Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2729: Yaoyao wakes up the old man to get incense

Outside of the sword formation, Ling Tian frowned slightly. Although he could feel that the aura of this mysterious existence changed drastically in an instant, he still did not touch the sword formation.

After all, he couldn't be sure whether this was a blindfold of that guy.

"Ling Tian, ​​you are really cruel enough to start, stop quickly, don't hurt Yanxiang!"

However, just as Ling Tian hesitated, a voice suddenly sounded in Taoyuan.

However, this figure caused Ling Tian to shake his whole body suddenly, and the blood in his whole body seemed to have stopped flowing in an instant.

The heart throbbed and throbbed, as if beating a drum.

It was just because this figure was so familiar and missed by Ling Tian.

"Yaoyao, are you awake!?"

Finally, Ling Tian exclaimed, but at the same time, he did not forget to stop the Thunder Sword Formation.

The mysterious existence inside fell directly to the ground.


At this time, accompanied by a burst of peach blossom fragrance, a shadow appeared in front of Ling Tian.

However, what made Ling Tian even more shocked was that it was not Tao Yaoyao who had appeared before him.

Before Tao Yaoyao was in a coma, he was like a girl who had never grown up, innocent and innocent, but now appearing in front of Ling Tian is a girl half the height of Qin Mingyue.

It's just a figure from the back, but with a lot of temperament.

Tao Yaoyao stepped forward and lifted up the mysterious existence that was spreading on the ground, which allowed Ling Tian to see Tao Yaoyao's current appearance clearly.

However, just for an instant, Ling Tian could not help but whisper in surprise.

Clear and bright pupils, curved willow eyebrows, long eyelashes trembling slightly, white and flawless skin revealing a tinge of pink, and thin lips are as tender as rose petals.

The perfect arc at the corner of her mouth reveals an omniscient and invincible self-confidence. The pink dress makes her look mysterious and pure.

Although I could still vaguely see the shadow of Tao Yaoyao once, but now, it made Ling Tian think of a word.

Female big eighteen change.

Moreover, it is becoming more and more beautiful.

There was even some beauty that suffocated Ling Tian.

"Huh, why, haven't seen me for so long, dumbfounded?"

It seems that he also felt Ling Tian's gaze, Tao Yaoyao's fair and pretty face blushed for a moment, and said.

"No, Yaoyao, what's the matter with you...?"

Ling Tian reacted, frowning deeply.

"What's wrong, is there any problem? It's impossible for people to be children all the time. They also want to grow up. No, I will grow up as soon as I wake up!"

Tao Yaoyao tilted her head and said, looking very cute.

"Senior Liuyao said that you would give us a surprise. I didn't expect it to be a surprise. It's really unbelievable!"

Ling Tian shook his head again and again, Tao Yaoyao's comeback in this way really exceeded Ling Tian's expectations, which he had never expected.

"Huh, you can't think of more."

Glancing across Ling Tian, ​​Tao Yaoyao looked at the mysterious existence in her arms. Ling Tian suddenly realized that the lines on this figure disappeared, and the one who appeared in front of him was something that looked better than Tao Yaoyao now. Yaoyao is a young girl in black.

It was also a pretty face as white as jade, but his eyes were slightly closed, his beautiful eyebrows were furrowed, and there was a golden mysterious totem mark on the center of his eyebrows.

It's just that now the girl is extremely weak, and the whole person is breathing hard.

"Look, you almost killed Ranxiang. If something happens to Ranxiang, I will definitely not let you go, huh!"

Tao Yaoyao snorted coldly and looked at the girl in her arms, her face was full of distressed look that I saw with pity.

She stroked the girl's face, and on the palm of her hand, there was a faint pink fluorescence, and the light was full of the life force of plants and trees.

But this kind of force was like a panacea, almost visible to the naked eye, and the girl in Yaoyao's arms became a little bit brighter.

The whole person was not sluggish, and even gradually woke up.

"Yaoyao, this... this girl, you know!?"

Ling Tian, ​​who was a little embarrassed on the side, couldn't help asking.

"Of course, we met a long time ago, a long, long time ago..."

Tao Yaoyao nodded.

"What? I met a long time ago?"

This time, it made Ling Tian even more puzzled.

Because, it seems that he has never heard from Tao Yaoyao that she has an old acquaintance.

This girl in front of me is probably the first one.

"Then, who the **** is she!? Why did she split with nerves just now. She claims to be her own seat."

"Well, it's a long story. Dingxiang is actually about the same as me. You only need to know that she is a big baby. Baby, you can live forever and rise directly after eating her!"

Tao Yaoyao smiled.

"Longevity is immortal!? Still soaring, you treat him as Tang Seng meat." Ling Tian shook his head, thinking Tao Yaoyao was talking nonsense.

"Huh, I don't believe it."

Tao Yaoyao pouted arrogantly, which made Ling Tian even more sure that this was indeed the previous Tao Yaoyao. It looked like she had grown up a bit, but everything else remained the same, especially This temper.

"Yaoyao, how come you encourage others to eat me as soon as we meet."

However, at this time, the girl in Tao Yaoyao's arms unexpectedly woke up.

"Hey, Darling, you are awake. I was not joking just now. You wouldn't mind. Anyway, we haven't seen each other for almost 10,000 years."

Tao Yaoyao smiled.

"Yeah, for more than ten thousand years, I don't know if it was too long or too short. We finally met again." The girl named Ranxiang curled her mouth.

"Girl, what is your identity, Yaoyao, just tell me, who can stand such a mysterious secret!?" Ling Tian frowned.

He is really anxious.

"Yaoyao, there is nothing to hide my identity. It doesn't matter if you tell Ling Tian, ​​anyway, I am his guide. All this is inevitable."

Ranxiang struggled to stand up from Tao Yaoyao's arms.

"What, you are also my guide!? Then you and Senior Liu Yao, also met?"

However, Ling Tian was shocked again after hearing the three words leading the passer-by.

Oh my God, the guide seems to have disappeared for a long time, and finally one more appeared today.

Otherwise, Ling Tian would doubt whether he had gone the wrong way when he came to the monster clan this time.

"Naturally know it too. I didn't expect that you, a little girl, would still be there!"

Senior Liu Yao also appeared in front of Ran Xiang after Ling Tian's voice fell.

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