Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2726: The Heart of the Ancient Wood under the Xianqin

In an instant, Lei Qianyu's face was full of anger, and he directly swallowed the magic pill in his hand.

Once again used the previous dark demon clan's exercises!

This is his last chance to use this magic pill. He wants to kill everyone here in one fell swoop!

Lei Qianyu, who was blessed by the Demon Pill, instantly surged in his whole body aura, just like that dark demon was blessed by the battle body, the current Lei Qianyu was like a huge monster.

But no matter what, the current Lei Qianyu is powerful and terrifying!

The light of thunder burst in his hand, exuding an endless and powerful aura, causing Gongsun Yunyang in the distance to be slightly discolored.

Such Lei Qianyu is really hard to deal with!

"Xun Qin, what do you do, can your talisman formation still resist?!"

Shen Biyuan frowned.

"Resist the fart!"

Ling Tian avatar shook his head, this Lei Qianyu turned on again, then there was no way to play.

Immediately, Ling Tian displayed the sky star formation again, moving continuously on the square.

He can only delay time now.

I hope his body can come sooner.

And just as the three parties fought on the square, Ling Tian's other clone came silently to the corner in front of the main hall.

He raised his hand and pressed it on the formation barrier above the hall.

There is a formation guard here, even if the golden feather phoenix is ​​killed, it is still not easy to enter it.

However, above the wood avatar, there were ten thousand sword shadows left by Ling Tian's body. The sword shadows rushed out, injected into the formation, and began to break the formation.

Even if the formation here is like ancient and mysterious, but under the shadow of the sword, it only takes half a cup of tea to crack it.

Sure enough, after less than half a cup of tea, on the square, Ling Tian's clone was still being chased by Lei Qianyu, and Gongsun Yunyang's aura became weaker and weaker.

But Ling Tian's Wood Element clone had already torn open a gap in the formation of the Great Hall, and then dodged into it.

The hall was empty, and although it was still magnificent and gleaming, it still gave people a sense of loneliness.

Above the empty throne, the master above it no longer knows where to go.

At this time, Ling Tian's gaze also fell from the throne in the center of the hall to the guqin floating above the hall.

Withered Wood Feng Yin!

Ling Tian was standing on the guqin at this moment, and now listening to the piano sound of this immortal qin at close range, Ling Tian had Chunlei in his hands, but he was still shocked.

Duyou was ranked sixth among the Guqin, but the dead wood phoenix sound obviously had to be stronger.

If the Xianqin falls into the hands of a piano master, it is less likely to be able to double its combat power, and if it is the Xianzun who has a very high cultivation base that is in charge of the Xianqin, then the combat power can directly Leading the human coquettish alone.

No wonder Qin Zun cares about this guqin so much.

"Huh!? What is this!"

However, Ling Tian's gaze slowly fell from above the guqin, but he saw that a withered yellow sphere was suspended directly under the guqin.

Although the orb seemed to be full of withered yellow color, there was still a faint life force surging out of it.

And this thing, Ling Tian had actually seen something similar before!

"The Heart of Ancient Wood!"

Ling Tian exclaimed and called out his voice directly.

He is so familiar with this kind of ancient wood heart. Whether in the lower realm or in the immortal realm, he has seen this kind of ancient wood heart more than once.

Therefore, even if Tao Yaoyao is not here, he can still recognize at a glance, this is the heart of an ancient wood.

It is the essence and core of all ancient woods.

As long as the heart of the ancient tree does not die, then the ancient tree will not perish!

And the heart of the ancient wood was actually under the dead wood phoenix, as if guarding the heart of this ancient wood, such a scene, had to make Ling Tian have doubts about this heart of the ancient wood!

"Could it be that this huge tree in front of him is not really dead!? Is this his heart of ancient trees!?"

In an instant, Ling Tian's heart throbbed.

He knew where the huge dead tree in front of him was, but just by looking at the weather, he knew that this tree was absolutely extraordinary.

Its value can be imagined.

I am afraid that in the entire fairy world, there will be no second tree!

"Hehe, since I came across it, it's my blessing. I will accept it first. When Yaoyao wakes up, let's see if I can save it!"

Ling Tian's clone chuckled, and went straight forward. He hadn't grabbed the guqin on his head first, but directly grabbed the heart of the ancient wood.

"Don't touch my things!"

However, Ling Tian's big hand stretched out and was stopped by the other hand.

Ling Tian's heart was shocked, and his figure suddenly retreated.

Only then did I discover that a figure slowly manifested from the front of the heart of the ancient wood, I don't know when.

Just now, it was this person's hand that stopped Ling Tian.

What's more terrifying is that Ling Tian's clone hadn't noticed it before!

Who is this guy! ?

"Who are you?"

Ling Tian's wooden clone frowned.

It is definitely not the ordinary people who can appear in this hall so quietly.

Moreover, it was obvious that this person was either originally in the hall, or he entered together at the moment he broke the formation.

The former seems impossible, so if it is the latter, it will make Ling Tian's back spine even more cold.

"It doesn't matter who I am. This thing is mine. You can take the guqin on it."

The figure was dressed in a black brocade dress, with a slender figure, with long black hair hanging down on the black cloak, making it difficult to distinguish between a man and a woman.

The man said something, and then he reached out and grabbed the heart of the ancient wood under the guqin.

"Presumptuous, I discovered the heart of the ancient wood first, I don't allow you to touch it, you can't touch it!"

However, how could Ling Tian agree.

This guy who appeared suddenly is really too domineering!

Moreover, although Ling Tian didn't know where it came from, his clone was also forged from the heart of the ancient wood of the wood system. To him, the heart of the ancient wood was also invaluable.

He definitely won't let go.

What's more, from the perspective of his breath, this person is not a particularly tyrannical person.

In this way, Ling Tian clone snorted coldly, and flashed directly before him.

"Hehe, it seems you still don't agree!"

The man stopped his hands as expected, and then suddenly turned around. Under his body, the Wood Element Xianyuan suddenly skyrocketed, and the impact of the weather was almost instantaneous, and it skyrocketed countless levels. Just this breath made Ling Tian clone The knife mang, smash it directly!


In an instant, Ling Tian's body spewed out a mouthful of turquoise blood, and flew out directly.

The body shook heavily on the barrier of the hall, with a roar, shocking the Tianjiao who were fighting outside the hall.

They stopped and looked at the hall, their expressions changed drastically!

Never thought that someone had already entered the hall first!

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