Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2763: Coffin Room


Kwai Cai scales fell to the ground, and on the golden claws of both hands, there was a pure metallic original aura surging.

This is the metallic origin that Kui Cailin swallowed with the help of Ling Tian. This origin power is the only one, and its rank is extremely high.

Coupled with the strong cultivation base of Kwai Cailin, with all his strength, this area of ​​corpses is naturally unable to resist.

"Let me see, what kind of way do you have!"

One blow took the advantage, Kwai Cailin won the power and did not give up, bullying her body, around the mummy, it turned into a bright gold thread, in which there was a sharp aura, soaring, and under the dazzling, it turned into gold. The storm swallowed his corpse.


In the storm, you could only hear the mummy demon yelling, but couldn't compete for the magical powers of Kwai Cailin.

After a full cup of tea, the golden storm gradually dissipated.

"Cough cough cough!"

The figure of Kwai Cailin also manifested.

As for the mummy demon lord, he was lying on his back on the icy ground, and his whole body was no longer suffocated.

Kwai Cailin panted heavily, her breath surging constantly.

Although the Demon Lord's mummy was killed, it was obvious that the consumption of Kwai Cailin was not small.

"Hehe, it's been a long time since it's been so happy!"

Although the wastage was great, there was a rare smile on Kwai Cailin's face.

She is born to like to fight.

This time, after staying in Ling Tian's body for too long, she was going to be suffocated.

"Awesome, worthy of the little fairy I carefully cultivated."

Ling Tian clapped his hands and walked up.

"Go away, what does it have to do with you!?"

Kui Cailin glared at Ling Tian, ​​then stepped forward and opened the body of the demon lord. Only then did she find that under the battle armor, the body of the demon lord was covered with blood-red lines. These lines seemed to be densely packed. The silk thread bound the mummy of Demon Venerable, and there was a **** light in it, surging along the silk thread, like blood.

"His, interesting, this is not the puppet technique of the human race, nor is it something formed by corpse transformation."

Ling Tian squatted in front of the corpse, also very curious.

"This is the unique method of my monster clan, now it has been lost."

"But I have never heard of such methods, which can control the existence of the seventh-order Demon Lord. I want to come. The guy who makes these things is really terrifying!"

"Earth evil monster emperor!? How come I have never seen such a martial emperor's record in the classics of the monster clan!!?"

Kwai Cailin meditated.

"It's not surprising. In the thousands of years of turmoil, I don't know how many strong people were born and then fell like a meteor."

"Moreover, Demon Emperor Disha!? This name sounds like a silly name, it's silly!"

Ling Tian sneered.

"Let's go, didn't you say that this is the front hall? Then, behind it should be the coffin room. If we can see his body, we can also know who is buried in this demon grave! "

Ling Tian got up and looked at the dark gate slowly opening behind the throne where the demon sovereign was originally sitting.

"The back is indeed the coffin room, but I should be in the front!"

Kwai Cailin got up, and her whole body again surged with a golden source of power, and then swept back into it.

"This time, maybe you really can't handle it!"

Ling Tian shook his head.

This Kwai Cailin is good everywhere, but the character is too staunch.


Sure enough, Ling Tian's voice had just fallen, and the Kwai Cailin that rushed into the coffin chamber gave a muffled grunt and flew out.

In the air, golden blood splashed down.


Falling to the ground, Kwai Cailin covered her chest, her face full of pain.

Not only that, at this time, the golden claw weapon blade on the hands of Kuicailin had already shattered.

God knows, Kwai Cailin, what happened inside.

Ling Tian suddenly became furious.

Kwai Cailin was seriously injured, and he couldn't bear it!

With a shock at his feet, Ling Tian appeared directly in the coffin chamber.

But stepping into it, looking at the huge grotto in the darkness, Ling Tian was also stunned.

He had never seen anything resembling a coffin.

But this coffin chamber is like a huge cave with an area of ​​a hundred li.

The surrounding area is full of bizarre-shaped boulders, standing on both sides of the avenue, under the dim light, like an army of monsters in ancient times.

An inexplicable force of oppression filled the cave.

The terrifying coercion is enough to make any Tier 6 Tianjiao of the Immortal King, to pieces!

The core coffin chamber in the demon grave is as terrifying as expected!

"Ling Tian, ​​be careful!"

Outside the coffin room, Kwai Cailin exclaimed.

And what was accompanied by Kui Cailin's exclaim was that sharp edge that suddenly rose from the darkness.

Towards Ling Tian's face, suddenly attacked!

Ha ha!

Ling Tian sneered. Under his divine mind, although these attacks were sudden and rapid, they still couldn't hide.

Ling Tian's feet shook, and under his magical body skills, in an instant, he dodges that attack.


That magical power did not land, but after losing Ling Tian's goal, it exploded in the void. ,

At this moment, Ling Tian discovered that that magical power seemed to be a sharp claw!

However, a single blow could not be achieved, and after Ling Tian fell, he lost the breath of the opponent again.

Inside the cave, there was extremely quiet.

"Since you are here, then show up, why cover it up, I think with your intelligence, you should be able to understand what is being said."

When the words fell, the surroundings were still quiet, and inside the coffin room, a series of evil spirits surged under the feet.

"Hehe, since your Excellency hasn't shown up yet, don't blame me!"

Ling Tian sneered coldly, and at this moment, without saying more, he blasted forward with a punch, the endless immortal breath whistled and condensed into a fierce fist front, slammed down to the left, booming with great power. At the moment when the striker fell, in the darkness, a low roar suddenly came, and then a black shadow rushed out of it to avoid it. This black shadow was precisely the existence of Kwai Cailin who had previously attacked.

Now that Ling Tian was directly forced out, the black shadow's face was full of anger.

"Haha, Human Race!? It's really strange, Human Race can even enter the demon grave!"

Sure enough, what made Ling Tian guess wrong was that this black shadow was able to speak directly.

Ling Tian was also at this moment, and he saw the dark shadow clearly.

Unlike the corpses and bones that I encountered before, the black shadow in front of me was like a body of energy.

In other words, it is the undead.

However, it was much stronger than any undead that Ling Tian had seen before!

At least, it must be above the mummy demon venerable outside.

Moreover, the undead condensed with energy can clearly see the person's appearance.

Before he was alive, he should have been a strong man of the eagle and falcon clan.

However, at this moment, the murderous flashes in the undead's blood-colored eyes.

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