Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2937: Tai Chi Studies Chapter �

Ok! ?

Ling Tian's eyes flickered, and suddenly he found that there was a jade slip on the stone not far away.

Ling Tian stretched out his hand and took the jade slip in his hand.

It was surprisingly discovered that there were no words on the jade slips, only totems, and that totem was surprisingly unique to Emperor Qingxiao's Suspicious Tomb.

Even Ling Tian on this jade slip could smell the breath of the Wuhun of the primordial primordial primordial spirit and the scent of Vientiane that was once so familiar!

"Bai Qi!?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, his heart moved, and then his spiritual mind cracked the jade slip.

A ray of light burst out from the jade slip.

"Hehe, long time no see."

The figure in the light was very hazy, but Ling Tian was still faint and able to see clearly, that was the Bai Qi he had seen in the coffin of the emperor before.

This half-man and half-devil guy.

As the quasi-emperor who once had the power of the Great Qin Dynasty, Bai Qi's combat power is almost comparable to Emperor Wu.

"Haha, Senior Bai Qi, haven't seen you for a long time."

"I want to come, all of this is yours."

Ling Tian's thoughts were transparent, and seeing Bai Qi appearing, he could guess that he must be in the Dark Demon Race and had a firm foothold.

And this dark demon clan suddenly let the Moji Palace come out of the nest, such a sudden move should also be Bai Qi's credit.

"Hahaha, it's nothing more than a small magic palace, it's a meeting gift from me."

Bai Qi laughed and said: "The other purpose of my coming here is to tell you something."

"This matter is very important to you, or to your human race."

"Oh!? What's the matter?" Ling Tian frowned.

Bai Qi is now returning to the Dark Demon Race, naturally for the purpose of undercover.

His identity is very important, and now at this critical moment, coming to pass news to him, it is enough to see how important it is to disappear.

"Fifty years later, the Celestial Clan will open an unprecedented battlefield outside the territory, called the Lingxu Battlefield."

"What is the battlefield outside the territory, you should already know it now, I don't need to introduce it."

"By then, almost all the Tianjiao from the fairy world will gather in Xiling City of the Celestial Clan to compete for the first batch of qualifications to enter the extraterritorial battlefield."

"In addition, what I want to tell you is that there is a secret about your life experience in that extraterritorial battlefield."

"What!? The Celestial Clan wants to open an extraterritorial battlefield?" Ling Tian was shocked when he heard this.

He was indeed just in the Yao and Dragon races, and knew some news about the battlefield outside the territory.

But I never thought that if the Celestial Clan wanted to be here, it would take the initiative to share the battlefield outside the territory! ?

Moreover, in the extraterritorial battlefield, there are secrets about yourself! ?

This really made Ling Tian never thought about it.

"Yes, fifty years is not long for you now."

"The entire Tianjiao of Xianzhou will also soon. Knowing this news, I can only say that only the quasi-emperor-level combat power will have the opportunity to compete for the spot."

"You have to hurry up."

After Bai Qi finished speaking, his figure gradually faded and was about to disappear.

"Ling Tian, ​​you remember, ten thousand years later, the golden age has already begun, and how the future of the immortal world will go is still in our hands."

After all, the phantom collapsed and Bai Qi disappeared.

"Lingxu Battlefield..."

Ling Tian pursed his lips, and Ling Tian naturally wanted to go to the battlefield outside the territory.

What's more, Bai Qi said that there was still a secret about him in the Lingxu battlefield, which made Ling Tian not to be missed.

Ten thousand steps back and said, even if it is not so, he has no reason not to go to this grand gathering where all the races of the immortal world will gather.

When Ling Tian returned to the Yumen Pass battlefield, the battlefield was nearing its end, and the tens of thousands of dark demons fleeing in all directions, but only death awaited them.

The battle in front of Yumen lasted for half a month.

Under the hunting of the human race, in the end, the tens of thousands of dark demon tribe's army was chased and killed.

At this point, the battle of Yumen Pass came to an end.

This battle once again caused a sensation in the entire fairy world.

It was because of how fierce this battle was, but because it ended too suddenly. Under the leadership of Moji Palace, the army of tens of millions of demons did not even break through Yumen Pass.

Even in the end, Jin Wushu, the first demon commander of the Dark Demon Race, appeared, but he still had no choice but to Ling Tian.

The gods of the Tianzi generation who have never reappeared in the world for nearly ten thousand years will hear the sky more and will reappear.

Moreover, when he appeared, he reached Yumen Pass and blocked the Jinwu technique!

This made the battle at Yumen Pass even more confusing and mysterious.

After this battle, the warriors of the immortal world finally knew that in the time when Ling Tian disappeared, he had crossed tens of millions of miles in the immortal world, and the unification of the human race helped the dragon race to quell a rebellion and obtained The strong support of the dragon clan.

This allowed the big man who had many powerful players to join and was in control of the quasi-imperial fighting force, completely gaining a foothold.

From today on, there will be no more warriors who will easily discriminate against human race.

Dahan Capital City, Luoyang.

After the war, the powerhouses of all races returned one after another.

Ling Nian, Long Meier, Little Dragon Girl, and Lin Yanyan and Liu Yiyi who had left the customs are also reminiscing about the past.

Especially Ling Nian and Long Mei'er, the couple have been separated by thousands of miles since their ascension. Today, they are finally able to reunite.

Luoyang Palace, in the imperial garden.

Ling Tian stood under the pavilion and looked at the sparkling light in front of him. Behind him, the Patriarchs of the Hidden Family, Shen Congfeng of the Ascending Alliance, and Dahan Xianchao Pavilion Old Dugu Hanshan and others stood solemnly.

"Study Palace?"

"Why did your Majesty suddenly want to establish a school?"

Under the pavilion, Lin Yanyan's adoptive father Lin Feiyun suddenly said.

Now, he is also the minister of the Pillar Kingdom of the Great Han Dynasty.

The others also frowned slightly.

Dahan just won a big victory before Yumen Pass, and now the human luck is at its peak, unprecedented.

But Ling Tian suddenly wanted to establish an academy. So, did he begin to train the disciples of the descendants of the human race?

Isn't it right? Taking advantage of the momentum of the victory, continue to conquer the dark demons and retake the territories once lost by the human race! ?

"Establishing a school is a decision I made after careful consideration."

Ling Tian turned around and looked at the many powerhouses behind him, "Because, I decided to stop fighting for the next 50 years, big man!"

"What, fifty years of fighting!?"

"Lord, why is this!?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

The strength of the human race has been unique in thousands of years.

The human race in the fairy world was almost unified by Ling Tian.

Why did the war suddenly stop! ?

After 50 years of fighting, the human luck has withered.

"Everyone, don't worry, I made this decision, of course it makes sense."

"Actually, it's not that I want to stop fighting for fifty years, but that in the fifty years from now, there will be no wars among the various races in the fairy world."

"The golden age has begun again. After fifty years, the Celestial Clan will open an extraterritorial battlefield, the spiritual ruins."

"All the arrogances of my generation will prepare for the battlefield outside the territory. The time is fifty years."

"In fifty years, I will completely retreat."

"But the younger generations are the foundation of my human race. Only when Tianjiao emerges endlessly, can my human race have hope and be completely rejuvenated."

"So, I want to build a school!"

"I want my disciple of the human race to be the wings of the country, like the prosperous forest."

"In that case, what is the name of the school that your majesty saw?" Dugu Hanshan asked.

"The name of the palace, Tai Chi."

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