Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2845: apologize?

"I want to come, because I'm afraid Human Race will suffer a loss in Piaoxianglou, so she will go down and take a look."

Kwai Cai Lin Road.

"Human Race..."

Ling Tian rubbed his hands, and finally put down the wine glass in his hand, "Since it is a matter of human race, let's go down and take a look."

Although Ling Tian didn't want to be nosy, he still couldn't remain indifferent.

Back to the second floor, standing on the stairs between the two floors, Ling Tian and the three people could already feel the smell of gunpowder coming from the second floor.

It is indeed Human Race.

Moreover, these three human races came from Shenglong City with them.

This made Ling Tian even more unable to ignore it.

"You are too much! In this Piaoxiang Building, there are no rules and regulations. My Terran is not allowed to come up on the second floor, and we also paid for Long Jing!"

"You didn't make sense first, and now you want to take advantage of my sister! Don't think about it!"

The son of the human race named Ruochen, holding a fairy sword in his hand, stood in front of the woman of the human race.

Behind the two, the human race known as the third brother also had a gloomy face, but at this time, he did not speak.

"Hahaha, it's ridiculous! A Human, what kind of rules do you want to pay attention to with us?"

"I let this woman accompany me to drink, it is a gift to her, you kid, have you not been beaten enough? Believe it or not, I'm here in the Piaoxianglou, killing you dirty reptiles!?"

The strong man headed by the group of dragons is still drunk, but the grim and cold expression on his face looks particularly terrifying.

The other dragon races also followed suit.

They are all drunk.

There are no rules in his heart, and now he is facing the three human races, and they are even more unscrupulous.

"Kill us? That's a big deal, just kill the fish and break the net. I, Li Ruochen, won't be afraid of you!"

The young Human Race prince shook the hilt of the sword tightly, making a gesture to draw the sword.


But at this moment, in the box before that, the Human Race woman serving the three of Ling Tian flew forward and held Li Ruochen's hand.

Immediately she turned around, with a professional smile on her face, and said, "It turns out to be a few arrogant talents in Aolong City. I am Liu Fengyi, the manager of Piaoxianglou. Let me handle this matter for you adults, okay?"

"Guardian Liu?"

The dragon races swept across Liu Fengyi's body. Although their hearts were fiery, they also knew that this human race was not an ordinary human race and might not be able to provoke it.

But the pride of the dragons would not allow them to compromise so much.

"No, these vain attempts are in the Piaoxiang Building to take action against me and the Dragon Race. If they are not severely punished, they will not be enough to prove the Dragon Race's majesty!

"You are also a human race, let you deal with it, it is inevitable that you will not favor them."

Liu Fengyi looked at Li Ruochen with a blue nose and a swollen face behind him.

Because this proud dragon city, although still unable to compare with the Forbidden City, it is also the second-ranked existence among the eight dragon gates.

Second only to the Forbidden City, its Longmen combat power cannot be underestimated.

"When did I hit you? You hit me first!"

Li Ruochen is ashamed, these dragons are simply turning black and white!

"Ruochen, I apologize to you all the Dragon Race adults."

But behind everyone, the son of the human race, known as the third brother, suddenly coldly said.

"Brother, what are you talking about!"

"Don't you see these dragons, how do you bully us?"

Li Ruochen was furious.


But the third brother had a sullen face, and there was no room for doubt.

"Don't forget what I said before, the family asked us to come over, and it cost a great price."

"What we do is not to breathe, but to live."

"Me!" Li Ruochen still wanted to say, but the family interests weighed on top of his head, but he was a little breathless.

But let him apologize to these rogues, it is more uncomfortable than killing him.

What's more, they insulted their sister, Li Ruoli.

"Brother, it's okay, I can accompany them to drink, isn't it just drinking? It's nothing."

Behind Li Ruochen, then Li Ruoli wanted to stand up.

Indeed, this family paid a lot for them to participate in the Longmen Conference.

It's just a drink, nothing more.

"Sister, are you stupid!"

But Li Ruochen was willing to step back.

Liu Fengyi took a deep breath, and then took another step forward, "My lords, please give Fengyi a piece of cake. Let me take care of this matter. If they offend the adults, I'll apologize."

"Huh, Liu Guanshi, this time regardless of your business, I know you are all human races, but you, it's best to leave them alone, they are not worth your attention."

A few dragons still didn't buy it, "Today, this human girl must accompany us with wine, and the other two dirty reptiles must also get out of the Piaoxianglou!"

When Liu Fengyi heard this, her face suddenly became gloomy.

These warriors of Proud Dragon City really don't give any face.

For a while, the atmosphere became a stalemate, and neither party was willing to give in.

So in the end, Li Ruochen and the three human races will not have a good result.


"Ruochen, apologize!"

The third brother of the human race, shout again.


Li Ruochen was holding the hilt of the sword, standing there helplessly, watching the dragon martial artist on this level increase

Li Ruochen also knew that the matter had already become serious.

Taking a deep breath, Li Ruochen was about to apologize.


But at this moment, a voice suddenly rang from the third floor of the stairs.

All the warriors in the second floor followed their voices and looked over.

It was discovered that the three Dragon Clan Tianjiao slowly walked down the stairs.

The leader, a quaint blue-gold armor, and long silver-white hair.

Fengshen is handsome, especially handsome.

Behind him, the other two Tianjiao also looked extraordinary.

However, the dragons present were very strange to these three warriors, and had never seen them before.

Liu Fengyi turned around, and he heard it when the voice sounded. Now when he turned around, he saw Ling Tian and the three people slowly walking down.

"grown ups?"

Liu Fengyi's eyes lit up, but she was not sure which side these strange-looking Dragon Clan Tianjiao were on.

But she still hopes that these three adults can help the human race and say a word or two.

Maybe it works.

And when the three of Li Ruoli saw Ling Tian, ​​they were even more shocked.

Even more, there is a feeling of aftermath.

In any case, Ling Tian and others are also from Shenglong City, should they be on their side?

"What do you mean?"

And seeing the three of Ling Tian approaching, the dragons of Aolong City looked up and down Ling Tian.

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