreams, he wanted to get this extremely immortal source, because the blessing of this source of power is simply abnormal.

"Is this the original source of no trace that belonged to our Feng Family!?"

Feng Qixi looked at the sacred mark on Gongsun Yunyang's body and couldn't help muttering to himself.

"This origin, originally belonging to my Feng family, I will eventually take it back!"

Feng Jixing also gritted his teeth.

There are only 18 Jixianyuan in total.

It is the only source and its value is immeasurable.

However, after that Gongsun Yunyang exerted the power of the origin, the whole person suddenly disappeared into the domain.

The sky full of golden feathers fell, even though it was as fast as thunder and densely packed, but the speed was still not as fast as Gongsun Yunyang.

After a few breaths, the magical powers of the Eight Immortals fell, and Gongsun Yunyang appeared in the domain, unscathed!

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