Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2907: Dragon Princess Melaleuca Sacred Fire

Is a very strange person.

And what kind of identity this mysterious existence was, how could it suddenly appear in front of Ling Tian, ​​and, apparently, it seemed to be Ling Tian's helper! ?

"No, it's impossible!"

"You, you turned out to be the princess of the Dragon Clan!"

"You, you actually returned to the fairy world!"

At the moment that figure appeared, Kuroshio's face changed drastically again.

As the most powerful warrior under Ao Qingchen, Kuroshio naturally knew the secret of this swift dragon clan.

Although he did not participate in the plan for the Jilong clan back then.

But he also knew that the reason why Ao Qingchen was able to become Emperor Wu was because he had swallowed the blood of the Jilong clan.

Therefore, between the Jilong clan and Ao Qingchen, that is an endless hatred.

"Hehehe, it seems that the reputation of the dragon clan has not been forgotten by the dragon clan."

In front of Ling Tian, ​​the mysterious woman held her hand with her long gray hair moving in the wind.

But because his whole body was shrouded in the light of the dragon's blood, even Ling Tian could not completely see the true appearance of the dragon princess.

"Senior Long Long!"

Kuroshio's eyes turned, and he bowed to the dragon dragon ball to salute.

Indeed, whether it is cultivation base or bloodline, Jilong is considered to be the predecessor of the Kuroshio.

"Senior, I know the hatred between you and Wudi Ao Qingchen, so you and I are not enemies."

"Now, my goal is to completely destroy Ao Qingchen's shadow of the emperor, so that he can never return to the immortal world."

"Your purpose is the same as mine."

"We can join hands to rule the entire dragon clan."

Kuroshio Road.


However, Princess Jilong smiled to the sky.

This made Kuroshio's face startled, and his heart became anxious.

"Joining hands with you?"

"Who do you think you are!"

"It's just the waste of Ao Qingchen's nest of snakes and rats. Letting you rule the dragon clan is a disaster for the dragon clan!"

Princess Jilong sneered, "Besides, you still made a mistake. The hatred between me and Ao Qingchen is indeed different, but I still want to take revenge by destroying the shadow of the emperor!"

"I hope he can come back, I want to fight a fair fight with Ao Qingchen!"

"And you are just a traitor and scum of the Dragon Race!"

"There is only a dead end waiting for you!"

The voice fell, from the pale divine glory of the dragon blood, the dragon dragon ball slowly raised his hand.

Locked by Princess Kailong's spirit, Kuroshio stepped back several steps.

She was trembling all over.

This Princess Jilong was once able to fight Wudi Ao Qingchen.

Today, although it is still not the Emperor Wu.

But it must definitely be above the general dragon quasi-emperor.

If all his clones were present, he hadn't been seriously injured by Tianfeng.

Maybe it can be a battle.

But now, he admits that he is definitely not the opponent of Princess Jilong!

"No, no, you can ruin my plan!"

Kuroshio was furious, raised the Kuroshio sword in his hand, and killed it.

He understands that he has no choice but to fight desperately!

"Stupid things, relying on you, still want to control the entire dragon clan?"

The dragon sneered, and accompanied by the sound of a terrifying dragon chant, a phantom as high as 30,000 feet appeared on the Qingchen Mountain.

Everyone looked up and suddenly discovered that the phantom had these three heads astonishingly hideous!

Such dragons, Long Xuan and others have never seen it before.

"Is this the legendary dragon, it's terrifying!"

Xiaolongnv and the dragons couldn't help swallowing.

When the dragon returned, his aura was too strong.


And Princess Koryu completely manifested the aura, and without waiting for the Kuroshio to react, she waved her big hand to take the Kuroshio away from the imperial palace.

The fight between the two was enough to destroy the entire imperial palace.

Therefore, she chose to create another battlefield.

"Save Lingtian!"

Seeing the dragon and Kuroshio leave, everyone rushed over.

Ling Tian is still in the cracks of Qingchen Mountain.

