Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2796: Bloodbath Chaoyuan City

"Now, I'll give you one last chance. Except for the Kuroshio army, the other warriors of Chaoyuan City will leave Chaoyuan City to avoid death."

Throwing Zhou Hua's corpse in front of Chaoyuan City, Ling Tian's eyes were nothing but dead silence.

"This... Lord City Lord, is dead?"


In Chaozhou City, the dark tide army, and the Zhou Dynasty at this moment, couldn't believe their eyes.

The city lord of Chaoyuan City, the existence of the eighth rank of Xianzun.

Now, he died so quickly in the hands of this mysterious man.

Is this still the eighth-order combat power of Xianzun! ?

However, Ling Tian's words didn't seem to be a joke at all.

If there is no way out of Chaoyuan City, there is only a dead end! ?

"No, don't be intimidated by him!"

"My Chaoyuan City has a top-notch defensive formation. No matter how strong he is, he won't want to rush into Chaoyuan City~!"

The Zhou Dynasty is not willing to roar.

He knew that this mysterious existence would never let him go. Now, in Chaoyuan City, in addition to the Kuroshio army, there are still hundreds of thousands of warriors. He doesn't believe it. Just relying on such a person can destroy his entire tide. Far city?

"Everyone, I am Lin Feiyun, the lord of Qingyun City. I want to come to see that everyone knows what the Zhou family did."

"The Zhou family's wolf ambitions, willing to be the minions of the dragon clan, the same clan of fish and meat."

"Today, I am waiting to return the life of the Qingchen Xianzhou Human Race. I hope everyone, don't help the evil, and destroy this Chaoyuan City together!"

Lin Feiyun suddenly stood up.

For a while, the warriors in Chaoyuan City began to shake.

"You, there is still half a cup of tea time. Those who travel far away from the tide will not die."

Ling Tian's voice sounded coldly again.

For a time, there were warriors one after another, flying out of Chaoyuan City.

"you guys!"

At this time, Zhou Dynasty was finally afraid.

What is meant by those who have gained more help, and those who have lost the way have few help.

Chaoyuan City had done evil things before, and many of the warriors in the city had been annexed by them. At this time Zhou Huo was already dead, so naturally they would no longer choose Chaoyuan City to live and die together.

However, in the time of a cup of tea, almost half of the warriors have left in Chaoyuan City.

In the end, only the Zhou Dynasty and the 200,000 Kuroshio army were left.

This is completely panic next week.

He had a grim complexion, standing on the head of the city, roaring towards Ling Tian outside the city.

"Hehe, well, well, all gone, so what can I do!?’

"Come, I don't believe it, you can break through my Chaoyuan City and kill my 200,000 Kuroshio army!"

At this moment, the Zhou Dynasty was already crazy.

The foundation accumulated by the Zhou family after thousands of years of cultivating in Qingchen Xianzhou almost fell apart at this moment.

"Hehe, don't worry, none of you will survive!"

Ling Tian sneered.

She can let go of the other warriors in Chaoyuan City, but her family and the Kuroshio army can't do it this week.

They were executioners, and their hands were stained with the blood of fellow humans.

Must die!

The next moment, Ling Tian appeared in front of Chaoyuan City.

The hand of the green dragon is hidden in the cuffs, and on it, the unicorn’s arms shine with divine light.

The sea of ​​qi in Ling Tian's body surged with the power of the supreme immortal yuan, within the flesh and blood, the blood of the Azure Dragon began to boil.

He can directly use one hundred thousand sword shadows to crack the great formation of Chaoyuan City.

However, Ling Tian disdain.

He just wants to punch all the hopes of this week's family directly.

He wants to kill, and even more so.

This is the fighting spirit that Ling Tian has always upheld.

He wants to make those who lose in his hands unable to mention the heart of fighting again!

"Break it for me!"

The next moment, Ling Tian's long fist blasted out directly.

This punch seemed to have supreme power. In front of the gate of Chaoyuan City, a blue-gold punch suddenly appeared, which was tens of thousands of feet huge.

Then, this fist fell on the formation of Chaoyuan City, and it seemed to have fallen on the chest of the Kuroshio army in the city.


There was a blast, at this moment, it was as if the sky was cracking.

The ripples shook wildly on the moat of Chaoyuan City, and then the ripples swept away like a tsunami.

Accompanied by a burst of crackling sounds like peeling off, the great formation of the moat shattered!

"No, it's impossible, our moat!"

Zhou Chao looked at the figure floating above the sky, at this time, he was really frightened and stupid.

How tyrannical it is to smash the great defense formation with one punch! ?

Could it be that it really surpassed the eighth-order Immortal Venerable?

In fact, it wasn't Ling Tian's boxing front, how abnormal it was, but Ling Tian's current formation skills, which was really too strong.

All, Ling Tian's punch was fierce, and it hit directly on the eye of that formation, and if it broke a little, the entire formation was broken.

Chaoyuan City exposed outside the formation is like an isolated island.

However, Ling Tian hasn't stopped there yet.

With a big hand raised, from all sides of the city, a series of rays of formation suddenly lit up, and the rays of light rose to the sky, intertwined into a regional prison.

A lot of blood rushed out from the formation, gradually engulfing the army of the dark tide.


At this moment, the more than 200,000 Kuroshio troops in the city were roaring. In the formation, they felt their lives were rapidly being lost.

Endless pain swallowed them.

The 200,000 Kuroshio army frantically attacked the formation and wanted to escape from Chaoyuan City, but Ling Tian asked the phantom sting bee to build an array so powerful that these stragglers could not break through.

After a short tea time, the entire Chaoyuan City was completely swallowed by a large array.

When the rays of light dissipated, the Chaoyuan City of Nuo Da was extremely silent.

The 200,000 Kuroshio army within it was missing.

But the breath of death pervading the city is still proclaiming to everyone.

The Kuroshio army has all been trapped in Chaoyuan City by this mysterious existence.

The Zhou family is gone.

Outside Chaoyuan City, both the Qingyun City warriors who followed, or those who withdrew from Chaoyuan City, stared blankly at everything in front of them.

For a long time, there was no sound.

This scene is really too shocking. Then he has experienced countless battles, and they have never seen it before. They can use such a method to completely obliterate a city and a big power in such a short period of time.

Who is this person! ?

"Well, grandfather, what should I do now?"

It wasn't until Lin Feiyun saw Ling Tianfei coming back that he asked in a daze.

Chaoyuancheng said that if he didn't have it, he would be gone, and now he has no square inch.

"Naturally, it is to take over Chaoyuan City. You can choose not to follow me when you open your bow without turning back."

Ling Tian checked Xia Kui Cailin's injuries, and saw that there was nothing serious, and he was relieved.

After destroying Chaoyuan City, Ling Tian already had a plan.

This time he came to the Dragon Clan for many purposes.

Not only to find the missing confidantes, but also to help Long Xuan to gain a firm foothold in the dragon clan.

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