Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2864: Battle of Two Women

"Hehe, I didn’t expect Ao Ge to hide so deeply. The prophet of the imperial palace said that this time the Ten Thousand Dragons Territory will be my dragon’s call for great prosperity. The younger generation of magic talent, really amazing!"

Holding the ruling spear in his hand, Ao Chen smiled.

"Yes, Ao Ge, this child is indeed extraordinary!"

"But I still think that alone can win the storm!"

The Lord of the Forbidden City is Tao.

"Oh!? Really!"

Ao Chen raised his eyebrows, "You have confidence in this human race."

"Haha, naturally, because I know that Dugu Stormtrooper is really powerful, and Prince Ao Chen will just look at it. He will definitely make you, and it will be amazing!"

The Lord of the Forbidden City smiled.

"Okay, then I'll wait and see!"

Ao Chen could also feel that this Longmen Conference was stronger and more exciting than every previous one.

At this time, the battle had broken out on the Wendao stage, and Na Ao Ge first attacked, and the earth-attribute magic in the sky condensed into mountains and fell towards Dugu stormy waves.

It still has the same magical powers as before, but this time the mountains are three thousand feet tall, especially magnificent.

Facing Aoge's method, the lonely lonely wave under the mountain smiled faintly, and when he raised his hand, he displayed the power of his origin, and the huge waves that pierced the sky swept out and hit the mountain.

The successive waves collided and produced loud noises.

But it really made the mountain really unable to descend.


In this scene, Ao Ge frowned slightly. Was his earth magic blocked like this?


Ao Ge gave a cold snort. The dragon bloodline opened up in an instant. Suddenly his body became more stalwart. Behind him appeared a huge figure like a dragon, causing the mountain to skyrocket to five thousand feet again, roaring and trembling, but still smashed drop.

However, at the moment when Ao Ge opened the dragon bloodline, the lonely stormy wave was not idle. He suddenly backhanded, and a gourd appeared in his palm. There were thousands of water waves in his hand. Among them, spewing out, blessing on his supernatural powers, made the sky-like huge waves roar even more.

The stormy waves, the mountains, and the sky above the sky, regret each other, but at a time, no one can do anything!

However, it seemed that he wasn't very satisfied with just blocking Ao Ge's magical powers of the mountains, and the lonely storm suddenly revealed an ice blue bow and arrow from his hand.

The longbow was held high, and in an instant, thousands of arrows pierced through the air at the same time, with extremely terrifying penetrating power, causing the mountain to tremble, and under the simultaneous impact of the turbulent waves, it began to crack every inch.

"So strong!

This scene caused many dragons to start exclaiming.

Isn’t the Terran relying on what is being displayed by this alone? ?

Overbearing magic weapons and weapons, as well as weird magical powers.

Now, even the magic of the dragon clan can't resist it.

All the dragon clan looked towards Ao Ge, how hopeful that this dragon clan with magic talent can justify the name of dragon clan magic.

I saw that the Ao Pavilion at this moment directly changed his body, transformed into the dragon clan body, and the three-thousand-meter-long dragon clan manifested and hovered on the ring.

The dragon clan manifested its body, and this was the last choice made when it was most important to whom.

Obviously, this Ao Ge was forced to a desperate situation.

However, after becoming the dragon clan body, Ao Ge did indeed become stronger again.

Its dragon chants shook the sky, and headed towards the Dugu stormy waves below, and then killed it.

Shocking the dragon like the sea, he is not afraid of water.

"Ha ha!"

But as if he had guessed that Ao Ge would use his body to fight against it, that Dugu Jingtao chuckled, and immediately raised his hand, the sky full of turbulent waves suddenly rolled back.

However, these turbulent waves, like the ocean, instantly condensed into a huge arrow, appearing on top of the head of Dugu turbulent waves.

With a long bow in his hand, he aimed directly at Ao Ge with the ten thousand zhang arrow turned into by the turbulent waves.

This magical power is so powerful that it can shoot through the sky.

Just the coercion of supernatural powers made Na Ao unable to bear it.

The sharpness of the arrows of the water system swept across the mountain, and the dragons who watched the battle took a deep breath.

The strength of this alone and stormy waves is really beyond imagination.

It seems that it is even more stunning than the previous talents in Shenglong City.

Human Race, is it really that powerful already?

"Master Aoge, give up, if my arrow shoots out, I'm afraid you will get hurt!"

The arrow aimed at Ao Ge, but the lonely surging waves did not inspire magical powers.

Locked by the power of Dugu Shocking Waves, Ao Ge's divine body hovered above the sky.

He knows that even if he fights desperately, he can't help the opponent.

The result is nothing more than losing both.

"Okay, you won!"

Ao Ge's figure collapsed and turned into a human form, slowly falling from the sky.

And that Dugu stormy waves also took advantage of the trend and put away his magical powers.


When the voice fell, I was alone in the storm and retreated.

Ao Ge exclaimed and surrendered.

Then he is like this, he also loses the qualification to get the Zulong Pill.

Many people looked at the Dugu stormy waves. In this battle, he won easily, his breath was calm, and there was not a trace of fluctuations, and he was obviously comfortable.

The strength of the human race, now, they have finally seen it.

Dragon magic is not good.

"It's another terrible existence." Many people secretly said in their hearts that the beginning of this second round was so wonderful, then what's next?

"Wolong City, please challenge again!"

Because Wolong City chose to take the lead in the battle.

So, the second one is naturally to play in Wolong City.

As for Wolong City, now only the dragon clan is left, and Ao Hua is missing.

Compared with Ao Ge, it seems that Ao Huaque is a lot weaker.

"I challenge, the Forbidden City!"

However, when Ao Huaque stood on the ring and spoke, Ao Tianyan frowned again in the direction of the Forbidden City.

Why, this Wolong City is aimed at yourself?

That Aoge, that's all, now even this Ao Huaque dare to challenge the Forbidden City?

"Ao Ge, what do you mean!? Is it possible that you and Shenglong City are united?"

Ao Tianyan's pupils shrank slightly and said coldly.

"Hehe, that's not true. We want to challenge the Forbidden City. We discussed it before coming here."

Ao Ge shook his head, and did not see Ao Tianyan's anger in his eyes.

"Well, if that's the case, then I won't be polite to you!"

"Sister Xue, this time, come on!"

Ao Tianyan said.


Aoshuang came out and flew down on the ring.

After a while, the surroundings began to talk.

Because, both Ao Huaque and Ao Xue are rare beauties in the dragon clan nowadays.

The two beauties stood on the ring at the same time, even if there was no war, it was extremely pleasing to the eye.

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