Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2725: Turn face

The previous cooperation was nothing more than fear of Jinyu Phoenix's tyranny, but now, there is no worries.

Therefore, at the moment when Gongsun Yunyang and Lei Qianyu fell, the two of them turned around at almost the same time. The weapon in their hands, with powerful magical powers, turned around and turned towards Feng Qixi, Shen Biyuan and the others. Cut it down!

They want to kill the others while solving the Golden Feather Phoenix!

"Damn, you shameless guys!"

Feng Qixi screamed, but there was not much surprise on his face. After all, with the style of Gongsun Yunyang and Lei Qianyu, the shot at this time was actually already in their expectations.

However, this time Gongsun Yunyang and Lei Qianyu were obviously extremely murderous, and the supernatural powers they sacrificed were extremely tyrannical.

At the same time, facing the top talents of the two big families, it is obvious that the Shen family and the Feng family are the most disadvantaged.

"Haha, it's really interesting, in my battlefield, you still want to shoot at me!!?"

However, Ling Tian's clone sneered, and the palms of both hands suddenly sealed on his chest, and the light of the mysterious talisman array surged, and the next moment, under the soles of everyone's feet, the talisman array aura lit up one after another.

There were three mountains, and Feng Qixi and others appeared above their heads.

Boom boom boom!

Although the supernatural powers of that Lei Qianyu and Gongsun Yunyang were fierce, they were still resisted by the three tiers of extreme formations.



Both of them were shocked, and never expected that at this time, Ling Tian would be able to perform three terrestrial absolute talisman formations in a row! ?

"Hmph, do you really think I have no other means? As early as when you first shot, I had already outlined the talisman formation in the battle formation!"

Ling Tian sneered under the guardianship of the Earth Jue Array, and after the Houtian Star Array was used, the magical powers of the two of them were directly moved back.


Shocked by their own supernatural powers, Gongsun Yunyang and Lei Qianyu's faces were already gloomy.

"Can stop us once, but can't stop me the second time!"

Gongsun Yunyang's figure was indifferent, and the wind and thundering long sword in his hand pointed at Feng Jixing and the others again.

"Haha, sorry, we really didn't expect to continue blocking!"

"Since it is a decisive battle after all, let's start now!"

"Feng Ji Xing Feng Qixi Moyu, you are responsible for Gongsun Yunyang, that Lei Qianyu, just leave it to us!"

Ling Tian's water system clone fell, and the two brothers and sisters, Feng Jixing and Feng Qixi, had already set off.

"Haha, it's easy to say, today we will rectify this traitor for the family!"

Feng Qixi snorted coldly, and the thunder whip in his hand was raised, directly displaying the Fengqi Lei.

"Hehe, Qi Lei is just a mere wind, you should show off in front of me too!"

Gongsun Yunyang shook his head, from beginning to end, he hadn't put the Qixi Festival in his eyes.

"Hehe, that's adding us!"

However, Feng Jixing at this time also appeared on Feng Qixi's side, surrounded by sword shadows in his hand, and under the strength of the source, it also propped up a field of magical powers.

"Not even with you!"

"Supernatural powers, the violent wind will stop!"

Thousands of sword glow, turned into a terrifying storm, cut down to the wind Qixi and the wind continued.

Even though the two brothers joined forces to sacrifice the seven thunders, but under this kendo supernatural power, the wind dissipated and thunder disappeared.

Gongsun Yunyang sneered, but right here, a dark arrow suddenly appeared in front of his front door.

Quietly, extremely fast.

Ok! ! ?

Gongsun Yunyang dodged subconsciously, but when his figure stopped, he found that blood was already flowing down his shoulders.

"Hidden weapon!? Do you dare to attack me!"

Gongsun Yunyang stopped the blood of the arrow and looked down. The short figure gradually emerging from the void, the eyes under the visor were full of killing intent.

"Wipe, this guy's body is too fast, otherwise I will succeed."

However, the short figure shook his head, obviously not satisfied with this shot.

"Haha, dwarf, have you been poisoned?"

Feng Qixi said with a smile.

"Of course it's better."

Hearing this, Gongsun Yunyang's expression changed, and he looked at his arrow and found that the blood flowing down had already turned black!

The Xian Yuan in his body is also passing frantically.

There is even poison within this hidden weapon!

"Hehe, Gongsun Yunyang, you are really stupid, you really thought we would head-to-head with you? Just now we were just creating opportunities for Mo Yu. Now, we will fight again!"

Feng Jixing laughed mockingly, and Hefeng Qixi killed him again.

On the other side, Ling Tian's water system clone had already begun to activate the talisman formation.

"Hmph, I can't help myself, now you two, let me see what else you can fight with me!"

Lei Qianyu sneered, and the thunder burst up on the thunder gun in his hand. Then he would never make the mistakes in front of the Lei Mansion again. Once he shot, he would be the strongest supernatural power!

"Give up, your terrestrial talisman formation can't stop my gun!"

Lei Qianyu grinned, his spear was sharp, and he stabbed.

"Hehe, look down on me again, right? I don't want to use the Jue Talisman Array to deal with you!"

"Fu Zhen, Long Xiang Zhen!"

I saw the seal in Ling Tian's hands, and a huge aura of aura was used. The thousands of ancient characters on it were intertwined, vomiting tyrannical energy.

In an instant, these energies condensed into the shape of a blue dragon in front of Ling Tian.

The breath of the dragon is extremely strong, and when seen from a distance, it seems like a real dragon power is coming!

Qinglong roared angrily and rushed to the sky with a roar.


With a muffled sound, the magical powers of the Shenlong and Lei Qianyu were facing each other, and the latter's magical powers were directly smashed.

"Do not!"

Seeing the phantom of the Qinglong rushing up, Lei Qianyu was shocked, his spear blocked in front of him, but in the end, he was still shaken and fell into the sky.

"You actually understood all the three talisman formations on the Heavenly Talisman Treasure Mirror?"

Behind Ling Tian, ​​Shen Biyu was already surprised.

She really didn't expect that Ling Tian now could rely on the law of the talisman to block this Lei Qianyu!

Moreover, she also knew how obscure and esoteric the Talisman Mirror was in her father's hand, but it was only a few months before this guy had realized all the talisman formations on it, and when it was used, it was still so powerful.

In this world, is there really such a terrifying Talisman Master! ?

"Haha, miss, now you know to praise me!?"

Ling Tian avatar touched his nose and smiled.

He waited until now to use the Longxiang formation method, because this rune formation was regarded as the only attacking type rune formation among all his rune formation marks, and it was naturally powerful!


"This is all you forced me!"

Lei Qianyu really couldn't bear it anymore. He lost to this Xun Qin several times, and this time, no matter what, he would never allow himself to lose again!

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