Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2910: Dragon Race Sixth Chapter

"Although I want to sit in the imperial palace and cannot follow you personally, I will pick a Tianjiao from the dragon clan to command the dragon clan army and follow you."

"Who do you think is the most suitable?"

Princess Jilong asked with a smile.

Ling Tian didn't even think about it, "Long Xuan!"

This is not Ling Tian's selfishness. Among the Dragon Clan, the only one left is Princess Dragon Dragon. Among Tianjiao, whether it is bloodline, cultivation base or combat power, Long Xuan is second to none.

Ling Tian couldn't think of anyone else who could rival Long Xuan.

"Tianyao Dragon Clan, in terms of blood, it's not bad."

Princess Jilong groaned. Obviously, she had already had a candidate in her mind.

"By the way, senior, the junior has one more thing, I want to ask."

Ling Tian asked suddenly.

"Don't be polite with me, as long as I know it, I will tell you."

Princess Jilong raised her eyebrows and didn't care much.

"Senior, have you heard of the Nine Lights Dragon?"

Ling Tian spoke.

Ling Tian had just heard of this nine dazzling dragon.

However, based on Lingtian's current knowledge of the dragon clan, he couldn't explore the secrets of this nine dazzling dragon.

As an ancient branch of the dragon clan, the Dragon Clan is itself a nine-day dragon-level existence, and Princess Dragon is a powerhouse with Wudi Ao Qingchen for a period of time.

For the understanding of the Dragon Clan, no one should be better than her now.

"What!? Jiuyao Shenlong!?"

Sure enough, after hearing this, the face of Princess Jilong changed drastically.

As if he had heard something incredible, Ling Tian had never seen it before.

You know, the dragon is the quasi emperor, and the blood is in the dragon clan today, no one can match.

It is possible to make her so gaffe, one can imagine how much this so-called Nine Lights Dragon exists.

"Where did you learn about Jiuyao Shenlong?"

After a moment of astonishment, Princess Jilong's face suddenly became cold, and she asked urgently.

"In the coffin of Emperor Qingxiao's suspicion."

"That's a technique, Jiuyao Shenlong Jue!"

Ling Tian pursed his lips, and did not hide from Princess Jilong.

"It turns out to be a exercise technique, but it makes sense."

Princess Jilong held her hand and thought for a while; "You should know that my dragon family has a total of seven ranks, and Ao Qingchen's nine-day dragon family is the first rank of the fifth rank.

"On top of that, there are fifth-tier ninth-tier dragon races. These dragon races, without exception, are the seeds of emperor dragons, that is, the blood of the dragon race that can become Emperor Wu."

"But now, the immortal world is not as good as the ancients. Even if the dragon is so powerful, the bloodline is withered and pitiful. Not to mention the other emperor species, even the bloodline of the Nine Heavens Divine Dragon clan of Ao Qingchen has disappeared in the dragon clan."

"As for the Jiuyao Shenlong you are talking about, it is the bloodline of the dragon in the ancient legends. This bloodline must be more noble. It is the sixth rank of the dragon family, a branch of the primordial dragon family!"

"At least, I have never seen this kind of bloodline appear, and the sixth-grade dragon bloodline can't be obtained by returning bloodline to the ancestors at all."

"I don't need to say more about the degree of cherishment."

"Dragon Clan Sixth Rank, Primordial Dragon Clan!?" Sure enough, even Ling Tian's current vision, after learning the secret of Jiuyao Shenlong, couldn't help taking a breath.

The primordial dragon clan, this kind of clan, but the bloodline that only appeared in the ancient times, and even in the ancient times.

Now, Ling Tian got it from the coffin, although it was only the exercise technique of the Nine Yao Shenlong Jue, but it was enough to prove that the grade and power of this exercise technique was strong.

Definitely exceeded his previous expectations.

"You mean, you got this technique from the coffin of the Great Emperor?" Princess Jilong asked again.

"Yes, it is, and Tianfeng Zhundi said that Emperor Wudi Ao Qingchen had come back then, but he didn't take this technique away, but kept it as a reward for me."

Ling Tian nodded.

"Hehe, reward?"

"Ao Qingchen, a generation of Emperor Wu, can he have such kindness? Back then, he used all means to become Emperor Wu."

"If he hadn't been the Emperor Wu when he discovered this inheritance, and he couldn't cultivate this Nine Radiance Shenlong Jue at all, do you think he would leave it to you?"

"Don't even think about it!"

Princess Jilong sneered.

Ling Tian opened his mouth. He didn't understand Wudi Ao Qingchen, and now he couldn't say anything.

But obviously, ten thousand years have passed, and this princess Jilong still did not forgive Ao Qingchen.

"Ao Qingchen was already Emperor Wu back then. Even if he wanted to cultivate this Nine Glory God Dragon Art, it was impossible."

"Furthermore, the Jiuyao Shenlong Jue, I have also seen records in ancient books, this class of exercises is definitely the top level of my dragon clan."

"It's also the only one that can allow the Dragon Race to cultivate into the Nine Lights Dragon!"

Princess Jilong took a long breath.

At this time, Ling Tian finally understood the preciousness of this Nine Lights God Dragon Decision.

Able to make the dragons become the nine-yao **** dragon! ?

Isn't this going against the sky?

"Senior, but the Nine Glory God Dragon Art that I saw in the coffin has only five characters, so I can't see the full picture of its inner strength at all."

Ling Tian frowned again.

"I can't help anymore. I only know so much about the Jiuyao Shenlong Art."

"Haha, but, you have to be fortunate, this kind of exercises, when you reach the realm of quasi emperor, you can't cultivate."

"Moreover, the lower the cultivation base, the higher the chance of successful cultivation, otherwise, I will definitely kill you, and then grab this technique!"

There was a smile on Princess Long's face.

"Hehe, seniors can really laugh."

Ling Tian scratched his head and secretly said something dangerous.

If Princess Long wanted to move him, then Ling Tian would not be an opponent even if his combat power had risen sharply.

"Okay, I have nothing more to do. Since you recommended that Long Xuan, then I immediately make an order to let Long Xuan, command the Tianyao Dragon Clan, and the Dragon Clan army of the four dragons in the Eight Dragon Gates, follow you to the Dahan, Help you!"

Princess Jilong looked at Ling Tian's embarrassed look, smiled swiftly, and then raised her hand.

"Junior, thank you senior for your kindness!"

After all, Ling Tian left in a hurry.

Can't let this dragon princess repent.

Tianyao Dragon Clan and the Dragon Clan armies of the Four Dragon Gates, this level of combat power can be regarded as the elite of the Dragon Clan.

Let alone the quantity, once the dragon army arrives on the human battlefield, it is definitely a trump card that can control the battlefield situation!

"Haha, Ling Tian..."

Seeing Ling Tian's fading figure, Princess Jilong shook her head, and the figure behind also disappeared in front of the secret room.

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