Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2797: The dragon is here

However, after joining the Dragon Clan, it was only then discovered that Qingchen Xianzhou had already begun to chaos.

Although I don't know how Long Xuan is mixing in the Ten Thousand Dragons Realm, Long Xuan came from the lower realm without any backing or foundation, and 80% of them are persisting and fighting.

So Ling Tian naturally wanted to give his brother a little help.

Therefore, now Ling Tian has decided to integrate the human race power in Qingchen Xianzhou.

Terran has developed in Qingchen Xianzhou for thousands of years, and its strength cannot be underestimated.

From the warriors in this Chaoyuan city, you can see the general.

Moreover, the Zhou family is only one of the five major families of the human race, and its influence is also the weakest.

If these families can be integrated together, it is definitely a force that cannot be ignored. At that time, advancement can help Longxuan and retreat. These human races can also bring back the big man to resist the dark demons together.

It's definitely a sale of two birds with one stone.

Ling Tian was so shrewd that he would naturally not miss it.

"This, we, our Qingyun City Lin Family, will naturally follow Grace and never betray!"

Lin Feiyun thought for a while and bowed straight.

He also knew that although Chaoyuan City had been destroyed, there were still Dragon Clan. If they did not follow Ling Tian, ​​they would still be the same, and they were in danger of escape.

Perhaps this is the choice that determines fate, he, choose to give it a try.


Ling Tian rose to the sky again.

Looking at the hundreds of thousands of warriors around Chaoyuan City.

Then he took off the visor directly from his face.

In an instant, Ling Tian's handsome and unparalleled face danced among the flying white silver hair.

Ling Tian was still shrouded in the terrifying light of the fairy king, covering the sky and the sun.

And at the moment when he saw Ling Tian's true face, the human races present were shocked in their hearts.

This face, they seem, where have they seen it!

"I am Ling Tian, ​​the lord of the Great Han Immortal Dynasty of Human Race. Today, I am in charge of Chaoyuan City Human Race."

"I am here, not to fight for the human race, not to fight for the Qingchen Xianzhou, only for my human race, without any humiliation."

"If you can believe me in Ling Tian, ​​stay in Chaoyuan City and fight side by side with me."

"Hopefully, everyone can put the righteousness of race and the foundation of the human race as the most important thing."

"The rise of the human race, when my descendants of the human race flourish."

"I Ling Tian, ​​I'm willing to take the lead for this, and I will do my best to die!"

The voice fell, Ling Tian held the sky with one hand, and the fairy fire rose into the sky, accompanied by Ling Tian's unmatched aura, as if he was a **** standing between the sky and the earth.

At this moment, everyone was shocked in their hearts.

And at the moment when Ling Tian revealed his true body, all people really did not expect that the legendary master of the big man would be so fierce.

Moreover, the lord of this big man actually came to the Dragon Race! ?

As far as they know, Ling Tian, ​​the lord of the Great Han, is only a junior, and when the Great Han was established, his cultivation was only the third rank of the Immortal King. Although he agreed with some human races, he was among the human races in the Qingchen Xianzhou , Is not so much valued.

Therefore, for Ling Tian, ​​they only knew that there was such a person.

But now, Ling Tian used combat power to conquer everyone present.

At the very least, if Ling Tian can easily destroy the Zhou family, then he can compete with the other four big families.

Suddenly, the answerer said.

First, there were hundreds of thousands of warriors in Qingyun City, and then the hundreds of thousands of people outside Chaoyuan City.

All followed Ling Tian and once again settled in Chaoyuan City.

Lin Feiyun is better at city management than Ling Tian.

Therefore, after Ling Tian arranged the management of Chaoyuan City, together with Kwai Cailin, they closed the door again.

He must quickly absorb all the remaining energy of Qingyan in order to enter the ninth-order level of the Immortal King.

After all, after the destruction of Chaoyuan City, the Dragon Clan will never give up.

During Ling Tian's retreat, Chaoyuan City's defensive formation was re-established, and the large and small forces scattered around the human race also rushed to Chaoyuan City.

They were helpless, they did not pay tribute to the dragons, so what awaited them would be a ruthless blow.

Although I don't know if Chaoyuan City can compete with the Dragon Clan, at the very least, this is a place that looks pretty good now, nothing more.

Half a month later, the number of warriors in Chaoyuan City had exceeded a million.

And on this day, it was finally time to pay tribute to the dragons.

The one million li area around Chaoyuan City is controlled by the branch of the Qinglong clan.

They searched for the treasures here, and then transported them to the ancestral land of the Qinglong clan in the Ten Thousand Dragon Region.

Now, it has been three years.

However, after learning that Chaoyuan City has now changed ownership, nearly a million human races, and the intention of rebelling has spread to the dragon race, the dragon race powerhouse is furious.

In Qingchen Xianzhou, a small human city, still wants to rebel! ?

This is simply unprecedented, it is simply provoking the majesty of the dragon clan!

This is definitely not allowed.

Therefore, under the Qinglong, the old Indigo Dragon King who belonged to the Qinglong clan took one hundred thousand dragon generals directly and arrived at Chaoyuan City.

He wanted to see how this Chaoyuan City wanted to be bloodbathed!

On this day, Chaoyuan City's defensive formation was reopened.

On the city wall, hundreds of thousands of powerful people stand upright, with swords drawn.

And outside the city, an army of one hundred thousand dragons, all indigo armors, the dragon is trembling to the sky.

Even the dragon spirit of the dragon clan reflected half of the sky into purple and blue.

This is the dragon clan, unique in Qingchen Xianzhou.

They fit in with this world.

Able to exert an increase in combat power that other races cannot achieve.

In this mountain and river, they are the pride of heaven.

Although there are a million warriors in Chaoyuan City, there is no Kuroshio army, and Chaoyuan City's legion is still being formed. Seeing these dragon generals and the human race in the city, I can't help but feel terrified.

Chaoyuan City, can it really survive such a dragon army! ?

This is the doubt in the hearts of almost all people.

However, when Ling Tian's figure reappeared outside the city, the hearts of the warriors of all races were still slightly settled.

At least, Ling Tian is still there today.

Ling Tian, ​​who appeared outside the city, also frowned slightly, looking at the one hundred thousand dragon army outside the city.

It was a coincidence that he had actually seen the breath of these dragons.

The Indigo Dragon Clan, a branch under the Cyan Dragon Clan, and it is not very strong.

Before in the territory of the Lost War, Ling Tian had met a dragon king of the Indigo Dragon Race.

It's just that the Dragon King is just a junior, and his combat power is not very strong.

Now, before the one hundred thousand dragon generals, there was an old dragon clan, looking at his face, he was somewhat similar to that proud wind.

But the cultivation base is extremely high, entering the realm of the eighth-order immortal king, but with the blessings of the Qingchen Xianzhou and the flesh and blood of the dragon clan, even the combat power of the eighth-order immortal monarch in Zhou's mid-term is absolutely impossible It is the opponent of this old dragon king.

Now, after joining the Dragon Clan, one can finally meet someone who can fight.

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