Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2762: The power of Aoi Cailin

Follow behind that Kwai Cailin and enter the tunnel. The pungent atmosphere of the grave is even more turbulent.

It seems that this demon grave has been in existence for tens of thousands of years, so it has never been broken into.

"Cai Lin, be careful, I can sense the extremely dangerous aura here, I am afraid that there are terrifying strong people in it!"

Ling Tian looked at the graceful swaying figure in front of Cailin.

"I know it naturally."

"The demon grave is different from the ordinary tomb."

"As your human race likes, you like to build your tomb in a treasured geomantic place!"

"However, this demon grave is completely the opposite."

"The so-called clean energy rises, and the turbid energy sinks. The demon grave must choose a place where the evil energy condenses underground!"

"The demon tomb has been buried in the ground for thousands of years, and the evil spirits are concentrated, it is difficult to think of evil things..."

But Kwai Cailin, as if she knew everything was a long time ago, said something in her mouth, and she didn't see much fear.

"Hey, I can't tell, you know so much."

However, when Ling Tian heard this, he was very surprised.

Although this Kwai Cailin is a child of the demon race, but how to say these words, it seems to have read a lot of classics! ?

At the very least, Ling Tian didn't understand it at all.

"Hehe, although I am a monster clan, I take care of all the classics in the clan. Although there are not many, every word in those classics is now in my mind."

"After passing through this tunnel, it should be the front hall of the demon grave. Wherever we are, we will encounter an impact."

Kwai Cailin sneered, her hands shook, and the ten golden claws bloomed from the fingertips like a blade.

The golden claws tear the air, and it is enough to see that the current Kuicai scales are powerful.

Ling Tian took a deep breath, his eyes were filled with surprise.

Because, the Kwai Cailin in front of me, I don't know when, the cultivation base has reached the level of the seventh-order Immortal King!

It's totally possible to stand shoulder to shoulder with her.

No wonder Kwai Cailin was able to suppress Su Jiu'er before.

However, what Ling Tian couldn't accept was that this Kui Cailin was only a monster of the fourth-order immortal king realm, and how long it took him to skyrocket to the seventh-order immortal king! ?

This level of cultivation, let alone the snake princess that day, even Zhu Tao, can't compare to it!

When Ling Tian was in surprise, a light suddenly appeared in the dark corridor ahead.

But that kind of light is dark green, especially mysterious and evil.

"Hehe, here it comes!"

Kwai Cailin sneered, and a golden phantom of a dragon appeared behind her, as if she was shocked, she rushed out of the tunnel.

Ling Tian also sensed the terrifying aura at the end of the tunnel at this moment, and was waking up.

Worried about the safety of Kwai Cailin, Ling Tian also flashed out of the tunnel.


But as soon as Ling Tian walked out of the void, he heard a golden stone explosion, accompanied by a strong shock wave, sweeping over.

The horror of the air wave is enough to prove that Kwai Cailin has encountered an unprecedented powerful enemy!


Ling Tian snorted coldly, raised his sleeves, and found out that the corpses of bones scattered all over the floor of the front hall.

Above these bones, there are traces of being torn directly by sharp blades.

Obviously, they all came from the hands of Kwai Cailin!

The combat power of these bone generals is around the fifth-order demon, but in front of today's Kwai Cailin, they are as fragile as a piece of paper.

However, even such a powerful Kwai Cailin, she is now almost half kneeling on the ground, arched and panting.

Above the corner of his mouth, there was even more blood shed.

Is such a tyrannical Kwai Cailin injured so quickly?

Ling Tian was furious, looked at the discovery opposite the Kui Cailin, and found a figure, slowly walking down from the throne in the front hall.

Completely different from Bone Will, this figure is a bit like a corpse.

Moreover, it was a mummy formed after the transformation of the demon race.

He was dressed in an ancient black armor, and his face was also covered by heavy armor. He couldn't see what this guy had changed.

But there was a boundless evil spirit surging around it, full of blood.

Judging from the breath released by this mummy, the combat power has definitely reached the level of the seventh-order Immortal Venerable.

It's no wonder that even today's Kwai Cailin has suffered.

However, seeing his woman hurt, it was still in front of his own eyes, how could Ling Tian endure this.

Immediately Ling Tian drew his sword and was about to step forward to tear down the corpse.

"do not move!"

However, Kui Cailin shouted sweetly and stopped Ling Tian.

"This is the tomb general in the demon grave. There is the mark of my demon clan on it, which is useful to me. I will kill him personally. Don't interfere and break it!"

When Ling Tian heard the words, he retired in a slanderous manner, "Okay, I'll help you take the battle."

"Don't be aggressive."

"Yeah!" Kui Cailin knew that Ling Tian was caring about her, so she just nodded slightly.

But in an instant, his face was once again overwhelmed by a strong sense of war.


I saw the golden wandering dragon phantom behind the Kwai Cai scales blooming, and the dazzling light turned into the power of the solo dragon domain, illuminating the entire huge front hall in an instant.

Then, Kwai Cailin was covered in body, the golden dragon scales suddenly rose up, and the back body was like a frightened dragon, killing it.


On the opposite side, the Demon Venerable Mummy in the Demon Grave also screamed strangely, and then roared as if being irritated, and slew towards Kui Cailin.

"Those who trespass to the tomb of the Demon Emperor Disha, die!"

While roaring, the mummy demon corpse rushed out of his hand with a bone that didn't know what demon beast it was, and smashed down at the Kwai Cai scales.


The swords of the two were once again in the void.

This shock of supernatural power was even more terrifying and fierce than the previous one.

The bones all over the ground will be displayed, and in an instant, they will be shaken into powder.

Ling Tian's body, thousands of sword shadows appeared, resisting all these shocks.

The entire ancient tomb was shaking violently.

But there is no sign of collapse.

Ling Tian looked at the surrounding walls, and they were intact.

My heart became more shocked.

The battle between Kui Cailin and this demon venerable is so terrifying. If it is replaced by a normal building, it is afraid that it would have been razed to the ground long ago.

But here it is so strong.

The demon grave is indeed well-deserved!


However, a muffled grunt suddenly sounded in the center of the storm's magical powers.

Ling Tian hurriedly looked over, but found that it was the demon lord who had withdrawn from the shock this time!

Although the Yaozu's flesh body had not shed blood at this time, the ancient battle armor on its shoulders had been torn apart.

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