"Ling Tian, ​​are you okay!"

Long Xuan took Ling Tian out.

But now Ling Tian was covered in blood and his flesh was cracked.

It's dying already.

It is a miracle to be able to withstand Kuroshio's magical powers many times without dying.

"Haha, it's okay, don't worry, my life is very hard, you don't know that you can't die."

Ling Tian gave a sorrowful laugh.

"Bring Ling Tian back to Dragon Ball Space!"

The Nine Dragon Pearl Space.

It is relatively safer here, now Ling Tian is at the end of the battle, and there is no room for accidents.

And for insurance, after entering the Dragon Ball Space, Liu Yiyi and Kui Cailin sent Ling Tian back to Taoyuan.

Entering Taoyuan is the real safety.

"Don't worry, Ling Tian can't die!"

Just after Kui Cailin carried Ling Tian into Taoyuan, Tao Yaoyao stepped forward and stuffed Ling Tian with a pill.

"But Ling Tian looks like this, when will he be healed!?"

Liu Yiyi frowned and looked at Liuyao and Yaoyao, "Do you have a way, right?"

"Naturally there is."

"Although Ling Tian's injuries are serious, the chance is also ready for him."

Liu Yao pointed to the bronze coffin under the peach tree.

"This is the coffin in the grave of Emperor Qingxiao, you can put him in!"

"Coffin?" Although Liu Yiyi and Kui Cailin were puzzled, they also knew that Senior Liu Yao's words must make sense.

The bronze bone coffin was closed inside Ling Tian as if it were a coffin, and then Xiaoqing carried it into the Pagoda of Four Elephants.

"I hope Ling Tian will get better soon."

Kwai Cailin and others, standing in front of the Four Elephant Pagoda, whispered.

It was really the first time she saw Ling Tian suffered such a serious injury.

"Don't worry, not only will Ling Tian have no problems, after this time, he will also increase his combat power to the next level!"

Liuyao and Aman looked at each other and smiled.

After all, I’ve been to the Emperor’s Suspicious Tomb. How could there be less chance?

Four Elephant Pagoda, in the ancient coffin of Qinglong.

Ling Tian now had the strength to raise his hand.

It's all gone.

However, he slowly opened his eyes, only to find that there was a dark chaotic space in front of him.

Is this inside the coffin?

"Tianfeng!? Senior Tianfeng!"

Suddenly, Ling Tian's face brightened, and in this dark chaos, he unexpectedly found a figure.

The figure, not far from him, was looking at him with a smile.

"Ling Tian, ​​we meet again."

Tianfeng Zhundi smiled slightly.

"Senior Tianfeng, are you still alive?"

Ling Tian asked.

"No, I am indeed dead. Moreover, my body and spirit are extinguished, and I will not enter into reincarnation. From then on, there will be no heavenly wind in this world."

However, Emperor Feng Zhun shook his head that day.

However, between his talk and laugh, there is no trace of sorrow.

"What you see now is just a divine mind that I left in the coffin in advance."

"Soon, this divine mind will also disappear!"

"Okay, it's a pity." Ling Tian sighed.

Tianfeng Zhundi, it can be said that he gave everything for the dragon clan, and the fall of such a Zhundi is really embarrassing.

"It's okay. Although I fell, my mission was completed. The Kuroshio was destroyed and the dragon clan continued. Even if it caused me to die tens of millions of times, I was willing to do so."

"But you, after all, are not the descendants of my dragon race, so let you almost fall with you, Tianfeng, I am really ashamed."

"Now, within this coffin is the opportunity that Emperor Wu Qingchen Ao Qingchen has prepared for you."

"This kind of opportunity not only allows you to heal from your injury, but also allows your cultivation base and combat power to rise to the next level."

"This can be regarded as compensation and thanks to you from my dragon clan."

After Tianfeng said, a bright candlelight suddenly appeared in the darkness.

The candlelight seemed to be infinitely far away, and the light was faint, but Ling Tian was clearly able to see the candlelight, there were thousands of layers!

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