Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2846: Black Dragon

They were able to discover that unusual aura from the bodies of the three Ling Tian.

Although it is still unclear what the origin of these guys are, it is definitely not an ordinary dragon.

Therefore, the arrogance of these proud dragon city is not so arrogant.

"It doesn't mean anything, these human races belong to our Dragon Gate. If you want to bully, you have to pass our level."

Ling Tian stood directly in front of Liu Fengyi and the others, protecting everyone behind him.

"Yeah, haha, you guys from the Dragon Gate, depending on your face, which Dragon Clan are you from?"

The several dragon races in Aolong City all hugged their shoulders and said with a smile.

They know all the seeded players in the Forbidden City better, so as long as these are not from the Forbidden City, the dragons in the other main cities will not be considered by them.

"We are the warriors of Shenglongcheng."

Ling Tian said lightly.

"Thang Long City?"


The warriors of Aolong City were startled, even if Xuan laughed wildly.

The contempt and disdain for Thang Long City is already beyond words.

"Hey, I think you are still sacred. It turned out to be Ao Zishuang's subordinates, what? The guy from Shenglong City just wants to be here now to settle this matter?"

The warrior of Proud Dragon City didn't put Shenglong City in his eyes at all.

"It's not that I want to settle."

However, Ling Tian shook his head, "Instead, punish you!"

"Punish me?"

The group of proud dragon city warriors was startled.

Even Liu Fengyi, Li Ruochen and others behind Ling Tian were a little surprised.

They were originally because Ling Tian only had the ability to calm the matter, but now, he seemed to want to make the trouble even bigger.

"Hahaha, I can't get it wrong, am I? What are you, punish me?"

"A bunch of rubbish, give it to Lao Tzu...Ah!"

The warrior of Aolong City raised his hand and wanted to point to Ling Tian's nose to curse, but Ling Tian's face suddenly became angry. After an instant, the warrior of Aolong City flew out.

With a pop, blood was scattered on the second floor.

After landing, the Dragon Clan Tianjiao of Proud Dragon City was already like a dead dog, dying.

Just a breath.

After a breath, this proud dragon city's arrogant was almost killed!

This scene shocked the hearts of other warriors in Aolong City.

The one who was shocked to fly out, although not the Tianjiao of Aolongcheng's seed team, was still in the forefront.

But now, in front of this guy, so vulnerable?

A breath almost shook their Tianjiao to death! ?

What a combat power this is! ?

Liu Fengyi was also stunned. Unexpectedly, Ling Tian would take the shot when he said it.

"You, do you dare to shoot in Piaoxianglou?"

After a long while, the Dragon Clan Tianjiao of Proud Dragon City realized this.

They were all frightened, Ling Tian made such a move, but he didn't intend to show Aolong City a bit of face.

"My lord, you..."

Liu Fengyi frowned.

"Hehe, I shot? Are you blind? It was clear that he was the first to do it, and he wanted to point me at me. I just glared at him, and he was just like that, he was trash, don't blame me! "

Ling Tian sneered, and then turned to look at the three of Li Ruochen, "Here, there is nothing to do with you, go back to Ao Zishuang."

"But we..."

Then Li Ruochen wanted to talk, but the third brother coughed slightly.

The three of them pursed their lips and turned to leave.

"Hahahaha, interesting and interesting, the dragons of Shenglong City came to this Forbidden City on the first day, and they gave me Aolongcheng a smashing power. Why? Recently, Na Ao Zishuang was so arrogant, even his own dog, Isn't it good to be disciplined?"

But before the three of Li Ruochen left, another voice rang from above the third floor.

Immediately, a group of extraordinary arrogance walked down from it.

Blocked the way Li Ruochen and others were going out.

Obviously, I didn't want them to leave like this.


"Boss, you are here too!"

"Boss, this guy from Shenglongcheng hurt Ao Zhun!"

"Boss, please call the shots for me!"

All the arrogances of Aolong City looked at the group of strong men who had come down from the third floor, and their expressions were overwhelmed.

Ling Tian also turned around and looked around, and found that there were quite a few Tianjiao who had come down from the third floor.

There are more than a dozen figures in total.

Moreover, among them, not only are there dragons, but there are also several human races in the back.

The leader is not the one who speaks.

But when Ling Tian fell on that figure, his pupils suddenly shrank!

Five-color dragons!

With Ling Tian's current induction of the dragon bloodline, he would definitely not go wrong.

Since absorbing the dragon ancestral soul in the dragon ball into his body, Ling Tian has been extremely sensitive to the dragons, and almost no dragon can hide in front of him.

In front of him, the Dragon Clan Tianjiao, who stood in front of all Tianjiao, had a pitch-black armor, but his complexion was especially fair, which made his pair of pitch-black eyes look deep and terrifying.

He stood there with his hand held up, his chin held up slightly, although he had never spoken, the terrifying aura made all the dragons present, their faces changed in shock.

Then, they all bowed together.

"We, meet the lord of the black dragon clan!"

"Ha ha, no need to be polite! Ha ha, brother Ao Kuang, it turned out to be your Aolong City matter, you can handle it yourself, I don't care."

After the black dragon clan powerhouse said, he stepped aside.

However, as long as this black dragon is strong, then all the dragons here must take into account the meaning of the black dragon.

Obviously, this guy has a good relationship with Ao Kuang, the son of Aolong City Lord.

"Okay, Brother Mo, wait for a while, after I have finished everything here, I will continue to drink with my brother!"

Behind him, a dragon race with an arrogant face walked up.

The cultivation base of the ninth-order fairy king, the dragon blood is strong, not under Ao Zishuang.

Don't think about it, this guy must be the son of Aolong City Lord.

"I want to see who is so courageous, who dares to hurt me crazy!"

His eyes finally fell on Ling Tian, ​​"You are from Shenglong City? How come I haven't heard of your fellow, what is your name?"

"Rising Dragon City, Ao Lingtian!"

Ling Tian said lightly.

"Ao Lingtian!? Haven't heard of it, I want to come, is that Ao Zishuang doesn't know where to find it?"

"However, just you, dare to hurt my Ao Kuang subordinates. It seems that I won't give you a bit of color today. Others thought that my Aolong City ranking was at the end of the Eight Dragon Gates!"

When the voice fell, the Ao Kuang figure moved, and he was about to move forward.

"Master Ao Kuang, in the Piaoxiang Building, fighting is forbidden. This is the rule of the Forbidden City!"

Liu Fengyi wanted to stop.

"Hmph, Guan Shi, there is no place for you to speak here!"

"Get out of my way!"

The Ao Kuang breath bloomed and directly shook Liu Fengyi back.

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