Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2778: Cailin is pregnant

Hearing what the Heavenly Snake Princess said, then the biggest winner of this lost battle is actually their Heavenly Snake Clan! ?

This is what he never dared to think about.

After all, the Golden Scale Sky Snake Clan is the weakest among the four great monster races, and it is fortunate to be able to protect itself.

However, knowing the seriousness of this incident, the Celestial Snake patriarch hurriedly led everyone to the sacred mountain in the clan.

This is a forbidden place for the Heavenly Snake Clan, in which there is the protection of the remnant soul of Chen Chen. In a crisis, even a few top demon veterans will come, and they will never break it easily.

This is the safest place for the Sky Snake Clan.

The secret room of the main hall of the holy mountain.

Sky Snake Clan Zhang, the wife of the patriarch, as well as Jin Peng, Sky Snake Princess, Kui Cailin, and Ling Tian all took their seats.

"Who is this!?"

However, looking at the strange face of Ling Tian, ​​the patriarch of Sky Snake couldn't help frowning.

After all, this matter matters a lot.

But such a small fox clan can also follow in! ?

Not only was he surprised, Princess Sky Snake, the same was true.

However, this Ling Tian was brought in by Kwai Cailin.

Jin Peng also seemed to be extremely respectful to Ling Tian.

Only now did Princess Sky Snake understand that the so-called Fox Clan Demon King in front of her was not simple.

Seeing the patriarch of the sky snake, Kui Cailin did not speak, but looked at Ling Tian.

After all, how to explain this all depends on how Ling Tian decides.

"Hehe, now that I have reached the precious land of nobles, then I can only be honest with each other."

Ling Tian thought for a while, and then chuckled lightly.

Then, under the astonished gazes of the Sky Snake Princess and the Sky Snake Patriarch, the fox demon spirit faded away.

Restored the original human body.

He is dressed in Tsing Yi and has silver hair.

The same Fengshen Junyi is unparalleled in the world.

However, there is not the slightest bit of evil spirit.

But an upright human race.

"I am the master of the big man, Ling Tian!"

The light faded, Ling Tian stepped forward and looked at the snake chief that day.

"Human race!?"

At the moment when Ling Tian revealed his true face, Patriarch Snake's face changed drastically that day, and he stood up from the throne.

This is really unexpected.

A human race can actually appear in the holy land of the sky snake race.

This is a scene from the Sky Snake Clan that has never been seen since ancient times.

And the snake princess was even more dumbfounded that day, the fox demon who had been by his side was not a fox, let alone a celestial fox, but a human race, not only that, but also the ultimate pride of the human race.

That shocking human race, the lord of the big man Ling Tian! ?

This is the overlord of the human race today!

"Human Race Ling Tian!? Well, you are not too courageous, so you dare to sneak into my Celestial Snake clan, why do you really think that my Demon Race is the same as your Human Race, you can let you go!?"

"The old man is here today, and he can take you down in no time!"

"You can be trusted!?"

The Celestial Snake patriarch finally reacted, and the whole body of the Demon Venerable Domain spread directly, covering the sky above it.

Although Ling Tian's identity was extraordinary, he said to the elders of the Sky Snake Clan that he had never seen the lord of a big man, and he had seen it before.

No matter how strong the opponent is, after all, he is just a descendant of the fairy queen.

"Uncle, stay safe and restless."

Ling Tian chuckled and shook his head.

In fact, at this time, he chose to showdown directly, but it was helpless. ,

After all, Kwai Cailin is already his woman now.

In front of his father-in-law, it is a bit unreasonable to have to hide it.

Moreover, now that this monster race has come, Ling Tian originally came here to win reinforcements.

Needless to say, Jin Peng is now his own.

It was also time for the Sky Snake Clan in front of him to be dragged onto his warship.

Therefore, Ling Tian chose to manifest in his real body.

"Father, don't worry, Ling Tian... he is a good man, not our enemy."

Kwai Cailin also got up and protected Ling Tian behind her.

After all, her father is a demon of real value, as long as he has a thought, then Ling Tian will die.

Now, with Ling Tian's combat power, there is absolutely no way to compete with the top demon sovereign.

"Sister, what is going on, how can you meet Ling Tian of Human Race!?"

"Also, since you are a human race, why come and approach me disguised as a fox demon!?"

Princess Sky Snake felt that she had been greatly deceived.

"Haha, everyone, listen to me explain."

"Nowadays, Cailin and I have a husband and wife relationship, and Princess Sky Snake is my sister-in-law. I naturally want to protect you from any danger in the abandoned battlefield."

"Now, I come to the Sky Snake Clan to propose marriage."

"I hope my father-in-law can have any feelings between us."

Ling Tian suddenly smiled.

However, when Ling Tian's voice fell, all the demon races in the secret room were like a bolt from the blue sky, all stunned.

Ling Tian's words seemed like thunder.

Cut them out and tender on the inside.

Even that Kui Cailin didn't even think about it, Ling Tian would directly explain the matter on this occasion.

Ling Tian, ​​never discussed with her at all!

What is a husband and wife! ?

"This...this, Brother Ling, I really admire it!"

After a long while, Jin Peng was the first to react, but his face was full of surprise.

Although he knew the relationship between Kui Cailin and Ling Tian in that battle state, he hadn't really thought that Ling Tian dared to be here and directly clarified the relationship.

And that day, the head of the snake shook his body, almost soft to the throne.

"Human race, you...what are you talking about!?"

The patriarch of the Sky Snake couldn't accept it, and his daughter would fall in love with a human race.

Could it be that she doesn't know that shemales have different ways! ?

"Cai Lin, what the **** is going on, tell your mother, make it clear!"

The patriarch's wife frowned.

"I... I and him, not..."

Kwai Cailin wanted to deny it, but Ling Tian took Kwai Cailin around her waist with a big hand, "We love each other sincerely."

"Who really loves you!? Get up!"

Kwai Cailin was ashamed and angry.

"You let go of my daughter!"

The patriarch of the Sky Snake also pointed at Ling Tian angrily, roaring in anger.

It's too ridiculous!

"Father-in-law, mother-in-law, also ask the two elders to complete it, because..."

Ling Tian thought about it, and suddenly said, "Because Cailin is pregnant with my child!"


This time, even Jin Peng killed him directly.

The patriarch of Snake rolled his eyes and almost fainted that day.

Not only did her daughter get involved with the human race, but she also got pregnant! ?

If this is to be said, where should he put his old face!

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