Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2909: Swiftly soliciting

"Six Yaoding's fragments!"

Ling Tian was overjoyed, the last fragment was obtained from the demon grave of the demon clan.

Now, this fragment is the third piece.

Although this time the Emperor Suspicious Tomb only allowed Ling Tian to obtain the locks of the Nine Yao Shenlong Jue and Liu Yao Ding, it was not a small gain, Ling Tian, Very satisfied.

Putting away the shards of Liuyao Ding, suddenly got up and pushed open the cover of the bronze coffin.

"Ling Tian, ​​are you awake?!"

Just starting from the coffin, Liu Yiyi and Kui Cailin surrounded them.

But these days I worry them badly.

"Haha, it's okay, how long did I sleep this time?"

Ling Tian jumped out of the coffin.

It was the first time that he had been lying in a coffin for so long.

"It didn't take long, it was only a month outside."

Kwai Cai Lin Road.

"What!? One month!?"

Ling Tian exclaimed, how he felt in the coffin, it was only a few days.

It’s been a month outside, but it’s a hundred months inside, almost ten years!

"Well, you are so badly injured, and you can recover in a month, so it's fast."

Kwai Cai Lin Road.

"Hurry up, I don't have so much time to waste.

Ling Tian shook his head, brought Liu Yiyi and Kwai Cailin, out of the Four Elephant Pagoda.

And outside the Four Elephant Pagoda, Liuyao, Tao Yaoyao and others are there.

"Yes, it seems that Emperor Feng Zhun did not treat you badly this day."

Seeing Ling Tian coming out, Liu Yao smiled slightly.

Kui Cailin and Liu Yiyi also discovered at this time that Ling Tian is now very different from before in terms of aura and temperament.

"Well, you can cross the catastrophe and become a fairy at any time."

Ling Tian nodded.

Now, his Yingtian Candle has just been refined by a third.

But the cultivation base has reached the bottleneck of the immortal king realm.

Because within the coffin, it was impossible to overcome the catastrophe, Ling Tian could only stop refining the divine fire.

"By the way, senior, here I found another cauldron fragment."

Ling Tian handed over the fragment from the coffin.

However, the Liuyao was compared with the two fragments in his hand, and finally he shook his head, "It is still impossible to inlay each other, but I can now be sure that the lid of my cauldron is divided into six parts. If I can find the next one, Three of them can be inlaid together.

"At that time, Liuyao Ding, even if I have half of the cover, by then, my combat power will rise to the next level."

"Okay, I know it."

Ling Tian nodded and left Taoyuan with the two girls.

Ling Tian was injured and entered the space of the Nine Dragon Pearl. After that, Princess Jilong arrived and did not return to Taoyuan. Instead, he practiced outside the secret room where the Nine Dragon Pearl was placed.

Long Xuan and others were also completely relieved.

Because, obviously Princess Jilong, this is protecting Ling Tian.

With such a strong protection, unless a tyrannical existence of the Emperor Wu level descends to the Qingchen Emperor Palace, no one can harm Ling Tian.

When Ling Tian walked out of the dragon ball, he saw the human form formed by the dragon princess.

At this time, Princess Jilong was gone, without the dazzling dragon spirit before, Ling Tian was also the first time to see the appearance of this princess.

It was different from any dragon beauty that Ling Tian had seen before.

This Princess Jilong looked white-haired, and her face did not seem to have the slightest blood. It looked like a sickness.

But in this morbid state, Ling Tian felt a different kind of beauty.

Especially attractive.

"Junior Human Race Ling Tian, ​​thank you Senior!"

He knew that Jilong was practicing here to protect him.

Moreover, it would not be easy for Ling Tian to escape under the black tide if there was no princess Jilong appeared before.

"No, if you hadn't rescued me from Lei Ze's sea before, I wouldn't have recovered so quickly."

"Also, thank you for the water system in the Taoyuan."

Princess Jilong got up.

"My name is Ao Shuyi, you can call me Shuyi Zhundi!"

Ling Tian arched his hands, "Emperor Shuyi...the dark tide..."

"Dead." Princess Jilong threw a black giant sword over, "I think the quality of this giant sword is not bad, you can accept it."

"Thank you senior for the treasure!"

Ling Tian took the Dark Tide Giant Sword over, and his face was happy.

This thing is a genuine quasi-emperor weapon, second only to the existence of the imperial weapon.

He has been nurtured by the Kuroshio for nearly ten thousand years, and his combat power is extremely strong.

Now Ling Tian's cultivation base and physical body have both gained leaps and bounds, but the Dragon Slashing Sword can't keep up.

Although Xiao Lei absorbed a large amount of dragon souls in the dragon tomb, it is now powerful enough in the weapon souls, but the material of the sword body is limited.

Now that there is this Kuroshio Sword, there is hope for the upgrade of the Dragon Slashing Sword.

"Ling Tian, ​​I need to talk to you alone."

Suddenly, Princess Jilong looked at Kui Cailin and Liu Yiyi beside Ling Tian.

"You talk to senior."

The two women hurriedly left with interest.

Princess Jilong is the strongest among the quasi-emperors, and it is enough to say so.

After Liu Yiyi and the two women left, Ling Tian touched his nose and said, "Senior, do you have anything to ask?"

"You don't need to be nervous, I just want to ask you about your future and where you are going."

Princess Jilong asked.

"Senior, what do you mean!? Junior, I don't understand very much."

Ling Tian frowned.

"I can see that your current combat power is much stronger than before. So, what are your plans in the future, if you don't return to the Human Race, you can stay in my Ten Thousand Dragon Domain and help me take charge of the Dragon Race."

Princess Jilong smiled.

However, this made Ling Tian startled.

Princess Jilong personally recruited, this was really Ling Tian, ​​unexpected.

However, Ling Tian didn't think much about Princess Long's invitation, so he shook his head, "Senior, Ling Tian, ​​this time, I'm afraid that I will refuse, Han Chinese, Ling Tian, ​​I must return. ."

"Now, the crisis of the dragon race has been lifted, but my human race has reached the edge of the abyss."

After another month of delay in the imperial palace, the territory of the Han people is now at stake.

"Haha, it's okay, I also know that you won't stay in the dragon clan, this time, it's just a question."

Princess Jilong nodded. Although Ling Tian refused, there was no annoyance on her face.

"However, you don't have to worry too much. I know that you have been able to win over all the major ethnic groups since your journey. I am afraid that this time the Hui people are also confident."

"Moreover, this time you helped me the dragon clan, as the current dragon clan lord, I will also help you."

Ling Tian was overjoyed when he heard this.

The dragon clan is the strong clan in this immortal world.

If the Dragon Race can participate in the war, then at least it seems that the Dark Demon Race will not be a concern.

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