Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2728: Battle of Fire and Wood

"Hehe, you human race, you really don't agree with me, why, do you have to force me to tear my skin with you, so you are reconciled!?"

One punch tore Ling Tian's supernatural powers to pieces, the mysterious existence sneered towards Ling Tian.


Ling Tian frowned slightly, and suddenly realized that this mysterious guy seemed to know his identity, and he was indeed very powerful.

If he wants to take down the fairy fire before he has swallowed it, it is really not easy.


Now Ling Tian, ​​after swallowing that Zhen Yuan Qingyan, the power of the eight hundred layers of immortal fire in his body is not vegetarian.

Although the energy of these immortal fires had not yet been fully absorbed by Ling Tian.

But it was for Ling Tian to be able to use the power of the fairy fire.

And this is enough.

"Hehe, I respect you as a senior, not because I respect you, but because you have cultivated for many years, and it is not easy to distinguish."

"I don’t care if the heart of the ancient wood belongs to you, but it’s my clone, the first to be discovered, and you can only enter it because I broke the barrier here, so you don’t give me any explanation. , I will forcibly devour the heart of the ancient wood, this I Ling Tian, ​​I will never let you go!"

Ling Tian once again arranged a formation in front of the hall behind him, isolating everything here from the outside world.

He was ready to use means to forcibly capture this mysterious existence.

"It's really noisy! I said, this thing is mine, why don't I swallow it, you don't let me go!?"

"You are not qualified to talk to me!"

"Although touching you will make me offend many people, but now that I have been born again, what can those people do to me!?"


The mysterious existence gave a grinning grin, and the mysterious golden patterns began to flow all over his body. His hands suddenly stretched out, and he didn't see what weapons he used, but in the next moment, Ling Tian found out that in the hall, under his feet, Suddenly a dense layer of golden vines appeared.

In the surrounding space, golden leaves are also manifested.

These vines and leaves are as sharp as knives, and the power erupted from the strangulation is enough to cause Sifangzun to be seriously injured in an instant.

Moreover, these are all the magical powers sacrificed by the mysterious existence in an instant. It can be seen how tyrannical it is.

"Hehe, supernatural powers are good, but sorry, can you do anything to immortal fire with this wood-based supernatural power!"

Ling Tian snorted coldly, and when the vines and leaves had not been closed, his feet suddenly shook, and then the Zhenyuan Qingyan burst out in an instant.

The sharp blades of vines and leaves were burned almost as soon as they touched the flame.

This mysterious existence was easily broken by Ling Tian in an instant.

"No, it's impossible!"

"The fairy fire of Zhenyuan Great Immortal, you actually swallowed it so quickly!?

Sure enough, after seeing the immortal fire sacrificed by Ling Tian, ​​the mysterious existence finally changed his face.

It seems that he is really afraid of fire now.

"Haha, senior, I'll give you another chance and give me an explanation, otherwise, I really have to do it!"

Ling Tian's big hand stretched out from his sleeve, and the meteor sword slowly manifested.

"Stop talking nonsense, I won't be afraid of you!"

The mysterious existence was furious, and then stretched out his big hand again, transforming into golden branches and leaves all over the sky, the magical powers almost enveloped the entire hall, strangling towards that Lingtian.

"Hmph, if that's the case, then Ling Tian, ​​you're welcome!"

Ling Tian snorted, the meteor sword in his hand was completely manifested, and on the sword body covered with thunder, a layer of cyan fairy fire filled the whole hall, and even the golden stones in the hall, It all started to melt.

"Excalibur Yulei, cut!"

Ling Tian didn't hesitate, and directly displayed the magic sword Yulei's true tactic. Under the sword's edge, the magical gold branch sacrificed by that mysterious existence was strangled by the magical sword Yulei.

The long sword splits the sky, as if to smash the entire hall.

Finally, there was a buzzing sound, appearing above the head of that mysterious existence.

Suppressed by Ling Tian's tyrannical sword intent, the face of that mysterious existence finally showed a touch of horror.

The eight hundred layers of immortal fire on Ling Tian's body were too restrained against him.

"Damn it, if it's not because my heart of ancient wood hasn't been fully refined, otherwise, with the fire of my golden phoenix, you, Yuan Qingyan, shit!"

The man grinned, not angry, and extremely ashamed.

"Senior, what use are you saying now!?"

"Now, you can tell me who you are, why you appeared here, and what does it have to do with this Golden Feather Immortal Gate!"

"The heart of the ancient wood is no small matter. If you don't give me an explanation, today, Ling will not let it go!"

Ling Tian said again.

"I have already said that you are not qualified to question this seat!"

"If this seat was in its heyday, you, a small human race, would only be worthy of being my slave!"

"Today, this seat is dead, and will not confide half a word to your existence!"

"Die to me!"

The mysterious existence was frightened, and roared, as if urging the vitality of the whole body, the golden flames began to rise gradually under his body, and the big hand was again covered, as if he wanted to fight Ling Tian with a desperate blow. Up.


"Excalibur Yulei, array!"

Ling Tian shook his head, the Meteorite Sword turned into thousands of fire and thunder sword shadows, and the mysterious existence was directly enveloped in the sword formation.

Under the attack of Jianying and Flame Thunder, any aura and supernatural powers that existed mysteriously were quickly being wiped out, and the aura of the whole person was also rapidly wilting.

In today's Lingtian sword formation, I am afraid that this mysterious person will completely fall for only half a cup of tea.


"I hate it, old thief, if it weren't for you, how could my Liewu fall to this level!?"

"You have all soared, and you still don't want to let me go!"

"Even if my Liewu falls completely today and enters the Nine Nether Hells, I will never let you go, just wait!"

The spiteful roar that mysteriously exists in Ling Tian's sword formation is like a curse, hideous and terrifying.

However, the expression on his face gradually disappeared, seeming to be wiped out by Ling Tian's sword shadow.

"You kid, I told you to leave with the guqin!"

But at this moment, a helpless expression reappeared on the mysterious person's face, and even the golden lines on his body had disappeared, and his eyes softened at this moment.

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