Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2863: Dugu Storm

For a time, many dragons who asked Daoshan up and down were somewhat unexpected.

However, this is what caused the Lord of the Forbidden City, He Ao Tianyan and others, to gradually darken their faces.

Rising Dragon City is really too sharp.

However, in the next few rounds of competitions, the Forbidden City gradually recovered the first dragon gate, which should have the face.

Not only Ao Tianyan and the Human Race Too Gu Jingtao advanced together, but the other warriors of the Forbidden City had few opponents in the competition.

And the three human races on the side of Shenglong City, in the end, it was only Li Ruoli who entered the next round.

In the end, the fifteen slots were just collected in the first round.

The Forbidden City has the largest number of players, occupying six of them, followed by Thang Long City with five, Wolong City with two, and the last two places are won by other dragons.

Longmen like Aolongcheng didn't enter the next round, and completely missed the Ten Thousand Dragons Realm.

Undoubtedly, in the first round, the glory focus of the Dragon Gate Conference was still on Shenglong City.

After all, they are just one place short of the Forbidden City.

"The second round, I'm afraid it will face a real challenge!"

Asking Daoshan's preparation area, Ao Zishuang's expression did not relax.

"Because we show off our sharp edge, the Forbidden City will definitely focus on us in the next round."

"Let them let them go, we are not afraid!" Kwai Cailin hugged her shoulders, but she didn't have any fear.

In the first round, she was just a small test, but she hadn't enjoyed it yet.

"The Forbidden City is one aspect, but don’t forget, there are five-color dragons. Except for Bai Ying’s three powerful white dragons, I’m not sure about the other four-color dragons. Among them, the red, black, and blue dragons are bound to take action against us."

"That's the real Ten Thousand Dragon Domain Tianjiao!"

Ao Zishuang frowned.

"The soldiers will cover the water and earth, as long as our strength is there, we are not afraid of him besieging!"

Ling Tian spoke indifferently, and there were still terrifying energy ripples above the fist front in his hand.

"If anyone dares to target us, then completely eliminate them and eliminate them all!"

Ao Zishuang looked at Ling Tian and Kui Cailin in a daze, and secretly said that these guys are really insecure!

After a short refurbishment, the second round of the Longmen Conference finally began.

And this round is a battle between the top fifteen and the five-color dragon clan, and it will not be over until the top five are all decided.

"In this round of competition, the major dragons decide their own order of play. If they don't challenge first, then the Forbidden City will become the first challenger."

The main road of the Forbidden City.

On Wendao Mountain, there are a total of fourteen five-color dragons of Tianjiao floating on both sides of the mountain. In the middle, Qinglong prince Ao Chen, holding the ruling spear in his hand, above his head, there are five bright pearls floating .

Don't guess, it must be the ancestral dragon pill that can make the dragon bloodline in the legend.

All dragon clan powerhouses, including the fourteen five-color dragon clan, after seeing that ancestral dragon pill, their eyes are full of fiery colors.

This Zulong Pill's temptation to them is really too great.

"Hehe, since no one is challenging, then we will be the first to come!"

After a long while, no one spoke, Ao Tianyan smiled and was about to step forward.

However, at this moment, Ao Ge from the side of Wolong City suddenly stood up.

"Wolong City, challenge!"

The first one to come out turned out to be Wolong City.

This is out of the accident of many dragons.

"Oh!? Ao Ge, it's rare for you to be so active, well, then you come first!"

Seeing Ao Tianyan, there was no objection.

As long as it's not that Shenglongcheng is in the limelight.

"Okay, then I challenge... the Forbidden City!"

"Please face it!"

Standing in the middle of the ring again, but the voice of this Ao Ge fell, it was on the top of Wendao Mountain, and there was a loud noise.

Because this Ao Ge did not challenge other weaker Dragon Gates, but directly declared war on the Forbidden City! ?

This is stupidly stupid.

"Ao Ge, are you crazy?"

That Ao Tianyan's expression also changed suddenly.

This scene made him unexpected.

"Naturally, I am not crazy. Ao Ge has never thought about competing for an ancestral dragon pill, and being able to enter the Ten Thousand Dragon Region to practice cultivation is already satisfied."

"So, this time I just want to challenge my limits."

"Brother Tianyan, if I can, I want to fight you, okay?"

Ao Ge held his hand and looked towards Ao Tianyan in the direction of the Forbidden City.

As a genius with dragon magic talent, Ao Ge originally took Ao Tianyan as his ultimate goal.

Being able to fight this Ao Tianyan above the Dragon Gate Conference is also perfect.

"Hehe, Ao Ge, it seems that your ambition is not small, but I will not fight you, because you are indeed not my opponent."

"This is not to underestimate you, but I...too strong."

However, Ao Tianyan did not give Ao Ge a chance.

"My son, let me come, I really want to learn about the power of dragon magic."

Behind Ao Tianyan, the hidden human race's lonely lonely clan struck the waves, and suddenly he asked for a fight.

"Well, since it's the second round, Dugu, come on, but you have to be careful, don't underestimate Ao Ge!"

Ao Tianyan nodded and agreed.

"My son, don't worry!"

Dugu Jingtao nodded slightly, and immediately flew to the ring.

"The human race is alone in the storm, please Master Aoge, please enlighten me!"

Dugu Surging is the first family in the hidden world, the strongest genius of the Dugu Family in thousands of years. Its profound cultivation and talent have almost reached its peak. Now, he has been given high hopes by the Dugu Family and entered the Ten Thousand Dragons Realm. After that, the future will inevitably become a top immortal, even if it is to attack the human quasi-emperor, it is not impossible!

And if Dugu Jingtao could eventually become the quasi-emperor, then Dugu Family would not need to be attached to the Dragon Clan, and could go directly out of the mountain and command the entire human clan.

As for the Human Race’s Ascension Alliance, or the Great Han Dynasty, it’s not in their eyes at all.

This Longmen Conference was the beginning of the complete rise of Dugu Shocking Wave in the Dragon Race.

For this, Dugu is very confident.

Even if the opponent is Ao Ge, who has the talent of dragon magic, he is confident that he can overcome it.

"Well, although it is regrettable that I can't learn Brother Tianyan's flame magic, but being able to fight the legendary Young Master Dugu is nothing but my thoughts."

"I won't be merciful, Master Dugu, be careful!"

Ao Ge nodded slightly, and the aura all over his body began to surging. The earth-attribute aura of the sky enveloped the ring, which was stronger than it was in the first round.

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