Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2908: Ying Long's First Candle


Ling Tian's heart trembled!

Tinder Melaleuca, isn't this something Shenhuo can possess! ?

Divine Mind moved slightly, the candle flame seemed to be attracted, and it was getting closer and closer in Ling Tian's line of sight.

In the dark space, it is getting brighter and the temperature is getting higher and higher.

In the end, Ling Tian seemed to be in the fire.

However, although the temperature of this flame was horrifyingly hot, Ling Tian couldn't feel any pain.

In the sea of ​​flames, Ling Tian saw a woman wearing a light blue flame armor, smiling at him with her hand held down.

"Ling Tian, ​​this is the kind of fire that I have found for thousands of years in Tianfeng."

"Yingtian Candle!"

Emperor Zhun Tianfeng carried an arrogant expression on his face, "I found it in a realm beyond the sky a thousand years ago."

"At that time, this Yingtian Candle was only 999th floor, but after a thousand years, she mutated into a layer of immortal fire and became a thousand-layer. Although she was not among the sacred fires of the Ten Thousand Fire Ranking. But the reality of Melaleuca Fire is enough to make her comparable to Shenhuo."

"And this is my first chance for you, Tianfeng!"

"You are born with a fire sign. Although I don't know what kind of magical technique you are practicing, this technique requires a powerful immortal fire. I can see that."

Ling Tian was overjoyed when he heard this.

Indeed, now his cultivation base has been stuck under the top Immortal King, and now he has not been able to break through the Immortal Venerable.

And once he breaks through the realm of Dao Xianzun, then his combat power will skyrocket again.

"But don't worry."

Tianfeng looked at the excitement on Ling Tian's face, and said: "Your current physical body cannot carry the power of this fairy fire."

"This dragon blood is also prepared for you."

After that, Tianfeng raised his hand, and suddenly a river of blood poured in in the sea of ​​flames, directly wrapping Ling Tian.

"Ying Long's blood!? Senior, you!"

Ling Tian exclaimed.

In this river of blood, there is actually Yinglong's blood.

"Don't be surprised, I am the ancient Yinglong, and my Yinglong clan is not unparalleled."

"Do you remember Ao Bing?"

"Ao Bing? That little green dragon?" Ling Tian raised his eyebrows in the blood river.

A long time ago, Ling Tian did rescue a little blue dragon, and later, he had a relationship with Ao Bing.

Unexpectedly, Ao Bing has become Yinglong?

"Yes, he has indeed returned to his ancestors, after becoming my Yinglong, but his cultivation is still weak, so he did not participate in this storm."

"And the blood of Yinglong has been saved by me for thousands of years. You can absorb it!"

Tianfeng smiled.

"Okay, if that's the case, the juniors will laugh at it!"

Ling Tian's body is now destroyed, and he really needs Yinglong's blood.

Once refined into Yinglong Transformation, then his physical body will be completely healed.

The body of Yinglong is safer to absorb the Candle of Yingtian.

Therefore, in the coffin, Ling Tian directly operated the nine real dragons.

At this moment, Ling Tian's entire physical body turned into a whirlpool, absorbing the blood of Ying Long crazily.

"Haha, good, very good."

"So, the blood of Xianhuo and Yinglong, I have delivered."

"That can also fall peacefully."

Tianfeng Zhundi's divine mind gradually dissipated in a smile.

"Senior Tianfeng, this junior has one more thing to ask!"

In the blood river, Ling Tian asked while absorbing the dragon blood.


"Wu Emperor Ao Qingchen, what kind of dragon is he?"

"I mean, is he a kind person!? What did he really do to the princess of the dragon clan back then?"

This is what Ling Tian has always wanted to ask.

Because before coming to the imperial palace, Ling Tian's impression of Ao Qingchen was not very good.

"Emperor Qingchen Wu, is it a generation of heroes."

Tianfeng groaned, and then smiled: "Although Qingchen Wudi did not live upright, but without him, the battle of ten thousand years ago, my dragon clan would not continue to grow."

"Moreover, back then, he also fought side by side with the human race and resisted the dark demons."

"However, Emperor Qingchen Wu probably won't return to the immortal world again, so you don't have to worry about it in your heart."

"In this coffin, there is also the opportunity that Emperor Wu left for you, wait until you absorb the blood of Yinglong and the candle of Yingtian, and then look at it."

"It will be indefinitely later."

After all, in the light laughter, Tianfeng Zhundi's divine mind completely dissipated.

"Senior Tianfeng, go all the way!"

Ling Tian took a deep breath, and could only mourn in his heart, this quasi-emperor who gave everything for the dragon clan.

Seven days later, Ling Tian absorbed and refined Yinglong's blood and Yingtian's candle into his body.

Although the aura in the body has not yet recovered to its peak state, it is much stronger than before.

Ling Tian lay in the coffin, his eyes were still dim.

Before Tianfeng Zhundi said, this coffin is the chance left by Ao Qingchen.

Could it be that Ao Qingchen really didn't take away the treasure in the suspicious grave back then! ?

Sure enough, when Ling Tian stared into the darkness, suddenly nine spots of light appeared in his sight.

In the dark world, these nine light spots are like nine stars twinkling in the night sky.

Moreover, it is getting brighter and brighter and more dazzling.

"Nine Dragon Pearl?!"

When the nine stars became more visible, Ling Tian discovered that these nine stars had their own different colors, and these colors corresponded to the nine dragon **** that Ling Tian had ever seen!

Emperor Wu, Ao Qingchen, once used Nine Dragon Pearls to forge the Ten Thousand Dragons and Qingchen Formations to protect his emperor's shadow.

Could it be that this dragon ball was once obtained from the emperor's suspicious grave! ?

At this time, the light of the nine stars had already appeared in front of Ling Tian.

The nine dragon **** revolve around each other, and their trajectories are mysterious, but they seem to have this certain pattern, which is extremely profound.

Ling Tian raised his hand and pointed his finger on the middle Nine Dragon Pearl Star.


In an instant, the nine dragon **** burst into light, and then they turned into a shadow of a dragon that Ling Tian had never seen before, hovering in the dark night.

Finally, according to the shadow of the dragon, it collapsed and turned into a few big characters.

Jiuyao Shenlong Jue!

"This turned out to be a technique!"

One, the exercises hidden in the Nine Dragon Pearl.

Not only that, but the name of this technique sounds a bit similar to True Dragon Nine Changes.

But Ling Tian tried to see the content of this exercise, only to find that it was hazy.

Can't see clearly.

This exercise was not prepared for him.

Moreover, Ling Tian's True Dragon Nine Transformations had just been more than half of his cultivation, and even if he had obtained this so-called Nine Lights Dragon Jue, he had no time to practice.

Could it be that in this suspicion of the Great Emperor Qingxiao, he has nothing to gain! ?

Ling Tian was a little disappointed.


However, at this moment, a blue light, tearing through the darkness, came directly to Ling Tian.

Ling Tian's pupils shrank and suddenly raised his hand, grabbing the blue light in his hand.

Then, Ling Tian was startled.

This cyan light actually said a piece of bronze!

Amazingly, it is part of the Six-Yao Ding Gai!

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