Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2777: Return to the Sky Snake

Do it!

Ling Tian's body technique was fully opened, madly rushing towards the demon grass that day.

Behind it, that mysterious divine thought follows like a shadow.

Although Ling Tian's speed had already reached its extreme.

But Ling Tian could still feel that the distance between that divine mind and him was getting closer and closer.

As long as Ling Tian hesitated for a moment, he would be swallowed directly.

Life and death, only in a flash!


Ling Tian's speed skyrocketed again, and then he grabbed the three sky demon grasses in his hands.


But at the moment Ling Tian made his move, that divine mind had already poured down, trying to kill Ling Tian on the spot. Although he hadn't touched it, Ling Tian had already sensed the tyrannical and murderous intent in it, and Ling Tian knew that he couldn't take a risk now.

The palm moved, and then disappeared into the space.


That divine mind fell, shattering all the space around Taoyuan.

Even though Taoyuan was almost invincible, Ling Tian and the others still looked astonished.

At this time, the sky in Taoyuan was filled with terrifying storms.

Above the sky, Jin Mie Shenhuo flew down and turned into a white figure.

"Provoked Emperor Wu!?"

Jin Mie frowned.

"It's a clone of Emperor Wu."

Six Yao Road.

"No wonder, it is so strong."

"Hurry up. He will find us."

Tao Yaoyao nodded, "It's tearing the space, it should be no problem."


Taoyuan was tearing the space and returning to the sea of ​​blood. Suddenly, a gruesome roar came from the end of the crack to connect the world. The entire space trembles violently under this roar. In Taoyuan, everyone's complexion suddenly turned pale, but Taoyuan's speed is not slowing down, whizzing forward.

As soon as Taoyuan rushed out of the vortex, a huge hand suddenly stretched out from the crack, grabbing that piece of space.

But when the palm fell, there were only broken space debris.

"Is it the original world!? Ha ha, I didn't expect that this human race has such a treasure in the hands of it!"

"Fine, I have just been born again, and I can't leave this place yet, but I will find you, ha ha ha ha..."

The cold voice resounded in this deadly world.

Scavenging the bleeding sea, Ling Tian in Taoyuan didn't even think about it, and directly urged Taoyuan to rush out of the volcano.

However, the mysterious aura behind him has disappeared. Ling Tian still breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that such a mysterious Quasi-Emperor exists, and he can't come out of that space yet.

Appearing outside of Taoyuan, Ling Tian and Kui Cailin found Jin Peng and Princess Sky Snake below, and everyone hurriedly left the abandoned battlefield.

Of course, along the way, Ling Tian also released the phantom sting bee colony in Taoyuan, scouring the evil spirit spirit beads in it.

This thing is the treasure of body refining, Ling Tian will not waste it.

It wasn't until everyone came out of that mountain city that everyone sighed for a long time.

It's horrible.

That stalwart body of hundreds of thousands of feet has left Ling Tian with lingering fears.

"What the **** is going on!?"

"Did you find anything terrifying under that sea of ​​blood!?"

Jin Peng and Princess Sky Snake asked almost in unison.

"Find a safe place first, let's talk about it!"

Kwai Cailin's face was pale.

"Shanzhen City is not far from the territory of my Golden Scale Sky Snake Clan, or else, go back to the clan first!?"

Princess Sky Snake said.

"That's right, then let's go back to the Sky Snake Clan!"

Ling Tian's Wood Element clone quickly said.

Kwai Cai pursed her lips. Although she didn't want to, she couldn't help but listen to Ling Tian's words.

"Okay, let's go quickly!"

Princess Sky Snake was overjoyed, took Hu Yanzhuo Chen Hu and other demon kings who had escaped before, and immediately left Shanzhen City.

Half a month later, a group of strong men drove endlessly day and night, and finally returned to the territory of the golden scale sky snake, the sky snake city.

Here, there is the top demon lord of the Jinlin Sky Snake Race.

It's already relatively safe.

In the past half month, although Jin Peng and Princess Tian Snake are very keen to know what Kwai Cailin and Ling Tian have seen in the sea of ​​blood.

In other words, the rumors of the blood of the **** beast and the sky demon grass are still there.

After all, these two treasures may influence the pattern of the entire Eighteen Great Monster Race.

However, along the way, Kwai Cailin has been healing her injuries.

Ling Tian couldn't speak because of his identity.

In this way, everyone suffocated all the way to the heavenly snake.

And the return of Princess Sky Snake and Kwai Cailin both made the whole Sky Snake City boil.

The two sisters are the most outstanding Tianjiao in Sky Snake City.

The Celestial Snake Princess has the bloodline of the Celestial Snake family that is closest to Gouchen, while Kui Cailin is the strongest in combat power.

In the Sky Snake clan, the prestige of the two women is comparable.

However, the elders of the Celestial Snake Clan, because the blood in Kwai Cailin's body is impure, it did not allow Kwai Cailin to be the princess of the Celestial Snake Tribe.

Seeing his two daughters return, the patriarch of the snake tribe was overjoyed that day.

He knew that Princess Sky Snake had entered the deserted battlefield, which was extremely dangerous.

And his eldest daughter also disappeared after going to Na Reze.

If these two palm jewels are gone, the Celestial Snake patriarch will not accept it anyway.

Now, the two baby girls return at the same time, this is simply a happy event!

The patriarch of the Sky Snake tribe and a group of elders greeted them.

Seeing sisters Kwai Cailin, tears suddenly appeared in her eyes.

The mothers of the two sisters even rushed over and held the two women in their arms.

"My two darlings, you are all back at last. Just come back, just come back. If there is another secret outside the sky next time, you two, don't listen to your father's nonsense, don't take risks, okay ?"

"Ruo'e, I'm wrong, I won't be so harsh on them in the future."

The patriarch of Sky Snake also sighed.

"Father, mother, we are fine, let's go inside and talk!"

Princess Sky Snake said.

"Okay, say inside."

The two daughters nodded their heads, but at this moment, she saw Jin Peng behind that Kwai Cailin.

"Yeah, isn't this Jin Peng from Lao Jin's family!?"

"Uh, junior Jin Peng, I have met the patriarch of Sky Snake, and the wife of the patriarch."

"Uncle and Auntie, it's been a long time."

Jin Peng stepped forward, neither overbearing nor overbearing.

Jin Peng in a golden armor is extremely heroic.

"Oh, it turned out to be Jin Peng. It's really been a long time since I haven't seen him. I didn't expect that you, the child, are now cultivated in this way. How good is the old head of Jin?

Patriarch Sky Snake smiled.

"My father, Ankang, often talks about uncle."

Jin Peng handed over.

"Hmph, you can talk, I don't believe that the old golden head is talking about me, even if he is talking, I'm afraid he is yelling at me!"

"However, since the nephew is here, he is the noble guest of my Sky Snake Clan, please come in quickly!"

A group of strong monsters stepped into Sky Snake City.

Originally, the Celestial Snake patriarch wanted to have a big banquet and came to entertain Jin Peng.

After all, they belong to the same eighteen monster races and the Sky Snake race, so they must not be taken lightly by others.

However, neither Jin Peng nor Princess Sky Snake wanted any banquet at all.

What they care about is the gains from this lost battle.

So, after making it clear.

The patriarch of Sky Snake also became grim.

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